Sunday, December 19, 2010

Big Pharma – Big Fraud. Bust Up The Pharmaceutical Giants.

I am not a big phan of big pharma.  I’m not a fan of anything that is organizationally big.   It’s going to most certainly be rife with corruption.  Especially if there is no oversight.  Big pharma phits that bill.  The United States is most assuredly the most overmedicated and overchemicaled, unnecessarily and with unintended consequences might I add,  population ever to live on this planet.  That is driven substantially by government corruption and big pharma payoffs to our politicians. 

It wasn’t too many months ago we questioned the intent of big pharma moving clinical trials to very impoverished countries.  Make no mistake about it.  The reason clinical trials have been moving to  impoverished countries is because there are no formal safety controls, health standards organizations and governments can often be bribed.  What’s this all mean?  You can do what you want without being concerned about safety procedures adopted in developed (aka protected) societies and you can do it almost without any financial expense.  There have been many concerned human rights organizations that have documented serious abuse and concerns about further abuse.    Now it seems the stink is starting to stick.  Some of it courtesy of Wikileaks. 

Democracy Now swings a big hammer at these abuses with three stories this week on systemic pharma corruption.  Read or watch at your own risk.  Some of this is horrifying.  

Pfizer targeted Nigerian Attorney General to Undermine Suit over Fatal Drug Tests

Deadly Medicine:  FDA Fails to Regulate Rapidly Growing Industry of Overseas Drug Testing

Study: Pharmaceutical Drug Companies Top Military Inudstry in Defrauding U.S. Government

posted by TimingLogic at 10:30 AM