Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Young Entrepreneurs Create Their Own Jobs

Some who finally get it.  The American dream and democracy is not fulfilled by slaving away in a corner office pushing papger in a neofeudalistic dictatorial big brother multinational firm.  Companies did not make America great, people did.  And they didn’t make America great listening to corporate bureaucrats who generally understand little about anything other than how to cut costs and pay themselves large bonuses.   Large corporations in America have been a net destroyer of jobs for almost forty years.  Why are our economic policies catering to these firms?  (And they are.  Almost exclusively.)  Politicians don’t get big donations from startups.   How many times have all of the concepts in this paragraph come across this blog? 

With the right economic model, entrepreneurialism would create untold numbers of jobs.  But we are still under the jack boot of economic tyranny.  We are witnessing the end of big.  If the government won’t fix the problem, the market will.   

posted by TimingLogic at 8:51 AM