Afghanistan, Why We Really Don’t Win Wars And Vladimir Putin On “Powerful US Bureaucracy & Puppet US Presidents”
I think we must consider that Afghanistan is on the verge of becoming a humanitarian crisis. That the press will either seek to avert our eyes from the horrors created by the corporate state or that we will witness Afghanistan become a massive refugee camp where millions could die if not saved by the global community. While Biden today has promised assistance, his is a reactionary response to the dependency that the US has forced upon the Afghanistan people over four decades. To the chaos that the US has created. It’s too early but the telltale signs of massive future crisis are there. The US government is lying through its teeth about everything. That is more than just the Biden administration. The military, prior administration personnel, the media by mischaracterizing this mess and on and on.
Before Ronald Reagan hosted the Taliban forty-odd years ago in the Whitehouse and armed this fringe, radicalized element to be exploited as puppets in the US war on the USSR, women in Afghanistan didn’t wear burqas, women went to school and there was an imperfect but functioning government that provided some degree of infrastructure and civilization for the people. The Taliban was hated by those in the city and most remote tribesmen. Then came the US corporate war machine, the truly pathologically evil CIA and our chaos-creating, profit-driven military escapades that over 40 years literally returned the country to the stone ages. And, replaced human rights with the power of might makes right with the ultra-fundamentalist Taliban.
I’m going to post a follow-up to this post that shares a few more details but for now, I simply want to post two videos. One from the last couple of years and one from 1963. And, to think about the world as seen through the lens of the US that has progressed from that day till this.
This video would never show up in any type of format where a mass of Americans could view it. Forget about whether Putin is a boogeyman. When he opens his mouth, sometimes there is something intelligent unlike most corporate-captured politicians in the US. There is something to learn from everyone. Well, most everyone.
Then, watch this address by JFK in 1963, which may be the most profound speech by an American politician. Ever. Certainly not like any US political speech in my lifetime.
Next I’ll share some thoughts on what one could almost certainly consider a coup that has taken place in the United States.
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