Is The CIA Giving Nuclear Bomb Material To Al-Qaeda?
We have been writing for some time, even before Wikileaks, that the American people are going to find out something(s) about our government that are going to shatter the American public’s propagandized view of our government. I am not going to speculate what those revelations might be, but I am confident something very, very ominous is brewing. I can’t tell you why because then I’d have to kill you. :)
I have remarked of this recent recalling of Ambassadors on the blog and have thrown it around with a few friends. I would believe the most plausible explanation for doing so is that something damaging is about to be leaked or released and these ambassadors were more than likely given confidential talking points that were so sensitive that they were not trusted to be dispersed through normal diplomatic channels. I have absolutely no material evidence of this. Zilch. It is just an instinctual perspective. Mind you, I have a pretty good sixth sense. And I believe there is some evidence and rational perspective that sixth senses can actually be explained as rational and real. :) But that’s not the intent of this post. But this sure is:
American CIA operative charged with murder in Pakistan. (New York Times)
American CIA operative was giving nuclear bomb material to Al-Qaeda. (Yahoo India)
Why is this not being reported on Yahoo’s U.S. site? What is going on? Is this just hearsay? The timeline of this fits into the ambassador recall and it would definitely warrant a recall to address talking points with every government around the world should this hit the press. Whether they are related or based on fact, we shall soon find out. This seems very wild and impossible to believe on some level. But then, that would rise to the level of what we have been expecting. That is, unless it is effectively swept under the rug or completely untrue.
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