Bernie Sanders Delivered The Real State Of The Union Speech Last Month
Updated with working video link.
I had a hard time watching the SOTU address given how much unnecessary continued suffering manifests itself in our economy. Our President is a great talker. In fact, that’s just about the only thing he has done since taking office as it pertains to dealing with the economy. In the SOTU address the President remarked that we have created over a million new private sector jobs. That is a complete mischaracterization of the facts. In two years, our President has created zero net-new jobs in this here United States. ZERO. There are more unemployed today than the day he took office. And analyses show the vast majority of jobs created are low income with little or no benefits.
In the SOTU address the President remarked that the future is ours to win. I hate to tell you Mr. President but we are a sovereign nation. Maybe you haven’t heard and don’t understand that, Mr. President, but as a sovereign nation we don’t have to win anything. We won that battle 200+ years ago. We are capable of producing our own capital and our own jobs with the right policies. Your continuation of neoliberal economic ideology, aka economic corruption, is further eroding our economy, causing undue suffering and destroying countless economic opportunities as I type this. The President talked of attracting new business to our shores. More neoliberal ideological drivel based on junk economics. Working markets in our economy would create all of the jobs we need with domestic investment. The President remarked that the US has one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world. That is a complete line of bullshit. The effective tax rate for the S&P 500 companies is far and away the lowest in the developed world. ie, There probably isn’t a company in the S&P that pays the published tax rate. Our President sounds like the corporatist he is. And the President hails his new trade agreement with South Korea. Another ridiculous bit of rhetoric. Even Donald Trump, a corporatist himself, called this agreement a complete sham that devastates American businesses. Our President talks of a rigged regulatory system created by lobbyists while he signed the two largest rigged pieces of legislation in the last eighty years – the financial reform bill and the health care bill.
Our President is a fine talker. But after two years of nothing but talk and horrible legislation, it all sounds like more of Bill Clinton and George Bush. There is nothing new in this address. There is absolutely nothing in President Obama’s SOTU address that will fix our failed economy. Just as there is nothing President Obama has done in the last two years to fix our failed economy.
We are in the ageless fight of power, fraud and corruption seeking to dominate its fellow man. The same forces that led to the creation of this country. Leadership is as rare today as is the truth coming from the lips of politicians. And our President has shown time and again that he has more in common with Neville Chamberlain, King George III and Herbert Hoover than with Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Thomas Jefferson or other authentic leaders in our history.
Bernie Sanders delivered the true State of the Union address last month. That is, we are a nation of elite treasonists enabled by their bought and paid for political stooges.
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