The End Of Globalization Is Nigh. The U.S. Seeks To Expand Support For The State Of Yemen While Yemeni People Seek An End To The State Of Yemen
In what has been one of the Orwellian realities of our Brave New World, we have the largest democracy (republic) the world has ever seen supporting some of the most brutal states in the modern world.
Is there some possibility that our domestic policy is being driven by the same forces seeking to subvert freedom abroad? How democratic is our economy? Our economy is extremely tyrannical.
If you understand what is going on in the Middle East, and what is likely to spread around the globe, it is a rejection primarily of economic globalization and “free trade” propaganda. It’s about economics and social justice – both of which are inextricably intertwined. Is this dynamic really nothing more than seeing corrupt elites flaunting their wealth achieved by rigging the system while the vast majority are told to eat cake? This is clearly not how the mainstream media or politicians see Egypt or volatility elsewhere but the status quo never sees the future.
The human mind has only two intents in everything it does. The intent to control or the intent to learn. Those two dynamics can never be shared within our own mind. They are mutually exclusive. Those who seek power are the most uncentered people in society. They are deluded by their primary intent to control. It is impossible to ever find the truth without relinquishing extreme narcissism or fear found within the desire to control. Most relationships of any type are primarily built upon control.
Whether it is a path of personal enlightenment or seeking to understanding the world around us, we shall never be successful while seeking to either control ourselves, others or the external world. And the ego is indomitable. It is only defeated, even if temporarily, when our mind’s delusional creation of reality is shattered. Or, through personal or external crisis. That is why crisis is necessary for truly transformational change. We must break the cycle of control created by the human mind. And that is exactly what is happening throughout the world today. People are breaking the cycle of control created by the minds of elites and uncentered megalomaniacs whether that is in the propaganda of mainstream media that is failing, or of economic tyranny that is failing, or of the ever-controlling state that is failing. Inventions of the human ego are failing as the intent to learn and seek truth is gaining the upper hand over the deceit of fraud that blinded so many from the truth. Enlightenment is not only throwing off the shackles of our own mind but throwing off the shackles created in our mind by others who seek to control us. The people of Egypt are our brothers and sisters in the effort to defeat control. And so are the people of China. And the Sudan. And on and on and on.
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