Wednesday, June 02, 2010

They Are Coming For Your Social Security

As I have said a few times in the last week or so, one of my upcoming posts is a reality-based look at Greece. It's coming. It's just when I get the time to type it up. In the mean time, regardless of the accuracy of this article's specific concerns, the status quo is most assuredly coming for your Social Security.

On some level, what is happening in Greece is coming to America. Mark my word. And rather than this being a necessity, it is all driven by fraud, ideology and corporate interests that dominate our government's policies. It is the corporatist policies that benefit the aristocracy who are bankrupting our country. Not Social Security or money for underprivileged children or to support the health needs of war veterans or other programs aimed at improving the lives of those the elitists would just as soon run over with a Mack truck.

The crooks have been spending our Social Security money for years on their own special interests. The military-industrial complex, corporate socialism, special favors, debt payments supporting a private banking system and on and on. And now they are going to argue the money is gone. What they won't tell you is that they stole it. And they spent it on the fraudulent destruction of our society rather than on programs that benefited society. And, that means if these debts aren't wiped away by the status quo, We the People should consider defaulting on those obligations if they jeopardize programs that benefit society. Those debts were not of our making and they were not for the betterment of We the People. Just like Wall Street is defaulting on its debts. The corporatists created this mess for their personal gain and we just as easily can undo it for the gain of our democracy. Or as we often remark on here, for every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction quoting Newton.

The disposable society continues but the fraud is so much more immense than I ever imagined. For that I am gaining confidence we will take down the fraudulent anti-democratic private banking system before this is all over.
posted by TimingLogic at 5:39 AM