Sunday, July 11, 2010

Andrew Grove: How To Create American Jobs

When you read this article, try to remember a few points. Barack Obama, Mitch McConnell, Timothy Geithner, Christina Romer, Ben Bernanke, Barnie Frank, Bob Corker, Richard Shelby, Algore, Bill Clinton, George Bush and other toady politicians have never produced anything of value in their life. Nor have they built a wealth-producing organization. Neither have any of the corrupt banksters whose gain their profits via usury and by taxing the productive resources in our economy. (Fancy words for legalized stealing.) Neither has the article-referenced Thomas Friedman, a hugely overrated journalist, who knows nothing about economics. Put toady and incompetent Paul Krugman in there too. He's another of the ivory-towered those-who-can't-do crowd whose grasp of economics is similar to that of other bureaucrats.

Comparatively, Andrew Grove has a PhD in engineering, numerous patents to his name which led to the creation of wealth and has personally led the creation of hundreds of thousands of productive wealth-creating jobs. In other words, toady politicians and corrupt banksters live on the dole that productive people like Andrew Grove create. Without the likes of Grove creating society's wealth, politicians, economists and banksters - bureaucrats - would more likely be managing the local Taco Bell franchise. Not that managing a Taco Bell is a bad job, but it's a more accurate representation of the skills of a bureaucrat who freeloads off of the productive resources and productive people in our society.

Who would be more likely to have some idea what they are talking about when it comes to creating jobs and wealth? Barack Obama, Timmy Geithner and Lloyd "Jesus" Blankfein or Andrew Grove? (I just assumed Lloyd might be Jesus since he is doing God's work.)

The worm continues to turn.
posted by TimingLogic at 9:09 AM