Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Great Hoodwink Isn't Working - Most Americans Correctly Believe The Economy Has Gotten Worse Or Stayed The Same Under President Obama's Watch

If one takes out the political class in the polling results and corrects for the fact that most polls have a wide margin of sampling error, (especially a poll such as this where the economically-marginalized are seldom sampled at an appropriate rate) the reality is most people realize the political class and mainstream media are conning us when they tell us the economy is getting better. Remember in March of 2009 when Bernanke's term 'green shoots' was rolling off the tongue of every major newspaper, radio and television station in the country? Ain't heard that brainwashing bulloney in a while.

The disaster that is the American economy, the corruption in Washington and our belligerent foreign policy is not President Obama's fault. He wasn't even born when many of the seeds that set this dynamic into motion came to pass. But, he wanted to be our President. This is now his disaster. He knows of the fraud and abuses in our banking system and our government and has done nothing to substantially impact that dynamic. The same macro factors exist regardless of the massive and fraudulent lobbyist-driven bills which were passed. One could argue he has even perpetuated this environment. And he has literally done absolutely nothing to fix this economic crisis. Instead he has increased most American's dependency on a corrupt Washington polity that ultimately enriches itself at our expense. The key point is at our expense. This is not government of the people.

We don't grade Presidents on a curve because they inherited a mess from Bill Clinton, George Bush I & II and Ronald Reagan. Franklin Roosevelt didn't get a pass because he inherited Herbert Hoover and Calvin Coolidge's mess. Abraham Lincoln didn't get a pass because he inherited slavery. Teddy Roosevelt didn't get a pass because he inherited corruption and robber barons. The Presidency isn't a feel-good exercise to build the self-esteem of second graders. This is the real world and it's a brutal one at that. The Presidency is a job for big boys and girls and you've either got the mettle to be the new sheriff (leader) in town or the crooks (Wall Street, lobbyists and Congress) are going to take you down with them.

The only thing worse than the Clinton-Gore or the Bush-Cheney administrations is the Obama-Biden administration. That may sound harsh given President Obama had nothing to do with this crisis but I'll tell you why I draw that conclusion. Because Obama-Biden clearly understood the substantial crises involving fraud, injustice and outright evil before us yet they have done nothing to fix them. If there is one thing I have learned in my life it is that there is no greater act of complicity than turning a blind eye to fraud, injustice and evil. Or as we have written numerous times, appeasement is a policy of complicity.

The magical and mystical nature of Camelot is a state of consciousness. It is a beacon of virtue, justice and moral clarity that resides in the mind. Regardless of our shortcomings as individuals or our failings as a nation, that is still the image most Americans have of our country. A moral beacon of the world which ultimately does the right thing. A corporatist Washington does not reflect these ideals in the least. Anyone who appeases the endless corruption in Washington and on Wall Street might as well themselves be the perpetrator of the corruption, fraud and misery we now see on such a massive scale.

A wise man once said, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.".

Who speaks for the least of us in Washington? Who speaks for those without a voice? Who speaks for those unable to feed themselves without government assistance? Who speaks for those who are being decimated by a fraudulent health care system? Who speaks for the tens of thousands of military veterans dealing with emotional or physical trauma? Frankly, who speaks for democracy?

The leadership vacuum in Washington continues.

title link also here.
posted by TimingLogic at 9:09 AM