Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hugo Chavez Begs For Western Investment

We wrote a post a few years ago bout Venezuela. Hugo Chavez is a thug. Unfortunately, the social and political system that existed before him was also controlled by thugs. This style of statism and repression has been common across South America for a long time - a few rob society blind and create a constant state of underprivilege and repression. Or, as one of my friends says, it's the Golden Rule. Those who have the gold make the rules. It's no different with the constant struggle in Mexico which we have also talked about. And, now Mexico is on the verge of collapse again after just being bailed out by the U.S. not long ago. It's also a major reason why these countries can never seem to make it out of the developing status. And, for that, the good people of these countries unnecessarily suffer and struggle with even the basics of human life and dignity.

Hugo Chavez may have had noble intentions at one time. I don't live in his head so I don't know. But, he is popular with the underprivileged because for so long they have never had a voice. Is Chavez sincere or is it a form of manipulation to maintain control? Life is complex but it is most surely more of the latter. Chavez manipulates the people with messages of the great devil, the U.S. and how he is their protector from the rich that pilfered Venezuela for so long. The people of Venezuela don't need protected from anyone. They need to be free in thought, in association and will. They need a rule of law that will embrace equal opportunity. They don't need a narcissistic controlling thug running their lives.

Anyone who doesn't want to play the game of democracy and capitalism can look to Venezuela for their future. Chavez is destroying the wealth of the country with his antics. Now he begs for western technology to invest in Venezuela after he literally terrorized them just a few years ago. Is he doing this for the people of Venezuela? Chavez is doing this for himself. He terrorized western companies when it was convenient to his message of control. He now embraces them for the same reason. With oil prices imploding, his ability to control Venezuela's populace is in jeopardy. Frankly, what the west should do is refuse to participate until we see internationally monitored free elections and the institution of a rule of law. But, given the complexity of reality, profit and jobs for western countries trump human rights. Another major contributing factor to the state of underprivilege in developing nations - our desire to do business with anyone regardless of the cost to humanity.
posted by TimingLogic at 1:58 PM