True Government Spending Last Year Was Over $11 Trillion
Remember, as we highlighted last year, the government is now spending just about 70% of national income. A massive fraud in itself. Guess who is getting all of that money? Those who have bribed our politicians. That’s why middle class and poor Americans are broke in the first place. This ain’t some new game. Reagan and Clinton perfected this con for both parties. Now these sonofabitches are cutting off heating assistance to underprivileged people who are most often the marks of massive fraud, while maintaining billions of dollars of corporate handouts to energy companies. They are cutting food assistance to poor children, who are most often poor because of Washington fraud, while maintaining the massive subsidies of the industrial food vomit they are putting on our store shelves. The list of treasonous actions by Washington is nearly endless.
This is a good article but I have a problem with the closing statements that somehow our economic future or ability to finance our government is controlled by China or buyers of our debt. As we have said numerous times, that is ridiculous. But, then the comment is made by someone who doesn’t understand anything about money – a political idiot. And because political idiots are running our country, as opposed to our citizens running their own lives and politicians working as servants on our behalf, that means plenty more economic stupidity. That is, until We The People fix the mess politicians have made. And isn’t that the way it always is?
There are easy ways out of this mess and corruption is the only thing standing in our way.
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