Thursday, June 03, 2010

High Fructose Corn Syrup Sales In U.S. Are Headed South

The dynamics behind the rise of industrial farming are so amazingly corrupt that it clearly gives us some indication that our government has always been on the take. The bankster mess is really just one of countless dynamics driving the corporatocracy. I want to put up a few more major posts at some point on industrial food related topics; a major source of concern we have highlighted often on here. This is one part of our economy that is headed for drastic future changes. Industrial farming is in serious trouble across a wide range of issues as more and more Americans become informed of its seamy back room government deals, costs to our health and impacts on our freedoms. This is clearly another Humpty Dumpty that is too stupid to realize it's about ready to fall off the wall. Ain't no one going to put it back together again either.

High fructose corn syrup is in everything from toothpaste to bread to soda pop to ketchup to salad dressings to nearly all processed cereals, cookies & crackers to an indirect association with most of our meats. The list is endless but we are nearing the tipping point on a wide variety of food-related issues.

Except for a handful of soda pops I drink in a year, I have consciously and completely eradicated high fructose corn syrup from my diet. And I'll remove I am one of the countless Americans who has written or called food companies and told them to eradicate this and other industrial food ingredients from their products. More importantly, I shop specifically to exclude the purchase of much of the industrial food monopoly. You should too if it is financially feasible but I realize it is often not for many. We aren't going to put people out of work by doing so. We are going to put people into productive jobs creating more healthy products.

If this article is accurate, the average American eats 53 pounds of HFCS. (The second link below cites 60 pounds.) Think of that in terms of a 1 pound package of hamburger at the grocery store. That's 53 individual packages of meat. Every year. On top of that the U.S. produces 65 pounds of sugar per person.

Link here.

And for those who believe sweeteners are sweeteners are sweeteners and there is no difference between sugar and high fructose corn syrup.......
posted by TimingLogic at 9:09 AM