Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bill Moyers And William K. Black Video Interview: Our Political Culture Is Deeply Criminogenic And Many Of Our Current CEOs Are Sociopaths

A very damning interview of criminal corruption in Washington and Wall Street.

William Black is such a good interview because he is an insider and an attorney who is the world's most renowned expert on white collar financial fraud.

Black remarks of the latest current events and hammers all of the lies perpetrated by Wall Street and Washington including criminal negligence perpetuated by the SEC and the Federal Reserve. Black doesn't believe the SEC is fully engaged (This is obvious to anyone who is intellectually engaged.) because there are no criminal charges against Wall Street CEOs or senior executives including at Goldman Sachs. He states there never could have been fraud at Goldman Sachs without senior executive involvement given the size of these deals. He outright states that if the SEC were really engaged, the CEO and senior executives at Goldman Sachs would be charged with criminal fraud. He states that there have been investigations into six firms and strong evidence of fraud was found in all six firms yet no criminal charges have been made.
posted by TimingLogic at 9:26 AM