Just A Few Updated Comments About The Nuclear Situation In Japan
I have to say I consider much of the media’s coverage of this event to be akin to yelling fire in a crowded theater. In other words, it has often been abhorrently disgusting involving sensationalization and self-serving attempts to profit at other’s expense. And there hasn’t been a whole lot of restraint of any attempt to avert panic. Some news sources are actually trying to educate and inform but most of it has been about capturing an opportunity to feed the profit engine of corporate news. I will say one constructive event will likely come of this coverage – we will now bring focus onto an industry and topic that has been kept out of public debate by politicians making uninformed and undemocratic decisions about our country. The age of enlightenment continues. ie, Another hole in the wall holding up Humpty Dumpty.
Sometimes the best course of action is to simply wait to see what is going to unfold. Although the situation in Japan is very grim, I remain reasonably confident this situation will not turn into a Chernobyl. The reactors were shut down during the earthquake as opposed to the runaway nature of Chernobyl with its horrendously flawed open graphite design. Although the open nature of the spent radioactive material kept on site in an earthquake zone seems ungodly incompetent.
If Japan can get power restored in coming days, the worm might just turn in this crisis. They have a hell of a mess either way and we still don’t know the true state of the site or the reactors but let’s hope the heroes sacrificing their lives to get this under control are ultimately successful.
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