A Few Brief Comments About 2010 And 2011 And The Necessary Journey To Enlightenment, Equality And Moral Clarity
I have often done a year end review and an outlook for the following year in past Januarys but that actually requires too much “work”. I have enough work. Let’s put up something a little different this year.
We have been very clear in our expected outcomes over the last five or six years. They were on target in 2008 and they will be on target again when this crisis resumes unless some enormous global enlightenment is achieved by politicians. That is a paradox of near impossibility. Those who seek control never achieve enlightenment. It as impossibility of how the human mind works.
We just keep magnifying this crisis by throwing more money at a failed economic model created by a ruling class of political whores and their pimps in the corporate world. On here we are basically in waiting mode. The only political hope in the U.S. over the next year is that the Tea Party adopts a position of reason, sanity and democracy which would result in an anti-Republican agenda. That involves forming their own caucus. While many Americans sympathize with Tea Party views on the Constitution, corruption and the runaway state, I am dubious that many of the candidates who actually won are of sound mind aka sane. Hope is not a strategy. We The People are the last best hope. It was the people who made this country great and we must restore that greatness from those who took it away.
I have little doubt that 2011 is going to be a very interesting year. In many regards, the April-May 2010 peak still remains the starting point of a new phase of this crisis. Many important global markets peaked then and have not surpassed those values. All rallies since have been on almost no participation. The dynamic we have written about countless times is finally coming to pass – the financial frankenstein and the economic morass they have created has obliterated all counterparties. They have received their wish. They have become king. There are no counterparties left to trade the assets it holds. Wall Street and hedge funds are left batting assets back and forth with most participants on the same side of the trade. All we need is the match to light the fuel. I remain very concerned about the potential for a crash as we wrote a few times late last year. This low volatility environment in financial markets simply is not sustainable as world volatility is actually increasing across a multitude of economic issues as I type this. We wrote on here years before the 2008 collapse that the world would literally shudder and shake when this cycle ends and that we may lose all of the wealth created since 2000. That is now most certainly going to come to pass. Especially outside of the U.S. We ain’t seen nothin like that yet.
Even before the Wikileaks fiasco, I wrote that we are more than likely going to be witness to some revelations about our government that are going to be astounding, if not horrific. I have no idea when and I don’t want to speculate but the intensity of the Wikileaks drama supports a possibility that our government is even more corrupt than we ever imagined. That many people within the political class show a blatant disregard for the rule of law and have called for the outright cold-blooded and criminal murder of Julian Assange may give clues as to the scope of corruption and fear of its exposure. I never could have imagined these types of political statements in the mainstream media in a thousand years. Many within the political class are obviously willing to do or say anything to anyone if it serves their purpose. And when the rule of law has been subverted as it has today, often they do anything to anyone for any reason. For these people, the Constitution is simply something to shit on and our rule of law is something for sale. How many people are already the victims of doing “anything to anyone for any reason” to serve or protect the state’s interests?
I am not making a prediction or remarking of an anticipated outcome, but I would not be surprised were we to see one of two eventualities. Or both. One, public hearings to bring to account what false beliefs created this toxic mess or two, Nuremburg-type trials in the United States for corruption, treason and possibly even war crimes. That would be years from now were that to ever happen. But there is no closure and way forward without understanding the foundational elements and root causes of this crisis. I believe there is substantial evidence the corruption and even treason may be that serious and one must consider this type possibility in any discussion about the future. And I do not make that statement frivolously. There is no other explanation for not only the corruption we see but the outright selling-out of our country, our citizens and our democracy. I obviously hope I am wrong but if there was one revelation that captured my attention over the past few years, it is the intensity and breadth of the political corruption in the United States. Some of it is simply decent people caught in a bad system of false beliefs. Some of it is clearly outright evil in the truest sense of the word. The American people are literally involved in the greatest war this country has ever fought. It is a war for their mind - to save their democratic institutions, their democratic government, their constitution and their self-determination. I have made it very clear who I believe will win that war. To me it is self-evident that truth and reason will win that battle. That is, the American people, regardless of the endless diatribe of yo-yos calling them stupid, sheep, lazy and dumb. We are none of the above and we will eventually rise above the Orwellian blabber as we have time and again.
Elites rely on the people for their wealth because their primary skill is control achieved through lies, deceit, manipulation and other games of power. Elites always overestimate their own abilities as any power-seeking mind does and always underestimate those of the people. Once the game of control is broken during any major social movement in history, the game is up. We saw this in our history with Robber Barons, Women’s Suffrage, Slavery, Equal Rights, Civil Rights and literally dozens of other major issues. The state and elites are always on the wrong side of any major movement and hide behind the lies and deceit of conservatism in an attempt to maintain control. They are the last to understand the rules have changed. Just as they clearly don’t understand this dynamic today and show record levels of exuberance both politically and economically as we start 2011.
The vast number of Americans, regardless of class or race or creed, wish to see a world contained within a rule of law and self-determination. Some have still yet to realize the scope of this crisis. They will eventually find a commonality in seeking a restoration of our guiding democratic principles when they cumulatively realize the fraud perpetuated by the monopoly political parties and their corporate overlords. Many within the political and corporate system have or will eventually join We The People in this drive for change as they finally accept truth and reason. ie, Decent people in a bad system of false beliefs.
On some level, this crisis is necessary for our growth as a nation. In an odd bout of fate, Wall Street and Washington have presented us with a gift in their overt corruption. The awareness and enlightenment of an entire nation would never be possible without this gift of evil. We cannot choose good without first experiencing evil but now we clearly must chose our fate. And that is where we are right now. We are in the process of choosing. Of setting our minds on the right path. Of the hundreds of millions of Americans, how many do you really believe are going to chose evil when presented the choices we see today? Only the handful of crooks who knowingly created and are benefiting from this environment. We clearly have seen this dynamic building for a few decades in poll results and with lack of economic opportunity. Our country has been a cesspool of corruption time and again throughout history. This needs to be put to rest forever. On some level we chose this journey. We created our own path and now that has presented us with the opportunity to create our own destiny.
This crisis is necessary for the broad level of awareness necessary to fulfill our destiny as a free nation for all Americans regardless of education, religion, race, gender or any other personal choices our citizens may make. That is something that has never happened. We have never been that country for everyone. It is a cause that is most noble and worthy of our nation and all people. All people everywhere are deserving of equality and the dignity and respect that goes with it. No man is better than any other regardless of our imperfections. No man deserves “more” equality than another. No one. Ever.
It’s very important to remember not to think with your eyes when it comes to the future of the economy or politics or financial markets either here or elsewhere. The most serious crises have yet to reveal themselves in their full glory. Many will be political as we have said time and again in our volatility posts. And that includes in the U.S. The mob of bears are fascinated with a collapse of the United States, and our problems are serious and our financial markets are in a massive bubble, but our problems are easily fixed as we have written incessantly. They won’t be fixed until the corruption ends. And that may mean substantially more pain ahead. But the greatest economic duress will be outside of the United States. And that the corruption is substantially greater outside of the U.S. will play a major role in the unfolding of that dynamic. Institutions with global reach will be impacted severely and brutally - in a great bout of irony, those who have bribed their way to economic success will be mercilessly punished by the market. Or as we have written numerous times, karma is a bitch.
We’ll start 2011 off with a bang by putting up a jaw-dropping post some time in the next few weeks which will call into question much of what our eyes have been led to believe for a long, long time.

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