Friday, January 21, 2011

On The One Year Anniversary Of A Fraudulent Supreme Court Ruling, Sign The Bill To Constitutionally End The Corporate Mob’s Criminal Racketeering And Destruction Of Our Government.

This week our President reaffirmed the political primacy of the corporation over working markets or our citizens by telling us the keys to future relations with China are improved business ties – a quote taken directly from Chamber of Commerce and Wall Street lobbyist play books. 

Alternatively, the state of Iran, which was once a democratic society before the CIA’s meddling and America’s insertion of a police state, and has the potential to be a much less belligerent enemy than communist China, and who has substantial western- leaning leaders and a generally pro-western society, is the target of the full force of the military-industrial complex and state-based games of power and control.  

Who decided communist China, a government which has killed tens of millions of its people and seemingly has no regard for human life as it endlessly pollutes the environment and poisons its citizens, should have a future determined by business ties while Iran should not?  That would be the games of the state which serve a purpose of validating its existence.  Mind you, as we have said countless times, American businesses are not a credible basis for a foreign policy of reason or human rights as we found out with Nazi Germany.  American multinationals loved Nazi Germany before the start of World War II. 

It’s time to end corporate personhood and the fascist corruption they hold over the rule of law and our government.


posted by TimingLogic at 10:03 AM