Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Chairman Of The Senate Banking Committee Admits To Inserting Loophole In Stimulus Legislation That Allowed AIG To Pay Ourtrageous Bonuses

See story at the title link.

It might also be of interest to know that Dodd was also the largest recipient of AIG donations in the 2008 election.

Of course, now he wants to give AIG their money back.

Our country is for sale. And, so is our economic livelihood. To the highest bidder be it banking lobbyist, a lobbyist for corrupt foreign governments or anyone else who has the cash to buy influence in Washington. I'll beat this drum until this situation is fixed but government is responsible for every single economic problem in the economy today. And, if you are unemployed and reading this, your job loss was because of government meddling or worse.
posted by TimingLogic at 10:08 PM