Friday, December 18, 2009

President's Administration Writes A Check It Cannot Cash - $100 Billion In Annual Climate Change Aid (Other People's Money) To Corrupt Governments

What a terrible disappointment President Obama has become for those seeking some type of "cleanup" in Washington. Healthcare reform is a corrupt mess, the government gave trillions of dollars to banksters so they could pay themselves record bonuses for unprecedented fraud, only about 30,000 mortgages have been modified while record numbers of Americans lose their home to criminal bankers, the TARP money was never used as intended and banks are still holding trillions of dollars of mispriced assets, banks reform remains a joke while they again are taking on unprecedented risk, nothing has been done to fix the private economy, stimulus funds were used to bail out fiscal irresponsibility and the state and local level, we have record unemployment, we are spending hundreds of billions more to prop up a government in Afghanistan which is possibly the most corrupt government on earth ............... and now we have the Secretary of State Clinton promising the most corrupt countries on earth a hundred billion dollars a year of other people's money through the climate change boondoggle. How many of you voted for any of this?

A year ago I thought this President had the potential to be a transformational figure. Instead he may be turning out to be the worst President in my adult life time.

If there is one thing we do know to be a near certainty, that is chronic poverty is a sign of systemic fraud. And yes that explanation can easily be applied to the United States today. There is no need for the United States to be in the middle of this self-inflicted crisis whose roots lie in systemic fraud. That "developing countries" have been developing for hundreds of years is a sign of the systemic fraud of illegitimate governments who choke off economic development, self-determination and a rule of law. Or from systemic fraud due to never-ending exploitation and meddling of colonialism. For developed countries to transfer our wealth to these fraudulent banana republics for some climate change scam will only result in one guaranteed outcome. That outcome will not be eradicating any human involvement in climate change. Instead that outcome is incredible and systemic fraud.

Any concept of appeasement of fraudulent governments, seemingly a never-ending belief of the naive, simply doesn't work. Sociopaths, psychopaths and evil-doers like Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, Mugabe, Hassan Al-Bashir or any of the dozens of other crooked "leaders" in "developing" economies today will instead syphon off massive sums of this money as has happened in every single aid program to fraudulent governments in the history of mankind.

What a surprise that the major stumbling block to the Copenhagen scam is a binding aid deal to poor, fraudulent governments. This is an opportunity of a lifetime to extort massive sums of money for todays goons and thugs. And our kings and queens want us to pay for it.

How about we focus on fixing the American economy rather than giving away more of our wealth?
posted by TimingLogic at 10:04 AM