Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Reagan Insider: How The GOP (Republicans) Destroyed The United States

From one of our favorites, Paul Farrell. If you don't love Paul, truth seeking is not in your vocabulary. Why people will still defend either Washington Dummycrats or Republikaaners, given how corrupt they both are and how they both made a mockery of democracy, is beyond me. But that's what the parties want. To embroil society in their petty political games rather than to wake up and realize both parties are corrupt and need to be booted. It's the age-old elitist game of keeping the masses embroiled in petty arguments while they maintain their illegitimacy. And the mainstream media is their conduit for their endless stupidity.

Did you know the Republican party was the first to embrace collective bargaining of Americans working in slavish conditions? Did you know the Republican party ended slavery? The Republican party was proud of policy that resulted in the highest wages in the world for working-class Americans? They sought the expansion of health care benefits? The Republican party supported limited federalism and responsible government? The expansion of Social Security? Policy which helped older workers and minorities fight discrimination in their search for employment? They had an active environmental policy? A balanced budget under the guise of supporting these ideals? And more? In fact, did you know the Republican party was the first progressive party? Lies you say! Read a book and get your nose out of the lies we call television. Don't take my word for it. I'm just amazed at how many people buy the partisan lies coming out of Washington. And how many would still fight to the death to defend a political ideology that is built on corporatist ideals rather than traditional Republican or Democratic ideals. Today Washington Republicans are corporatist fascists and the Democrats have learned from them quite well. They all feed at the trough because the parties are corrupt beyond words.

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posted by TimingLogic at 7:43 AM