Friday, December 24, 2010

Happy Holidays – Our Holiday Gift Has Emerged. It Is Not A Government Of Men But A Restoration Of Constitutional Rule Of Law And Democracy. It Is Dennis Kucinich’s New Bill To Reinstitute Constitutional Money.

Before I start this post, I want to highlight that I sometimes use men or he as a gender-neutral noun or pronoun as many of the historical citings I use were written when gender neutrality was cited with the masculine form.  It still is but not as often.  They or humans or whatnot doesn’t slide off of my tongue in many contexts including the  John Adam’s quote on governments of men and governments of laws.  It has no intention of offense.
I was going to write a specific holiday post but this event is such a gift that this is my holiday post. 
The discussions of money around the internet have become very important over the last handful of years.  There are very few people who actually understand this topic.  Even people who profess to be experts really miss the point.  Feints of fractional reserve banking and gold-backed money are just that.  These are truly senseless and useless topics when it comes to the bigger picture of what money is or what has caused this crisis.
This blog was literally the only source who said liquidity shocks and a credit crunch were coming to our monetary system well before the collapse.  And that Wall Street banks were unsafe.   And that I moved all of my family’s money out of unsafe banks.  And then who warned about financial markets just days before the collapse.  And then we were the only one who wrote soon after the crisis started that the Federal Reserve could and should print money to ameliorate this crisis. (They have printed none regardless of the senseless comments of people who do not understand money that is so pervasive in the blogosphere.)  And when the histrionics reached a fever pitch that the FDIC was broke and that people’s deposits weren’t safe, we wrote that any money needed to protect the deposits of American citizens should be printed and that it would have no negative effect.   Where were all of the gold monetary experts throughout all of this?  Generally calling for leaders to let the economy collapse as a way out of this crisis.  This was and is a brain-dead position of people who don’t understand economics or money.  This was the policy of one of the worst Presidents in American history, Herbert Hoover.  How’d that work out for you?

We wrote all of this at a time when the entire world either thought this was a housing problem or was in fantasy land about how great the global economy was.   The roar of bullishness from media clowns, Wall Street and Washington was deafening.   Many are rewriting history and even coming out with books ex post facto when they had no idea what was going on at the time.  These and thousands of other remarks on here were made with a strong understanding of  what money is,  what role money plays in a society and how money works.

Let’s get something straight.  Gold-based money solves none of the fundamental issues facing the United States today.  Zero.  In fact, as we wrote, it would cause a depression as far as the eye could see. 

Point blank, if you think it does, you don’t understand the issues and you don’t understand money.   Don’t worry.  We’ll back that up in spades on here before we are done with this crisis.   We have planted hundreds or thousands of seeds on the topic of money on here.  That is true of many topics.  At some point we will go back and take all of those seeds we planted on many topics and germinate them into complete trees with complete solutions.  Right now it’s too fun watching people who continue to write so many mistruths actually stick their foot further in their mouth.

I’ll start by putting up at least one large post on this early next year when we go back and look at this recent IMF pronouncement that we should return to the gold standard.

The gold money advocates will kick and scream and they’ll try to manipulate and distort as their mistruths are exposed.  That includes their perspective on Kucinich’s bill.  That’s because they have filled your minds with useless bullshit and they really don’t understand money at all.  If they did, they would not be proposing a return to the gold standard.   They will eventually be exposed as not being the experts they portrayed themselves to be.  And most positioned themselves as expert for profit anyway.  They did it because it was financially-lucrative to convince us they were experts rather than simply writing for the virtuous sharing of ideas and knowledge.  That very fact will not allow them to seek truth but rather to rationalize many of their mistruths.   One who makes money off of opinion loses credibility when that opinion is found out to be completely wrong.  Gold money advocates understand we have a debt bubble and that is because our monetary system is corrupt.  I respect their positions on that level.  But I could stick a graph of our debt in front of a ten year old and they could tell me we have a debt problem.

The contents of Kucinich’s bill looks frighteningly similar to countless posts on this blog.  That includes his proposal to move the Federal Reserve under the Treasury, which we have also written.  In many regards the content of this bill looks like plagiarism.   That’s ridiculous though.  It most assuredly is not.   There is a reason for the similarities.  The people who wrote Kucinich’s bill understand the role of money in a democratic society.   While not perfect and while I have some major gripes with this bill, the proposal is such an exponential and massive leap forward that I will not allow perfection to be the enemy of the good in any critique.  I completely support this measure without exception.   (This bill or any other government or democratic reforms, including any type of monetary system reform, will not accomplish anything until We The People first restore democracy and end political and lobbyist corruption.)

This proposed bill would literally change the world.  Let me repeat that -  Literally change the world more than any event that has happened in our country in the last fifty years.  By a huge margin.  I don't think most people understand the impact of our banking system on every aspect of our society.  Our banking system substantially participates in the creation of poverty, drug addiction, racism, tens of millions of lost jobs, declining wages, loss of economic opportunity, educational disparity, destroyed defined-benefit pension, loss of health care and on and on and on.  It threatens Social Security, our social safety nets, our constitution and our democratic way of life. Gold money would not fix these issues.  And in some cases, it would magnify the problems. 

Kucinich’s proposal is an exponential leap in consciousness and awareness of the role of money in human development and democracy. By the way, it would kill global finance and globalization in its current form.  And guess what?  That is exactly what we wrote would happen countless times.  Another unique perspective on here.  There is no way around it - globalization is dead either by doing nothing or by doing what is right and morally-just as this bill does.  There is no going back to fantasy land.

This is a holiday gift courtesy of Dennis Kucinich, a public servant.   I would encourage you to spread his proposal to anyone and everyone you know and start reading up on the topic.   Regardless of what happens to this bill, if we can introduce this dynamic into the public debate, we will eventually take down the beast. 

Don’t believe the lies of the mainstream media, the political parties and gold ideologues who will all try to torture this proposal in the name of a false belief system or in support of continued corruption.  Dennis Kucinich is a threat to their power and so is this bill.   They will most surely try to discredit this proposal as they have tried to discredit him numerous times.  Dennis is surely not perfect, and neither is his record in Congress, and neither are you or I, but he is someone who has and remains a strong advocate of democracy, the rule of law, We The People and The Constitution.  Dennis Kucinich is a patriot for the human race and so is this bill.
Link here courtesy of Common Dreams

posted by TimingLogic at 10:24 AM