The Status Quo Has Been Very Busy - A Path Is Sought for States to Escape Their Debt Burdens
Updated: Link fixed.
This is a very interesting article. It considers how the status quo is thinking regarding the mess that is state finances and pensions. Mind you, it is apparent from this article that the Washington politicians considering these plans have absolutely no problem doing it extra-constitutionally if not flagrantly violating our constitution and rule of law. It wasn’t too long ago we wrote on here that there was too much apathy with regards to the possibilities of what would happen with public pensions and benefits and it now appears the beavers have been very busy – they are trying to bring Greece to the United States.
Again, as we have said countless times, we need to see an adjustment in public finances because the private sector’s ability to pay for public services has been decimated by government corruption, but we should seek to a society where all Americans have a living wage, access to affordable health care and a dignified retirement. And for those who say this is impossible, and that this is an example of the nanny state being unsustainable, you are a clueless ideologue. I could map out an easy solution which provides these values in a sustainable society. And I am sure countless others have even better solutions. But we are not able to consider debating these solutions because the status quo is hell bent on maintaining power and control in lieu of embracing ideas or change. (More of that change you can believe in. With civility of course.)
If we see anything like the GM plan, what we are going to witness is a massive restructuring of benefits and pay cuts within the public sector community and for its retirees. And that means we are going to see a massive drop in money in the economy, even greater austerity and subsequently, even greater bankruptcies and agony. I have been saying they are going to try to bring Greece to the U.S., and that they are coming for your Social Security. That is exactly the basis for this plan discussed in this article.
If they pull this off, federal government employees are next.
My neighbor is a retired banking executive and his wife is a retired state employee. He is completely brainwashed by his undying belief in the modern day Republican party – a party which shares absolutely none of the values of its first President, Abraham Lincoln. I wonder how he would feel about his beloved Republican party were his standard of living cut by 30% and those two Lexus cars he is so used to leasing every two years would become unattainable? And because of these massive cuts, his kids might be moving back home and mooch off of mom and dad because they are unable to make enough money to be self-sustaining? I suspect he would relinquish his false belief system and quite possibly would never again vote for the Republican party. Ahh. What a glorious day that be! Then we would have something to talk about other than mowing the lawn.
The age of enlightenment continues. As time goes on, more and more people will jettison their false believes and join the movement of truth and reason. And that means the system they so falsely supported will no longer serve any purpose. The status quo is dying.
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