Possible 100 Mile Oil Slick Reported In New Gulf Oil Spill? Thank You President Obama And Congress For Your Systemic Incompetence. Again.
By the way, let me remind you on our posts about oil spills and the documentary we cited on here before about fraud and corruption between government and industry that ultimately led to the Exxon Valdez disaster as well. These crises are the manifestation of corruption. Period. Cassandras foretold of the Exxon disaster. Just as other Cassandras said the Gulf oil spill was going to happen. Just as other Cassandras have predicted this economic catastrophe around the world. But the status quo always cites these events as fat tails or once in a generation events that were unpredictable. The problem is our world is now defined by endless once in a generation events. Often because of corruption.
As we wrote before, the MASSIVE Gulf oil disaster that our President and Congress have swept under the rug will have impacts that last decades. While the horror of a nuclear disaster conjures up images of incredible devastation, the reality is the BP Gulf oil spill will more than likely turn out to be substantially more devastating than the nuclear disaster in Japan. Substantially.
All of this while nutty Rand Paul is calling to end the Department of Energy, the agency responsible for regulating our nuclear power plants. And Ron Paul gave some type of incredibly incoherent interview during the Gulf oil spill about this crisis being caused by regulation. I like Ron Paul as someone who seeks to uncover the fraud in Washington but as we have said before, I don’t think he knows diddly shit about economics. He definitely doesn’t understand monetary economics. He buys into this hocus pocus Mises Institute propaganda that has become popular with government-haters and anarchists. And his son borders on even nuttier perspectives of anarchy.
We need government of the people, by the people for the people. We don’t need what we have today which is state-based economics, fascism, miltarism and corruption. If you dismantle government of the people, by the people and for the people, this is what we get. A toothless bureaucracy that serves no substantial purpose other than to line the pockets of corporations, lobbyists, foreign dictators and politicians. That doesn’t mean we continue dismantling social services and democratic institutions and democratic government while leaving the fascist corruption in place.
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