Massive Creamy Nougat Energy Bubbles At The Center Of The Milky Way Candy Bar
This last week of 2010 I’m going to try to unload a few posts I didn’t get up this year. One will tie directly into the last post on gold and all of the con games played by Wall Street cited in the associated Bloomberg article. It’ll get up early in 2011 if not this week. Another is this post. A very substantial new discovery.
This is a massive find that surprised and baffled scientists yet was lost in the histrionics of the mainstream media. And it is right in our back yard. On a scale of magnitude, this is like believing you are the only person alive on planet earth and then waking up tomorrow to find there are six billion other people here with you. It’s hard to overstate the significance of this discovery.
1 light year is 5.87 x 10 to the 12th miles. (The sun is about 8 light minutes from earth.) This energy source is 50,000 light years across and is comprised of the most powerful energy source known to man, gamma rays, capable of energy into the billions of times that of visible light. This bubble is likely at many millions of degrees and expanding at many millions of miles per hour per astrophysicists.
At this point, not only do we have no substantial proof of what this is, but we have no idea how long it has been there and we have no idea how it has previously, or is today or in the future will impact earth. The leading theory is that this is from a black hole eruption at the center of the Milky Way. The discovery of a massive black hole at the center of the Milky Way is also very recent.
I think I missed the impact of this discovery in Algore’s anthropogenic global warming claim or his Nobel Prize for Dunces application. You know, the same one that has netted him more than $200 million in personal wealth by hocking his con. How the hell does a public servant, who was only ever elected because of his father, and who makes or invents nothing of productive use, legitimately acquire $200 million in a span of a decade? Seriously. Doesn’t that question ever come to mind? Do you know any former President or Vice President that has made the hundreds of millions that Clinton and Gore have made in the span of a decade? They used their position as public servants for personal gain. It’s the same corrupt political environment that still exists. An environment that Al Gore and Bill Clinton helped perfect. The only question in my mind is how much did they sell out the American people to do it? I know they did to the tune of trillions of dollars in losses and millions of jobs lost for Americans. What else do we not know?
The universe is so damn complicated and to have a bureaucrat draw a correlation graph of global temperature and CO2 levels that has been drawn tens of thousands of times by scientists before him, and to then conclude he has an epiphany that they didn’t – that he knows what causes global warming - is just about the most ridiculous event of my lifetime. RIDICULOUS! They will laugh or cry when they talk of our “leaders” in future generations.
Most people probably won’t read this post because they come to this blog to read about economics and finance. But little would most people know….. So….. Far enough down the post that most have probably concluded this has no relevance to either, let’s consider how this discovery ties into our theme of volatility – a concept which ties directly into financial market and economic activity. Remember this quote from on here some years ago in our Chaiten volcano post? ‘I'm intrigued by the potential for electrical and electromagnetic disturbances of extraterrestrial origin interacting with forces on earth as a root cause of volatility. That includes human behavior and tectonic activity amongst other symptoms.’ A fact that is almost completely lost in the mire of events at the time, unlike Algore’s every word where the mainstream media waits with bated breath, the earth was hit with a massive gamma ray burst magnitudes larger than any ever recorded coincident with the 9.3 Richter scale earthquake-tsunami disaster in southern Asia back in 2004.
As we have said on here before, the known and unknown energy forces impacting our planet and climate in the snap of your fingers is greater than humankind’s impact since our creation. Certain stars in our galaxy emit more energy in a second than our sun emits in millions of years. And that energy often impacts earth or the universe around us. We just don’t see it because the energy is not in the visible spectrum. Global warming is-was quantifiably real. Man-made global warming is a manifestation of the ego. The universe has its own agenda. And there is nothing a small speck of humanity is going to do to stop it. Instead of hyperventilating about man-made global warming, we’d do better to study the universe’s agenda (embrace true science over Al’s political con game) and deal with the massive issues facing humankind today – poverty, millions of deaths of war and famine, massive government and banking fraud, polluting our planet and ourselves and on and on. Algore and bureaucrats pumping man-made global warming use fear-based terror ( a technique perfected when he was a politician) to paint unthinkable fear-based pictures of the boogeyman of global warming in our mind, while he says nothing about the billions of people suffering from political con games and corruption around the world today.
Physicist Paul LaViolette is just my kind of guy. He’s batty and outside of the mainstream. He has been a proponent of advanced theories involving extraterrestrial energy sources impacting earth. In this video, he provides a unique perspective on this find and the impact on the earth, including our climate, here.
The real question is what impact do these energies play in the creation and evolution of life, our existence, consciousness and intelligence. That’s a very, very interesting question. I’m glad you asked. Hahahaha.
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