Wednesday, February 10, 2010

President Obama Doesn't Begrudge Bonuses For "Savvy"Banksters Who Destroyed The World

Just months ago the President called bankster bonuses out as being unconscionable or some similar term. Now he compares "savvy" Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan CEO bonuses to professional athletes? Baaahaaa!!! I'll put that up on

This remark was made for a BusinessWeek interview and I can only imagine the President thought this would slip through given the narrow readership for the magazine. It's obvious to me what is going on here. The Dummycrats are trying to stem the tide of Wall Street donations to the Republikaaners which now seems to be taking place with talk of reigning in Wall Street. My post early in 2009 comparing President Obama to President Hoover, who led the country into the Great Depression because of his learned idiocy, is proving more than prescient.

It's no coincidence that JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs were very large donors to the Obama Presidential campaign now is it?

Savvy? You must be kidding me. I think the President needs to go back to Harvard for some re-education. If one would add up all of the involvement in financial backstopping in the American economy, the federal government has propped up about $20 trillion dollars worth of Wall Street created trash and economic assets. That's $150,000 for every person with a job in the United States. If your spouse works, you get to double that. Savvy? This utter bullshit about banks paying back the TARP is a ruse. Pay back the $20 trillion in fraud. And your trillions in bonuses paid over the last fifteen years to create this and other frauds. Without this massive American taxpayer bailout, JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs would be gone. Who care's about TARP? That is a rounding error. And if we use history as a barometer, the Bloods and the Crips might be using these CEOs as their personal manservants. So I think savvy is just a bit overrated. How about the most incompetent or fraudulent hooligans in American history. (Since we aren't investigating Wall Street for any possible fraud I don't know which term applies.) That is a little more appropriate.

Baseball players aren't federally-regulated institutions chartered with keeping society's money safe. Who then went out and committed massive fraud with our money and subsequently lost all of OUR money and paid themselves massive bonuses for doing it. And baseball players didn't then get a taxpayer bailout placed on the back of people making $7 an hour with no pension, no health insurance and often no place to live.

If these politicians aren't going to fix the mess that Washington created, I just wish they would resign. That way we don't need to wait till 2010 and 2012 to vote their incompetent asses out of office.

posted by TimingLogic at 9:40 AM