Monday, August 10, 2009

Terrorism In The Health Care Debate

I'm not going to write a lengthy post but I'm sitting here watching the insanity building around health care reform. I am very troubled by these attempts to terrorize senior citizens by telling them government storm troopers are going to come knocking on your door and tell you it is time to die. This is a most pathetic tactic. To take advantage of our elderly who may be more easily confused is almost criminal. I can't help but wonder who is behind these clearly fear-based terrorist tactics.

Debating health care reform on its merit is a worthy endeavor. Arguing against a particular type of health care is anyone's prerogative. But it seems terrorist tactics are being used to hijack any type of meaningful debate and instill a irrational fear in senior citizens. We are in a war in this country. A war to save our society from those who would rather see it destroyed if it is not of their liking. Intolerant neoliberal and radical elements be they corporations or individuals.

We the People. A more perfect Union. Promote the general Welfare. According to our Constitution, being an American does not mean screwing over anyone and everyone simply because you can. It doesn't mean a dog-eat-dog world where those who are most lucky, most politically connected or most willing to jam a stick in their fellow man's eye are the only winners of society's wealth. Our Constitution contains an implied sacrifice on some level to promote the well being of everyone. The alternative would be a lawless society with either no government or a broken government. With no rule of law. Indeed that is what we are seeing today on many levels. How's it working for you?
posted by TimingLogic at 6:32 PM