Friday, August 21, 2009

Private Equity Threatens Pensions

What a surprise. We aren't a big fan of the private equity industry on here and have written of this often. All part of the financialization of the American economy that creates no intrinsic value or wealth. How did our pension funds ever become convinced to invest in all of these absolutely ridiculous schemes perpetrated by Wall Street? I think we can figure that one out by now. Just another of countless data points validating our social contracts have been broken. The breaking of these social contracts is another extremely important but well misunderstood driver of this crisis never discussed by the media. Yet its impact is enormous.

The status quo is still pumping the same game. The American people aren't playing that game anymore. For those who still believe in the status quo, watch and learn. By the way, for any compulsive Wall Street gamblers wishing to bet on the new game, it's a surety the new game's winners will be the American people. How do I know this? Because just like the old game was rigged by the status quo, the new game is also rigged by We the People.
posted by TimingLogic at 9:00 AM