Britain’s Head Bankster Warns Of Second Financial Crisis As Imbalances Again Grow
Ya think?
It is very unusual to see someone who is a senior member of the status quo be so forthright. They are usually steeped in ideology and beliefs that are so ingrained, that their mind is completely controlled by their own self-aggrandizing delusions.
Every once in a blue moon, someone within the system has an epiphany and repudiates it. Because of self interest and fear of being blackballed, most never come forward. One of the very few is one we wrote about a few years ago, Daniel Ellsberg. Ellsberg was the golden child of the American war machine in the 1960s. He was completely immersed in the system and was its star. The U.S. eventually tried to imprison him for his breach of their secrecy steeped in lies and deceit of the American people. He literally risked his life and freedom because his eyes opened to the corruption and murder his actions were contributing to. In a world of authority, Daniel Ellsberg was a leader. And still is today, seeking social justice and an end to an absolutely senseless pre-emptive foreign policy of belligerence and aggression. We see none of this in the United States. It is all outsiders who seek an end to economic tyranny, fraud and corruption.
The response to King’s criticism by the British con artists better known as banksters, was typical - King is a loon and we are doing God’s work.
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