Monday, May 24, 2010

Hedge Fund Bodhisattva Is Bullish On Global Economy

I think we can all surmise most financial and economic "gurus" (a word I use loosely) don't understand fundamentals any better than you or I understand how to divine a dead Jean Dixon with a Ouija board. But unlike Ouija boards, this dynamic is a very explainable phenomenon of systemic incompetence. These people have seen nothing but good times over their careers so they really have no idea how to analyze fundamentals. They are incompetent. They worship at the alter of the Federal Reserve always bailing them out.

I take endless remark of these credentialed gurus because society must reject their supposed brilliance for true competence to get out of this crisis. We must embrace reason and sound observations of reality in lieu of mindless opinions from the endless supply of brain-dead morons. This is the same reason why we embrace reason (a written rule of law) to the opinions and whims of would be tyrants. (Societies relying on the opinions of self-appointed leaders with no written rule of law. This is a major reason why the American economy is in the shitter. Our rule of law is being dismantled in favor of the opinion of elitist idiots. We are becoming Iran, Saudi Arabia, the Soviet Union, Communist China, etc.)

Biggs has affirmed his bullishness on many mainstream TV shows recently. As a reminder, Biggs was bullish on China within days of its bear market rally peak last summer. We put up a post critical of his very uninformed position at the time. Now he's bullish on the global economy again. As a reminder Biggs was incredibly bearish at the bear market bottom as well. Very much so. In fact he made quite a few extreme statements about buying land, food stocks and guns and fleeing from the cities.

Biggs must believe in the timeless concept of buying high and selling low. But then he's no different than any of the other financially-clueless elites in our country. These are who the politicians listen to when deciding policy decisions. Is it any wonder our economy is a mess? If they would listen to We the People as public servants are supposed to, we would be in a very, very different economy.

By the way, Biggs is famous for recently stating the China bears are wrong. And that China is not a bubble. Baahaa! I am not a bear. I simply use reason and incontrovertible mathematical evidence to make my decisions. Biggs might want to try it some time instead of one of those Ouija boards.

posted by TimingLogic at 9:19 AM