Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Financial Firms Are Bagholders Extraordinaire In The Commodities Scheme

Morgan is caught holding the bag by speculating in crude oil and just like every other mess Wall Street has created, they don't want to mark the asset to current prices. So, instead, Morgan decides to rent tankers to float their "investments" in oil around while they pray oil prices increase. This sounds more than a little like mortgage backed securities and other Ponzi schemes perpetrated by the banksters. Schemes they don't want to recognize. So, instead we get cries to repeal mark to market accounting. Hell, why not repeal the market price of oil? Oh, I forgot. They already did that. That's why we saw $147 oil. Morgan and others want to still repeal the price of oil. That's why they keep holding the bag as opposed to doing what any good trader should always do. Take the loss while it is still manageable. Speak of which, why agaiin is Wall Street trading in and taking delivery of oil?

Eventually, there will be a tremendous backlash and outrage amongst the general public if this becomes front page news. If people on a wholesale level start to understand the scope of possible fraud and the methods used by financial firms to swipe money from society. Including swiping it from our pockets by manipulating commodities. If I sound like a broken record on this, that's because I'm going to beat this like a drum until it becomes well known to all of society. And, until lasting change is instituted. I may only be one voice but there are others. And, soon even more.

Now, would someone please tell me why financial firms and hedge funds are buying copper, natural gas, crude oil and other commodities? And doing it with society's money? Now doing so with taxpayer TARP money? Let's see if I can get my mind around this. Bankster makes highly risky leveraged bets with society's money. Bankster reaps tremendous profits by stealing from society. Bankster bets go bad and destabilizes all of society. Bankster gets bailout from society. Bankster pays themselves handsomely with bailout money. Bankster then uses bailout money to perpetuate schemes and price manipulation. Does that about sum it up? Oh, one final step. Banksters retire to large mansions while society cleans up their mess.

Remember, the government agency responsible for oversight and transparency in these markets, the CFTC, already investigated and determined there was no manipulation in the markets. That is a joke. And, so too has been the CFTC.
posted by TimingLogic at 7:05 AM