Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Federal Government Transparency Goes From A Joke Under Bush To An Even Bigger Joke Under Obama

Link here.

I'm bored with all the secrets our overlords thrust upon what should be a democratic society. Apparently so are other Americans. This Letter of the Day at the Detroit Free Press pretty much sums it up. Here is a clip of that letter: FOIA(Freedom of Information Act) is obstructionist, and no different than any information outlet that fails to provide an open and honest accounting of activities and events that affect people. To control, edit or censor information is generally associated with dictatorial rule and should not be tolerated in a free and transparent society.

That sounds mildly familiar. It sounds like President Kennedy's speech on secrecy and how a democratic society cannot survive secrecy. One we have cited snippets of on here a few times. This dynamic is playing a major role in the destruction of our economy.

If "secrets" are a matter of national security, the government should have to get a temporary injunction from a federal judge or some other equally painful process to stop the flow of information until the national security issue passes. Withholding information from the the sovereign people is anti-democratic and bureaucrats should have to prove each and every case before a federal judge.
posted by TimingLogic at 6:56 PM