Monday, February 28, 2011

The Documentary Gas Land And ProPublica’s Exposure Of The Bush Presidency’s Natural Gas Deregulation Disaster In America

I thought I had better get this up here given it has been sitting for some period of time and the Inside Job Oscar reminded me.

Lawrence Wilkerson, retired colonel and former chief of staff for Colin Powell under the Bush presidency, has given some stunning interviews on the wars that were waged between his boss and Dick Cheney.  And the corruption of Dick Cheney and his team during their shared tenure in the Bush presidency. (Yes, Wilkerson has been point blank about his perspectives.)  One of his candid interviews exposes grave concern for what Dick Cheney did to destroy many of our regulations, especially as it pertains to energy exploration, something his former employer Halliburton benefits from handsomely.  Wilkerson remarks that he is concerned for the harm that will last for many years to come.  

I have little doubt if we had transparency into government, we would be having public trials right now across a wide range of issues including Wall Street’s rampant corruption.  And I wrote not too long ago that I believe that is a plausible outcome at some point in our future.   We will most likely see an extra-judicial process or Nuremburg-type tribunal as we mentioned before.  I take this position because I think the corruption is so massive and widespread in the the government, that the government itself cannot be trusted to do the judicial diligence necessary to investigate and prosecute its own massive fraud.   If and when will that happen is anyone’s guess.   It will be only when the deceit has become so apparent that our government is in crisis.

Watch Wilkerson remark of how Cheney, someone with no experience in business, became CEO of Halliburton, and how he then used his rolodex gained in his time as a public servant (good-ole-boy cronyism) to increase his wealth 30-40 times.  Sound familiar?  Sounds like Bill Clinton and Al Gore who were bureaucrats with no skill at anything other than again using their rolodex (cronyism) to become the two wealthiest ex White House public servants.  And who didn’t do anything to increase the wealth of society to earn that money.  

Dick Cheney is America’s most notorious neoliberal.  As an aside, if you are interested in watching all of Wilkerson’s comments including that Cheney wanted a new cold war with China, and how George Bush growing awareness that Cheney was a problem, the interview links are here.  Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4.  Very interesting perspectives. 

The gas industry is destroying our country with this completely deregulated process called fracking.  A process developed by Cheney’s cronies at Halliburton.  A process that is deregulated courtesy of the Bush presidency.  I am not exaggerating when I tell you the documentary Gas Land will horrify you as to what is going on in our country.  None of it is being reported in the mainstream press.  The destruction of our water supply from fracking is absolutely incredible and firms have shielded themselves from prosecution by writing the laws.  Sound familiar?  A little like Wall Street?   The documentary is on HBO from time to time and is available on DVD.

Additionally, ProPublica has actually dedicated an entire section of their web site to the progression of this crisis and the process of exposure of its many dangers and the frauds behind it. 


posted by TimingLogic at 9:45 AM