Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Democracy Under Siege In Greece As Tyrannical European Union Bureaucrats Attempt To Dictate Greek Sovereign Policy

Anyone who understand the structure of the EU realizes it is nothing more than a subversive attempt to usurp democracy and sovereignty from individual countries. It is an attempt to consolidate control in the hands of a few incompetent bureaucrats. What a surprise. It was dreamed up by a few bureaucrats and sold to the sovereign people of Europe as something it wasn't. These same bureaucrats never saw this crisis coming. Never saw the fundamentals cracks in the philosophy of the EU. Now these same bureaucrats are attempting to tell the sovereign people of Greece how to run their country. I hope the people of Greece jam their thumb in the EU's council of ministers aka pinheads with no democratic authority or legitimacy.

The people of Greece should be determining the future of their country. And if that means they want to default on their debt, then so be it. If that means they want to return to their own currency, then so be it. If that means they want to run deficits forever, then so be it. The people of Greece should be able to determine their own future, whatever that may be. And they should be able to do so via democratic institutions and processes. That is, by self-rule. Might I add, with a public banking system many of their problems wouldn't exist. Private banking is the scourge of humanity.

posted by TimingLogic at 10:04 AM