Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Tribute

There is nothing more noble than serving society. It is an ultimate expression of integrity, honor and courage. And given we have a volunteer military force, a substantial number of those who serve our country are society's least economically mobile. Service provides an opportunity to better ones self economically. There is nothing more tragic than dying while serving our country. Especially if it may involve circumstances of political folly or games of international intrigue; empire is not consistent with democracy.

Personally, I believe there is incontrovertible evidence, without exception, that the size of bureaucracy has a near perfect inverse relationship to the greatest of human qualities. In other words, the larger and more insulated any bureaucracy, the more it takes on the ugliest qualities of the human condition. As Washington has consolidated power while usurping State's Rights, entrepreneurs, citizen rights and individual liberties over the decades, we have seen a bureaucracy develop which has created the disposable citizen, the disposable worker, the disposable entrepreneur & small business owner and now the disposable serviceman (serviceperson). They have all become grist for the Washington mill.

To honor those men and women who serve our country, often without receiving the support and respect they need from our government, ie disposable, we are bringing attention to the recently released documentary from Public Television titled 'The Wounded Platoon'. A horrifying look at the tragedy of humankind's most ugly of invention, War, and the lack of empathy and respect many of our most dedicated servicemen and women have to deal with in their struggles to survive both during and after their time of service. In fact, in recent years, there have been some months where serviceperson suicides have surpassed battlefield deaths as a result of the disposable serviceperson dynamic.

A timeless maxim is that old men, often of the aristocracy, create wars through their arrogance, greed, insecurities, hatred, bigotry and often emotionally-disturbed or emotionally-stunted views of this world while young men die in wars. No war has ever been started that did start with the complete lack of disregard for human life from one or all combatants. If, throughout history, these same old men had to lead the fight, we would find out how lacking in integrity, honor and courage they really are. In other words, there would be substantially less war. Smashing aggression with deterrence may be necessary and war is often inevitable but why would it ever be glorified? All violence is heinous at its very core. That is, unless it is self-defense.

Today we honor and respect those who died while serving our country with integrity, honor and courage. We are forever indebted to the beacon of virtue you provide us through your personal sacrifice for We the People.
posted by TimingLogic at 12:00 PM