Monday, December 14, 2009

Once Again The Myth Of Goldman Sachs' Brilliance Is Replaced With The Reality Of Complete Incompetence

And the arrogance of a company who uses massive sums of money to curry favor with our government.

Let's be frank. Anyone who wins in any market as much as Goldman has over the last decade has done so because of unfair rules, restricted competition or as William K. Black has noted, outright fraud. Anyone who understands simple statistics knows this beyond a shadow of a doubt.

There are six billion people on this planet, I don't care if Goldman Sachs hired the smartest 30,000 people on earth, which they clearly haven't regardless of the ridiculous Goldman mystique, there is still no way Goldman could be bailed out for some many stupid mistakes or money they are making off of the taxpayer's wallet without rigging the rules to the game. Setting the rules, currying favor with politicians, having insider knowledge, gaining favor by being bailed out for enough stupidity that would have easily bankrupted the company and then having the arrogance post facto to deny you needed a bailout so it could pay itself massive bonuses at the expense of the taxpayer. All part of the scheme. It's ironic that after the largest Wall Street heist in history, President Obama is now going to cap executive pay in companies do not pay back TARP. You have got to be kidding me. TARP is a ruse. The American taxpayer is backstopping tens of trillions of dollars in assets that is keeping Goldman Sachs and other Wall Street mobsters afloat. All Wall Street pay should be capped regardless of their TARP position until the American taxpayer is off the hook. And there should be a clawback of any existing bonuses as well.
posted by TimingLogic at 11:00 AM