The Great Hypocrisy - Saudi Arabia Inks Pact To Develop Nuclear Energy While The U.S. Spend Billions Of Its Citizen’s Money To Deny Iran This Same Ability
Saudi Arabia and Iran are nearly diametrically opposed on some levels. Saudi Arabia is one of the most corrupt nepotistic fiefdoms in the world with absolutely no regard for human rights. I would go so far to even say Saudi Arabia isn’t even a legitimate political entity. It’s no coincidence Saudi Arabia is a major funding source for global terrorism as it turned a blind eye to the radicalization of its society in order to maintain its illegitimate control. And Wikileaks has exposed that Saudi Arabia encouraged America to fight its political war on Iran by sending our men and women into battle to die for its corrupt fiefdom.
Iran also has a radical element in its leadership. But on the other hand, has one of the most cosmopolitan societies in the Middle East. It has a far better track record on human rights. It has a history of human achievement, art, literature and science going back thousands of years. Many of Iran’s masses have a very pro-democracy view on society. And Iran has a history of a working democracy in the twentieth century before the CIA played a key role in radicalizing its leadership. Iran’s leadership surely is illegitimate on many levels but, comparatively, it is leaps and bounds ahead of Saudi Arabia in regards to a foundation to create a sustainable democracy. In other words, with the right international policies by democratic leaders, Iran just might return to its twentieth century roots as a democracy.
If you think about this rather than respond through a lens of a propagandized belief system, the people of Iran have much in common with the people of the United States. That is, American politicians wish to deny access to capital to Iran by controlling what it can and cannot do economically. And they have done this for decades. And in the United States, American politicians wish to deny access to capital to tens of millions of Americans by controlling what we can and cannot do economically. And they have done this for decades.
Government is the transparent self-elected bureaucracy which works as a steward and servant of a free people. The state is that which exists outside of the will and transparency of a free people. So, how much of the U.S. federal government is a servant of its people and how much is controlled by the state?
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