Sunday, February 06, 2011

President Obama – American Companies (Multinationals) Have An Obligation To Hire American Workers And Pay A Living Wage. BAHAHAHA! Is That A Joke? Good Luck With That.

President Bush was the decider.  Apparently, President Obama is the talker.   How’s that working out for you? 

Our President tried to talk Wall Street into doing the right thing with bonuses and restraint.  Yeah, that worked.  The fraud and corruption is in full force again with nary a soul participating in the President’s illustrious homeowner modification program, a complete joke.  Ditto with scamming the American people with Enron-style fraud in the commodities market.  The list of rampant fraud goes well beyond these two schemes but that’s not the intent of this post. 

If our President thinks multinational businesses are going to listen to his rhetoric, he has another thing coming.   No one person or company can or will act on his or any other politician’s rhetoric.  Maybe he should consider that we are getting rhetoric fatigue and actually do something beyond talking.  And if he thinks business is going to act with a conscience and pay people a living wage just because he thinks it is a good idea, good luck with that. 

Corporations are simply abiding by the rules to the game.  They must abide by these rules to succeed.  If corporations are not hiring American workers, it’s because politicians like our President have and continue to rig the rules to the game.  Of course, at this point, I think even the sincerity of our President’s rhetoric should be taken as dubious since his actions have not earned any right of leadership or trust. 

Our President confuses working markets with corporatist support for business that is the domain of Republicans and Democrats.  

Businesses do NOT create jobs and his continued catering to them serves of no value to the American people.   Businesses have rigged our economy so that it can’t create sustainable jobs.  Contrarily, working markets create jobs.  Working markets embrace the talent and ideas of society.  And this country has so much incredible talent in every day folk, entrepreneurs, business leaders and scientists, that is just waiting to be unleashed within the framework of a working market.  But the corporatocracy and a fraudulent banking system our President supports has locked them out.   So, our President thinks the answer if more corrupt government on the payroll of business.  The answer is a working democratic government that enforces working markets.  

If we had working markets, and the rules to those markets were set properly, we wouldn’t be relying on  rhetoric of a politician for what direction our economy will turn. 

All of this could be solved with a few strokes of the pen were the President to embrace a functioning market economy over corporatism.  Instead, our President is supporting a system that every single month our President has been in office has ked to higher and higher unemployment.  Every single month our President has been in office, there have been more people without a job or without economic opportunity.  And the jobs that are being created are overwhelmingly capital consuming jobs.   In other words, they are putting an even greater burden on our economy.  

While our President had nothing to do with creating this crisis, his failed economic ideology is now keeping us from a sustainable recovery.  There is no recovery.  

Our Unification of Thoughts is more powerful a weapon than any fleet or army on earth. We are one people, with one will, one resolve, one cause. Our enemies shall talk themselves to death, and we will bury them with their own confusion. We shall prevail!”

posted by TimingLogic at 2:14 PM