Be Sure To Head Down To The Grocery Store And Get Some Of That U.S. Government-Approved Oil-Poisoned Seafood.
"Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain
I think we need to start feeding this stuff to politicians and BP executives. We could bring back royal tasters. At least we know something politicians would be good at.
Make no mistake, this is an Obama disaster. He knew the agency heading regulatory oversight of drilling was in shambles and he did nothing to fix it. And then he blessed it as fixed. Then we had this disaster. It’s all on the public record.
The people of the Gulf thought their government had their best interests at heart. They didn’t realize they were the enemy of the state. The people of the Gulf are victims of an incredible fraud and their economic future destroyed by corporatist government fraud and corruption. And they still continue to sweep even more of it under the rug. Allowing Americans to eat tainted food is criminal.

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