Thursday, March 19, 2020

Here Comes The Government Handout -- Corporate Socialism To Eventually Be Paid For By Democratic Austerity

First I want to post two short videos-

Here  (Donald Trump hypocrisy, lies and incompetence)

And, here (Fox News hypocrisy, lies and incompetence)

There's a lot of hypocritical beliefs within the Republican and conservative club that only Democrats and MSNBC are fukcing morons.  Have no fear.  There's plenty to go around.  And, as usual, it causes suffering, cruelty and even death across a wide range of outcomes well beyond this crisis.  

People who support corporate capitalism are either brainwashed or protecting their own wealth. This country has spent tens of trillions of dollars just in the last decade alone bailing out corporations.  This isn't anything new. This is corporate capitalism.  Not only that, but if one understands the fraud of Corporate Personhood, one can appreciate corporate capitalism is actually unconstitutional on many fronts.  That also includes the Constitution's Nobility Clause.  We have rulers now with titles and estates granted by the king. (Corporate CEO, Chairman, President, etc) They live in moated castles just like in the English Monarchy. (Behind secure gates.)  Our founders were well aware of corporations. We fought a revolution against the king's corporations.  If they wanted corporations to have constitutional rights as people, to then have those people employ all of the rest of us as slaves, they would have written that into the Constitution.  There is a hidden history of corporations that has been written out of democracy.

Corporate socialism is endless.  Whether that is the military budget, (Ugh, this is sickening but is probably severely under-reporting the corporate fraud in the military-industrial complex.) the security state apparatus, healthcare, the industrial food and farming complex, the endlessly crooked financial system or on and on and on.  All of this money could have been appropriated to democracy to help serve our children, our communities and institutions that serve the common good -  "We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor." 

Corporations are and always have been parasitic wealth extraction schemes for royalty and the ruling class.  Always.  Corporations employ your day labor at below market rates, steal that surplus value and pass it on to the economic aristocracy.  It's wage slavery.  And, as was a popular argument around the time of the Civil War, at least southern plantation owners fed and housed their slaves while northern corporations treated their wage slaves with complete contempt.  In fact, corporate capitalism creates well more poverty than wealth.  Something that is never talked about by those who wax poetic about it.  Because they don't even understand how the system works and could never explain that very fact. 
Locally-owned businesses that serve the needs of humanity and democray, I'm all for that.  Businesses. Not corporations. And, in multiple forms - employee owned, community-owned, non-profit and profit alike.  But, if we had democratic capital, most businesses could not compete with employee or community-owned. (As used to be the case with energy utilities and still is the case with water utilities.)  And, if democracy made a decision that a business should be national in size, then we could determine why and what that looked like.  I'd be dubious that no issues we thought needed to be solved by business could not be done at the local level.  We don't need 200,000 person corporations to make a car.  We never did.  And, we definitely don't need 200,000 person corporations printing corporate debt-based money as we have today. 

Corporate capitalism does not serve the needs of democracy or humanity. It never has.  It is highly inefficient at allocating capital to solve human needs.  Now, if you want to give democracy a specific problem to solve, citizens are much better at that than corporate bureaucrats or the government.  That is an avenue that needs to be taken into consideration with what the world looks like in the future.  

And, the U.S. culture of forced corporate work is right out of the fascist Nazi handbook.  In fact, because they can't consume or can't be exploited for day labor, the poor in this nation, most often poor because they were made that way through exploitation and control, are reviled in an eerily similar way as the Jews, Slavs, Gypsies and those not of Aryan blood in Nazi Germany.  They are part of our untermensch or our "useless eaters" that the corporate state abhors.  Our useless eaters are comprised of generally Hispanic immigrant labor, fast food & retail workers, the poor and oftentimes people of color.  

So, here we go again as the wildly corrupt Congress and President consider a bailout for corporations.  It looks as though finally there will be some economic relief for citizens.  There's still no relief from the unreal incompetence of our corporate-owned government and our fraudulent healthcare system.  What the final form this legislation takes, I'd rather wait and see if it's actually just and decent.  But, if it appears to be on the surface, the reality is it's to bailout corporations.  Giving people a monthly stipend is to keep corporations going.  China is many things but they sacrificed their economy to save their people.  We sacrificed and continue to sacrifice our people to save our economy. That gives us some insight into how dystopian our society really is.   

Unlike hypocritical and ignorant Lindsay Graham, (parasite link above), here's a few different ideas on how corporate bailouts should be handled.  Especially since most of these companies crying for taxpayers to again foot their wild incompetence used the entire Trump tax cut to line their open pockets with share buybacks.  

  1. All publicly traded companies that need a bailout (including Wall Street), can access the Federal Reserve discount window just as Wall Street does.  No secrecy on who is doing that under the premise we are concerned about runs or stock manipulation.  These companies will be publicly made available to society.  Rules for accessing the discount window-
    1. That company's stock and bonds are suspended. No additional payouts on any dividends or bonds.
    2. The CEO, president, chairman and company board must resign effective immediately.  Interim leaders will be appointed until new leadership can be put in place.  New leadership will be voted upon by all company employees.
    3. A new board is convened that is comprised of 50 percent workers (a lottery rotating every month to prevent fraud) so they have a democratic stake in the business decisions to stop the criminal, anti-democratic nonsense of sending jobs overseas, outsourcing workers, busting unions, robbing the company coffers, firing workers to please shareholders, etc.  
    4. All stock option and stock payments made to employees making more than $250,000 for the last five years are clawed back and returned to American citizens.
    5. All board and C-level compensation for the last five years will be clawed back and given returned to American citizens.  
    6. All executive pensions are forfeited and returned to American citizens.  
    7. Your access to the discount window requires hard asset collateral; plants, equipment, buildings, etc.   If there isn't appropriate collateral, the company will be put into receivership for eventual sale to non-financial entities. 
    8. Any companies over $30 billion in size will be broken up when the crisis passes.
    9. All workers in the company making under $20 an hour are to receive a pay raise to that amount.  Any layoffs are temporarily put on hold indefinitely.  That means other company members are likely going to have to take a pay cut to become profitable.  If the company, such as McDonald's, cannot become profitable, they will be put into receivership and shut down or sold to non-financial entities. And, their workers will receive a monthly living wage from the government until a new economic paradigm is created that absorbs them.
    10. Ronald Reagan's crooked scheme that created this mess will be legally banned.  No more stock and option compensation in the United States. Period.  
    11. Repeal Trump's corporate tax cuts which have been shown to do nothing other than line the pockets of our parasitic capitalist masters.
  2. All of the parasitic financial firms such as private equity, hedge funds and Wall Street banks that engage in synthetic instruments and gambling will no longer have access to funds or any exchanges to create these instruments.  No firms comprised substantially of synthetic trading will  have access to the Federal Reserve discount window.  And, as synthetic instrument contracts expire, new ones cannot be placed.  This parasitic Ponzi scheme will be made illegal.   We need to unwind what was closing in on a quadrillion dollars of synthetic leverage.  Forever.  (This is substantially responsible for the massive stock market bubble of mythical paper wealth that has been pricked with leverage unwinding.)
  3. The Federal Reserve sets up a window for debt-free cash (not government debt. not debt-based money) to fund all local business payroll shortages to maintain payroll while this crisis continues.  Not to make a profit.  If anyone tries to game the system for this, you forfeit your business and face criminal prosecution.
We can then see what has been missed once this is instituted.  And, adjust accordingly.  It's time democracy hold corporations accountable to serving democracy and humanity. And, get rid of the corporations and pathological corporate executives who fukc over the common good for their own Godless greed and lust for power.

posted by TimingLogic at 11:13 AM