The Will Of The State, The Olympics, The Current Bout Of Globalization And The Dire Consequences Of Tyrannical Neoliberalism - Orwell Would Be Proud
“Power always thinks it has a great soul and vast views beyond the comprehension of the weak; and that it is doing God’s service when it is violating all His laws.” --John Adams
"In dictatorships you need courage to fight evil; in the free world you need courage to see evil." --Natan Sharansky, Soviet dissident, Gulag survivor, author of Fear No Evil
"The lie can be maintained only for such time as the state can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the state to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth becomes the greatest enemy of the state." -- Joseph Goebbels, Nazi chief propagandist
It is quite apparent that these quotes are timeless. And they are very relevant today. Not just as it pertains to repressive societies but also to the evil we now see in free societies. Evil that was most likely not the anticipated outcome by many who contributed to this environment. But one thing is certain. These outcomes were the result of a select few seeking personal gain without a care in the world for the betterment of We the People. To form a more perfect Union. And for that I believe it is quite appropriate to conclude this economic environment is the result of tyranny. Of true evil. And I use evil in the sense that it is generally intended. Not in a religious context but as Natan Sharansky defines it. As people who have lived under repression at the hands of a few would define it.
We've talked substantially of great risks in emerging markets over the years and now I want to do so from a unique perspective that isn't reported in the media, the financial community or by the Washington politicians. At least, not today's politicians. That's because today's politicians are generally part of the problem. There are some good people in Washington but they also suffer under the repressive yoke of evil in having their voices heard.
The press is just now awakening from their lengthy slumber of no-think and sycophantic adoration of the schemes perpetuated by the finance industry and business elites. But, it has yet to really embrace the true complicity of the state. (That was almost two years ago when I first wrote this post. Today, we have progressed a bit farther than sycophantic adoration but not that far.)
In the PwC post I wrote that China's communist party would view the Olympics as an opportunity to showcase and they didn't disappoint. Not really much of a prediction if one understands the psyche of the state.
There is something truly great about the Olympics - a celebration of human art, competition and achievement - but there seemed an eerie setting for much of this Olympics starting with the opening ceremonies. China spent ten times more than the prior Olympics in the opening ceremonies alone. The Olympics were an opportunity to showcase the accomplishment, history and great cultures of China yet the antiseptic surroundings and circumstance gave the appearance of a propaganda event. Was it to showcase the people of China? Or the power of the state?
Many examples include:
-The state lied to the public regarding the fireworks display in the opening ceremonies by showing animated graphics portrayed viewers were led to beleive were live.
-The state restricted their own citizen's access to the Olympic grounds for fear of civil disobedience or fraternization with outsiders.
-The state asked citizen protesters to fill out protest forms in advance then used that information to arrest many of these noble seekers of truth and freedom.
-The state most assuredly was complicit in covering up the Olympic participation of multiple under-aged children. By the way, something China has done before. Obviously to the benefit of the state and with no regard for the innocent victims be it the under-aged children themselves who were forced to compromise their integrity for the state or their competitors.
-The state selected "paid" Chinese fans, most likely communist party members, to attend and cheer for Chinese athletes.
-The state flooded Beijing with over one hundred thousand communist party officials spying on their own people during the games. All to ensure no unrest or disharmony developed.
-The state voiced-over a girl singing at the opening ceremonies because the girl singing the song didn't portray the image the state wished to project.
-The state flaunted counterfeit Olympic merchandise during the international event (Something I view as oddly fitting for the often counterfeit IOC bureaucracy.)
As expected, the propaganda machine was working overtime. What is even more telling is that an associate of mine was traveling in Asia during the Olympics. They witnessed a news organization in Japan who asked vacationing Chinese citizens (in Japan) what they thought of many of these deceptions. The Chinese were completely unaware of any manipulations by the Chinese propaganda machine. In other words, the communist party and its control of the media have successfully shielded its own people from reality as it has for decades. One can gain an appreciation of how the state can stir up a frenzy of nationalism when they are able to control or manipulate thought. Often throughout history the people find in retrospect they were fighting for a belief that was completely untrue. That is, when there is ultimately great transparency into the actions of the state and truth is revealed. Similarly, I am confident any potentially negative feedback, negative press or call to attention about potential human rights or Olympic rules violations by foreign press or participating nations during the Olympics would surely be fomented into an attack on the honor of China's people. And, who would do that? The state of course. And, why would they do that? To deflect and refocus an increasingly agitated populace away from problems caused by the state and onto an external enemy - a timeless trick always used by the state to maintain its power. Sharansky, Jefferson, Aristotle and countless other activists for freedom and truth have told us the state needs and creates external enemies to maintain control over the people. To refocus people away from the real enemy - the state. Therefore, the basic premise that the world can achieve lasting peace by a policy of appeasement of the state, as is the underlying precept of economic globalization in its current form, is a complete fallacy. A ruse. An impossibility which will lead to great volatility as its outcome.
This points to a substantially larger issue of today. That of the state. The state determines truth for the people of China. It determines their will, their rights, their thoughts and their freedoms. It has unknowingly also determined what people in democratic societies have chosen to believe about China. That would be you. In any environment where the state attempts to control or gain control over the sovereign, state deception to maintain control is rampant and a substantial component of daily reality. In this case, why would the arrogant and unaccountable state see anything wrong with misleading three billion Olympic viewers around the world in various unsavory antics when it is part of every day indoctrination in China? That may seem quite odd to you and me but after nearly a century of it, I'm sure the communist bureaucracy's view of what it can get away with is quite twisted. How many more deceptive Orwellian acts are part of the Olympics? Ones that have successfully been kept secret?
If you see parallels to any of this in other countries, including your own, then you realize the state exists in all nations. Even in democratic societies - not to be confused with democratic government which is the will of the people. Instead government and the state exist side by side. The state being what power lies outside of the will, transparency and oversight of the sovereign. Its manifestations take many forms. One may be recognition of capital above the rights of the sovereign we have uniquely discussed often. (Called "free markets" by elitist liars and supportive fools who have been brainwashed by elitist liars.) Another interesting perspective might be in the treatment of crime. Government recognizes that much crime is directly tied to economic opportunity. Government's response to increasing crime, gangs, illegal drug trade and other measurable criminal metrics might therefore be policies to increase economic opportunity for all of society. The state views all crimes, including civil disobedience - a right granted by our creator of all people everywhere - as a threat to the state. So the state's answer to all crime is increased law enforcement and imprisonment - in its extreme form we see this as a police state. (Have you ever wondered why America's prison population dwarfs all other democratic societies in both nominal and percentage terms? Was it always this way? Is it an indication that the rule of law is tantamount? Or might one actually infer this to be an economic indicator of great importance? One that could very well be pointing to systemic loss of economic opportunity? Or, even the erosion of government and the increasing influence of the state?)
Reread that last sentence in the above paragraph. Do you remember my post citing Thoreau's Civil Disobedience? "Others--as most legislators, politicians, lawyers, ministers, and office-holders--serve the state chiefly with their heads; and, as they rarely make any moral distinctions, they are as likely to serve the devil, without intending it, as God. A very few--as heroes, patriots, martyrs, reformers in the great sense, and men--serve the state with their consciences also, and so necessarily resist it for the most part; and they are commonly treated as enemies by it."
It becomes obvious from history that the state and its abuses are timeless. The state is based in neoliberal elitism. (Often misnamed or titled as neoconservatism in the United States. Neoconservatives are really elitist neoliberals as defined by their policies.) Elitism is a term often misused for political purposes. Elitism is not an attack on wealth creation or human achievement, both of which are embraced by a free society. Elitism is not a political party position as some would try to define others. Elitism is a belief that much of the general populous is not fit to enjoy the merits of self-determination and self-rule. Of democracy itself. Elitism is the belief that a certain people of perceived abilities, intellect or wealth are supremely more fit to govern. Elitists believe they know what's better for us than we do. Or more usually, don't care what we think. Elitists mouth democracy while subverting it with their actions. Elitists in positions of authority serve the state because elitists serve themselves.
We can measure the elitist impact on society by the sovereign's participation in the process of government and transparency encouraged by elected officials or members of the state. In other words, government encourages the sovereign's active participation and leadership in governing. The state acts outside of those bounds in its own interest. The state, as an example, benefits at the expense of the sovereign from lobbyist relationships outside of the transparency and will of the sovereign. From unfunded wars. From fraud and corruption.
Elitism transcends most every culture on some level. Often unconsciously. An simple example would be that most of the world governments still embraces a monarchy, even if they are now constitutional in nature. What inalienable right does the Queen of England have to riches paid for by the sovereign of Great Britain? None other than the invalid supposition of hereditary. Especially when people go without economic opportunity. The Queen owes her title and financial existence to crony elitism. Another is our look at the PwC CEO survey. Society and shareholder beliefs that CEOs somehow possess special powers that allow them to effectively act as monarchs. To rightfully chafe at oversight, transparency and accountability. To pay themselves whatever they can steal from the shareholders. And society believes these elitists will do what is in the best interest of the shareholder without proper corporate governance?
Elitism is the very basis for corruption, repression, racism, human rights abuses and stagnation of social & economic development. Elitism is the basis for socialism, communism, big government and any form of the state that restricts the rights of individuals. There is no historical or current basis for any other conclusion. Elitism is the basis for most forms of rule today and always has been. It is indeed a pariah of humanity. Because its existence is inevitable, the only solution is to minimize its impact through active self-rule and transparency. Does your government encourage active your participation in the process of governing? Solicit your involvement? Seek to educate you on issues and solicit your feedback on solutions? Seek to offer transparency and encourage oversight by the sovereign? To do your will? Of course, if you live in a communist, corrupt or dictatorial country, there is no way to minimize the state because there is nothing else. There is no government. There is no Bill of Rights or written Constitution to protect the sovereign from the state or elitists. Our Constitution is the protectorate of government (self-rule) and the enemy of the state.
Obviously, this is separate topic from the economic consequences I have talked about this cycle. Or is it? Actually the two are indistinguishable. Let's tie the two together.
What no news sources or supporters of this current incarnation of globalization (including the state) are going to tell you is free societies have filled the financial coffers of repressive and crooked states around the globe via the greatest wealth transfer in history. Transfer to states that do not embrace many or any ideals similar to other democratic or self-determined societies. This latest round of economics we call globalization could very well have laid the seeds for substantial global strife giving crooked, repressive states the funding for mischievous behavior. With our money. That's right. Our money. Your money and my money has enriched the state and crooked leadership around the world through this incarnation of this Orwellian elitist-induced form of globalization. Pick any country or terrorist group of questionable politic or ideals. Every single one has filled its coffers with the wealth of democratic societies achieved only through globalization and this bastardization of what elitists now call free trade. (Code words for transfers of wealth via massive theft of society's wealth.) Globalization created by our governments. Or, should I say the state. Welcome to the world of the surreal. You have armed your enemy with the state's endorsement. With your money.
Only time will tell but we already see states that have financially benefited from globalization showing a substantial uptick in volatility and aggressive behavior - China, Pakistan, Venezuela, Iran, Russia, etc. This is clearly an area of risk that the proponents of the current incarnation of globalization would rather not talk about. What they also don't want to talk about is that this was easily predictable. The current economic policies embraced by world leaders (the state) have enabled the vast potential for volatility, crisis and even war. Were you informed of the consequences in advance? Did your government seek to educate you on this topic? Did you vote for this? Did the state seek your approval after informing you of the consequences? Did your government encourage these dynamics to increase the well-being, enrichment and capital stock of society? Of We the People? In Order to Form a More Perfect Union? It's an easy answer we can measured quite a few ways via mathematics in lieu of opinions, beliefs and lies created by the media, economists, politicians or banksters. Or did the state create this without the consent of the sovereign? Without seeking to educate and inform? Without empowering and informing the people through the democratic process? Did the state create this environment for an elitist few seeking self-serving goals? To serve the tyranny of neoliberalism?
Over this past cycle, I watched American CEOs talk about how easy it is to do business in China and shook my head in amazement. United Technologies' CEO, as an example, even went so far as to say it was easier to do business in China than in Europe. What foolishness and naivety in this perspective. What outright stupidity. Of course it is easier. Did he ever think about why? The reason it is easier to do business in China is because capital is only subservient to the state. That means business is unencumbered by the labor laws, consumer protection laws, environmental protection laws, intellectual property laws and other necessary costs that exist in a society ruled by a self-determined sovereign. By a rule of law. Profits obviously run deeper when business doesn't have to abide by a well-developed rule of law benefiting individual rights and self-determination. (Corporatist politicians and lobbyists in the United States have similarly dismantled much of the rule of law of our society over the last few decades across every measurable swath of society and economics. There are your "free markets".) And, again, tell me how "doing business is easier" has any benefit to the will of any free people? To human rights? To sustainable economic development? I could have pulled those exact same CEO sentiments from seventy years ago as Hitler's state also embraced American capital. That is, until World War II.
It's good to see that the Orwellian world thrives and at its expense lay the rights and will of the sovereign. And now we shall more than likely see states across the globe step forward in coming years to embrace the ultimate expression of its very existence. That would be something we have remarked of a few times on here over the last few years. War. (States are able to do this because of the great transfer of wealth they have accumulated as a result of "globalization".) Just in time to take advantage of the rising nationalism we have been anticipating. What better way for the state to pump up the propaganda necessary than to deflect criticism for its manifest failure than to blame external enemies? To rally its populace in an effort to deflect domestic criticisms? External enemies the state created by encouraging economic ties with states who do not share our ideals of freedom, democracy or the rule of law. And they did so with these ties having no benefit to a free society. But instead to the state. Ties our founding fathers warned us of. Long live the state, for were it up to them, freedom would be dead. The games are about to begin. On a totally separate topic, be sure to enjoy the Olympics.
"Perhaps it is a universal truth that the loss of liberty at home is to be charged to provisions against danger, real or pretended, from abroad." ... "We are free today substantially, but the day will come when our Republic will be an impossibility. It will be an impossibility because wealth will be concentrated in the hands of a few."
--James Madison


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