Doctors Are The Latest Slaves
There are no compelling proposals that I see anywhere in the mainstream about how to fix the American economy. I don’t even see anyone who can identify any of the problems. And, as we have said at least one hundred times, for God’s sake the problem is not debt. It is the symptom.
Lunatics on one end of the fringe want to dismantle social services and government, and cut corporate taxes while leaving the fraudulent fascist state machine in place. Lunatics on the other end of the fringe tell us that government must tax and spend more because that’s what happened in the Great Depression. They are both completely wrong. They are in an ideological war with no foundation in science or economics.
One of the effects of corporatism that we have highlighted numerous times over the past six years is a culture of indentured servitude to neofeudal corporate lords. It is not the dream of a democratic nation to only find employment or economic opportunity working for corporations that will drive people mercilessly for the profit of a very few.
I hear people always talk about how lazy Americans are. That is an abhorrently ignorant position perpetuated by neoliberals who are trying to rationalize hiring illegal immigrants for what used to be union jobs with benefits and a rationalization to send jobs to countries where corrupt governments allow their citizens to work as slaves. The American work week is longer than any industrialized nation on earth, including Japan. And it is no surprise then that fraudulent corporate fascism in our country is also the worst in the world. Fascism and the economic rights of democracy are mutually-exclusive.
To some, it was a-okay or went unnoticed when blue collar or perceived lower skilled workers (most often a lie in itself) were driven like indentured servants and slaves of yore for the profits of their corporate task masters. Corporate bureaucrats that, as we have written countless times, have no skills and add no wealth to our society other than to live off of other productive people. But, it isn’t so fun when going to college means mountains of debt and working 60-90 hours a week for mostly stagnant or even falling wages. That is, if you can even get a job.
When I was too young to remember much of anything other than playing with my dog or playing basketball, I do remember one thing - doctors often worked out of offices attached to their homes as mine did. Or they worked in very small offices in the community. Many made visits on their patients at their homes. Doctors were entrepreneurs. Being economically-independent was the American dream before it was hijacked by fascism and people like President Obama who tells us we need more education to get more people into that corporate slave treadmill to then compete for whatever corporations want to give us. A position we have lambasted as ignorantly ignorant on here many times. Our President and our Congress are economic dunces. We could be a country of high school drop-outs and have a more productive and democratic economy than we have today. Truly.
One of the effects of fascism is that economic self-determination has been hijacked. The Rights of Man are no longer. Now workers, whether they have a fourth grade education or twenty five years of education slave away to enrich corporate bureaucrats. Their options? Quit and go to work somewhere else who abides by the same fascist policies of our nation.
Something to remember. We have often termed this environment as the end of big. And the destruction of institutions that are the creation of the human ego. Apparently, nature sees things the same way in its destruction of many creations of the human ego in the cycle of volatility. We can surely expect more of this both by nature and by the collapse of globalization and the fraud that defines it.
The Humpty Dumpty health care industry is teetering on the precipice. As it pertains to this post, might you envision some economic changes that would restore sensibility not just to the medical community but to all of the American economy?
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