The Corporatist-Fascist Republican Party Wastes No Time In Taking Control Of Congress – Representative Issa Asks His Corporate Overlords What He Should Repeal. What About The American People?
This is more corporatism or fascism that got us into this mess in the first place. Major corporations in the U.S. have been a net reducer of jobs for forty years. Issa is asking the same companies that have decimated our democracy and our economy what they wish him to do. Issa is holding court as the King of England held court in 1776. And what exactly does Issa receive on the back end?
Corporations do not create jobs. Working markets create jobs. Working markets have an opportunity to do the will of democracy. Corporations represent absolutely nothing comparable to democracy. Corporations work to rig and defeat competition and markets by using stooges like Darrell Issa to do their will. In a working market within the constructs of a democracy, corporations can be used to do the will of the people and to do good. But this represents neither. In fact, Issa’s actions are a reminder of why we should have permanent economic rules and politicians should then get the hell out of our economy. Instead, Issa’s actions represent the type of state-based meddling that defines the dystopian “Brave New World” that the United States has become.
If you want to do something productive, Mr. Issa, you would gather the top mathematicians in market gaming theory from around the world and have them devise a framework for working markets in the United States. And then you would work to dismantle all of the corrupt, rigged red tape you and your fascist Washington buddies have put into place to rig markets on behalf of corporations and replace it with working market constructs. And part of that dynamic would be to enforce existing anti-trust rules that you and your buddies conveniently forgot to enforce.
Republicans represent the change you can believe in. A change back to the stooge policies that caused our collapse in the first place.
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