Voyager Sees Solar Wind Decline And Other Recent Tidbits From The Universe
As Voyager reaches the outer edge of the sun’s influence, the solar wind will slow to zero. Scientists are now reporting this actual measurement from Voyager this past week.
Most people in the general population, ie those who don’t study the topic, don’t realize that intelligent life is only possible because the earth is protected through its energy field, the magnetosphere. Or that the solar system is similarly protected by the sun’s magnetosphere. And that earth is protected from both energy and life-ending debris by massive outer solar system planets. Or the moon is required for tides, without which we would not have complex life. The list of dynamics needed to create and perpetuate intelligent life are endless. Most of which we haven’t even gathered enough rudimentary knowledge to ask appropriate questions.
One gets an indication of the sun’s protection of our solar system through the heliosphere marked on the graphic at the title link above. The solar wind encapsulates our solar system in a bubble of protection. (Although the graphic itself needs updated. The view of a heliospheric “tail” has now been proven to be inaccurate. Most undoubtedly, budget cuts at NASA to pay for corporate welfare and bankster bailouts. Ha. )
As an aside, on that note I have a question. One that pertains to NASA’s recent discovery of microbes capable of eating arsenic. (Although NASA is now fencing its original claims.) Is our definition of life well too narrow? And is that definition completely determined by our physical sensory organs rather than any actual truth? Are natural electrical and electromagnetic energy more appropriately necessary in the determination of life than, say, carbon? Every living thing on earth is defined by that same energy.
Is the universe alive? Is the process of forming new stars or black holes a process involving life? Is it really any different than the perpetual cycle of life on earth? Is the earth itself alive given its natural magnetic energy allows carbon-based life?
Back to Voyager. Do you see anything unusual in the Voyager graphic below? I think most people would expect Pluto to be well outside of Neptune’s orbit. But Pluto, in its highly elliptical path, has just recently (in yearly terms) emerged from a period of time where it actually passes inside of Neptune’s orbit every 248 years. Let’s see. What happened approximately 248 years ago?
Voyager has recently discovered that in interstellar space, beyond the solar wind wall is an unexpected energy source. What happens when Voyager passes through this energy source? Or when our solar system passes through any energy source? Will we see a new life form born with the marriage of Voyager and a foreign energy source? Will we see VGER? Ha. On a more serious note, could this or other energy sources coincide with an expansion of human enlightenment? Have major jumps in human consciousness coincided with cyclicality? Do you believe this possible? Or are you consumed by your ego and the total control it seeks to impose on your mind? Do you consider that truth may exist beyond your belief system or does that threaten you?
NASA, other space agencies and physicists in general are actually uncovering quite a few mysteries as of late. Mysteries which will eventually shatter many commonly held scientific beliefs. That includes unknown energy sources near Orion that are bombarding earth with energy. Does any of this energy tie into cycles of volatility? Even the ancient study of astrology, or the impact of energy sources from the universe, is starting to regain some acceptance within the scientific community as new theories abound. Including extremely credible and very compelling scientific theories on the celestial origin of global warming. And then there is this recent pronouncement. We could go on and on but that’s not the intent.
The intent is to consider the possibilities thatf life extends well beyond the thimbleful of knowledge we have acquired. Without a shadow of a doubt the world is a very different place than most people believe. That includes scientists who adhere to often dubious and incomplete untruths. Untruths perpetuated by ego. Just like the economic untruths perpetuated by the ego of economists, Wall Street, the mainstream media and politicians. Just like the untruths of racism, fear, class warfare, bigotry, elitism and other equally dubious inventions of the human mind. What is truly real and what is simply an invention of the mind? What really is science fiction? That would likely be most of our existence.
Finally, I didn’t post it on here but NASA lost communications with Voyager just about the same day the stock market topped in April of 2010. The most important index, the banking index, hasn’t come remotely close to retesting those highs. In other words, this was a substantial turning point for markets. That includes debt markets which have been under extreme stress since that turning point. NASA eventually restored communications to Voyager but I find that interesting. Don’t you? :-)
Signing off for now. Nanu nanu.

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