Alabama Town’s Failed Pension Is a Warning
For some reason many people don’t seem to believe situations like this are possible. They most certainly are. This has been going on for decades in the private sector with the blessing of corrupt politicians.
The process of dismantling the rule of law has been going on well before this crisis started. In fact, that is the reason we have this crisis. This is not an economic crisis per se. It is a crisis of democracy, the rule of law and an elitist group of thugs who are hell bent on dismantling our society for their own personal avarice.
In some way this story has been repeated millions of times in the private economy over the last few decades as defined-benefit pensions and wages have been obliterated and investment in our society’s most valuable resource, our workers and our children has become even more pathetic. As elitist crooks have embraced neofeudalism, millions upon millions of Americans have been impacted. And if the private economy has been bludgeoned for decades, there is absolutely no way it can support what now appears like extravagant public sector benefits. Sure there is abuse within the public servant arena. But generally, most are simply people looking for a decent job and a stable life. The real abuses lie in the political class not the public service arena.
So, in the race to the bottom of the barrel, public sector benefits must be slashed or be completely done away with. But make no mistake, this is not a step in the right direction. Some adjustment is necessary but this is more neofeudalism. And people who delight in seeing this type of destruction are delighting in the demise and misery of others. It is purely schadenfreud that appeals to the most unflattering aspect of the human condition.
We should seek to have a society where all Americans may live in dignity with a living wage and decent benefits. All Americans. Not a society where it’s all about me and let the others be damned. That is not a society at all. Nor is it consistent with any of the foundational beliefs of an enlightened mind or of the decency and moral virtue of Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism or Sikhism of which almost every American subscribes to on some level. And it is clearly not consistent with “A More Perfect Union” nor is it consistent with “we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor”. Instead, this is anarchy and neofeudalism. It’s more of the same.
The public sector is unsupportable because of a broken and financially-destitute private sector courtesy of the Democratic and Republican parties.

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