Monday, November 15, 2010

Frank Rich - Who Will Stand Up to the Superrich?

The wealthy Americans we should worry about instead are the ones who implicitly won the election — those who take far more from America than they give back. They were not on the ballot, and most of them are not household names. Unlike Whitman and the other defeated self-financing candidates, they are all but certain to cash in on the Nov. 2 results. There’s no one in Washington in either party with the fortitude to try to stop them from grabbing anything that’s not nailed down.

The Americans I’m talking about are not just those shadowy anonymous corporate campaign contributors who flooded this campaign. No less triumphant were those individuals at the apex of the economic pyramid — the superrich who have gotten spectacularly richer over the last four decades while their fellow citizens either treaded water or lost ground. The top 1 percent of American earners took in 23.5 percent of the nation’s pretax income in 2007 — up from less than 9 percent in 1976. During the boom years of 2002 to 2007, that top 1 percent’s pretax income increased an extraordinary 10 percent every year. But the boom proved an exclusive affair: in that same period, the median income for non-elderly American households went down and the poverty rate rose.

I don’t know how many times we have written this on here but Frank Rich’s statement above ‘the superrich who have gotten spectacularly richer over the last four decades while their fellow citizens either treaded water or lost ground.’  is essentially a statement of stealing.  The top 1% stole money from the rest of us.  They are thieves.  Crooks.  Con men.  Treasonists.  They are Mr. Rompuy of the European Union.  They didn’t earn that money.  They stole it from the productive assets in society.  They support the dismantling of democracy and economic freedom for their sociopathic and evil personal gain.  They are robber barons.  They are feudal lords.  They are enemies of We The People.  They are the king of England whose stealing started The Revolutionary War. 

And I for one, want our nation’s money back.   And I want a new economic model which benefits industriousness over stealing.   And inventiveness over the tyranny of bureaucrats.  Which benefits democracy over neofeudal state-sponsored capitalism aka fascism as a statement of the sovereign people’s primacy in a democracy.  Democracy and democratic rights must trump our economic model for our country to recover economically.   

Article link here.

posted by TimingLogic at 3:46 PM