Friday, June 12, 2020

Loitering Men Torch Lebanon’s Central Bank

Most Americans don’t appreciate the history of violence against men in this nation.  It’s long and illustrious.  It’s not a recent occurrence.  The U.S. has turned its gun on its own citizens many times literally and figuratively.  Sometimes that was all men.  Sometimes it was Black men. Sometimes it was Asian men.  Sometimes it was Hispanic men.  The  murders of men such as George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery happen because there is often tacit approval by the state to allow this to happen.  And, it’s just not black men.  It’s all men.  The crime bills by Reagan, Nixon and Clinton that swelled 4% of the world’s population into 25% of the world’s prisoners in what is supposed to be the democratic beacon on the hill is no coincidence. (The prison bubble has been a topic on here over the years and I’ll be talking more on that later.)  Recent unrest in the U.S. is not just about the murder of these two men.  While these were clearly driven by racism, the massive citizen response recognizes the issues that led to this are systemic and far deeper. 

Our nation is bombarded with propaganda by the likes of the New York Times, Fox News, MSNBC, celebrity culture, the government and the like. Anyone reading or watching mainstream media for their news is not getting an accurate picture of what is happening. Each source of news has their own self-interested agenda.  There are agent provocateurs (possibly from the government), police destroying property to blame the movements, massive police violence, looters, anarchists, white supremacists, black people seeking and end to their endless misery, white people seeking an end to their misery, people of all colors seeking justice and democracy across a broad range of issues, media/political and social elites attempting to absorb the protests, corporate capitalists seeking to feign support, business owners angered by how they were destroyed in the shutdowns while corporations looted the public treasury and on and on and on.  The underlying movement is legitimate but the state and those of entitlement (cops, media, corporations, politicians of both parties and on and on) are attempting to control it for their own self-interested agendas or to destroy it.  This is how hierarchy maintains its grip on power.  Absorb the movement, make minor concessions that maintain existing power structures and declare a victory.  (Old interviews with Trump have emerged that reveal he has a book from Adolph Hitler’s speeches and he was supportive of the brutal Chinese communist party crackdown on Tiananmen Square. It’s not looking good for the Donald. But Joe Biden is every bit as pathological and far more responsible for the state of America.  No doubt Trump will exploit this if given the chance.)  

There are many topics written about over the years on year that have been lying in wait for the moment to ignite.  As it pertains to this post, one is the war on men, another is that we will likely watch large American corporations fall like dominos and finally that World War III will likely be humanity’s war against the state.

People across the world have resumed their 2019 protests against the state.  Before the pandemic it was 50 or more nations.  It’s spreading.  It’s spreading in support of the U.S. and in countries that share similar grievances in their own government.  The shine is off the dime and the transparency of the internet has made it impossible for us to go back to a system of ignorance where a chosen few crooks and thugs rule our lives. 

The people who wish to point to these protests as random chaos or thugs have an agenda.  It’s not.  Is there random violence?  Yes. But most of it is targeted at institutions and corporations that are viewed as the source of many economic ills.  I’ve seen videos of people skipping stores owned by citizens and focusing on multinational corporations.  Videos of cops destroying property or the source of violence they tried to blame on protesters.  Even looting by people is misunderstood.  One must appreciate oppression in a capitalistic society to understand the dynamics of looting.  And, by the way, the U.S. government loved the protesters in Hong Kong because it fit their narrative.  They also looted, set fires and destroyed property.  To paraphrase, MLK stated that looting is a last act of people without a voice.  Again, not to be condoned, but corporations and the economic aristocracy in this country achieve their wealth through legalized looting.  The plutocracy.  The people are responding in kind.  And, if the state doesn’t provide for its people regardless of nation, it’s going to get a whole lot worse. 

And, with that, Lebanese loitering men torched one of their central bank buildings. (link)

posted by TimingLogic at 8:38 AM

Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Reposted Trump Comments From November /December 2016

I want to highlight some of my remarks from Trump’s election that are exposing themselves in spades today.  I predicted Trump would win the election on here based on a historical parallel to times that afflicted the ancient Athenians.  A time that led to the rise of economic populism.  The comparison was staggeringly similar.  That’s where the parallels end. 

Don’t believe the nonsense that we are fed by pathological elites and their useful idiots about the people being unable to rule themselves. Or, us needing a system of class in politics, economics or elsewhere.  Athens was an egalitarian society that abhorred entitlement. They voted directly on everything. The poorest people in society served in their Assembly right beside the richest as a constant check against concentrated power.  The Golden Age, what may be the greatest human achievement in history, and well greater than the U.S. disaster we live in today, was an age of extreme populism.  The richness of our society is created by a free and empowered masses.  Not by entitled, wealthy billionaires or politicians or corporate executives living in their gated communities like England in 1776.

Immediately after Trump’s election, and before he even took office, I made the comments below which are snippets from November and December 2016 available on the blog. 

But I also want to highlight what I will be talking about in upcoming posts.  This includes-

-Comments about the recent unrest.  And how the politicians and media don’t get it.  And, is the national security state manipulating the images versus reality and even fomenting the violence? If you are watching and reading mainstream news, you are being misled. If you want to know what is going on, get on Twitter and follow some of the black leaders on the ground. And, some of the leaders regardless of race on the ground that are seeking democratic change.

-How Trump supporters may literally not be able to help themselves in support of an incredibly dangerous, vile person. Similar to the Germans following Hitler.

-How capitalism is and always has been a dehumanizing slave labor camp created by class and the seeds are laid for it to become a labor death camp. (Already witnessing seeds of this today.)

-An expansion of remarks in my May 13th post of the greatest threat to U.S. empire is loitering men. (I certainly couldn’t have anticipated a more rich environment for that than the massive unrest we have experienced in the last few weeks.)  There will be no race war or civil war. This is all nonsense. The war is against the state as written of for years. And,  this is a war that will be led by loitering men. Or men without purpose. Men of all race and creed.  Men whose self-determination and dignity were stolen by the state.

-The rot and ignorance that is being exposed by recent events. 

-How we are about to see a resurgence of men in what will likely be mass violence in humanity’s war against the state. (As noted on here for years, WW3 is likely to be humanity’s war against the state’s control systems with global capitalism at its core. If you listen to the state, the enemy is China. They created China by stealing our democratic economic determinism.)

-How corporate capitalism created the modern-day radical, often ignorant, women’s movement. And, how the worm will turn as social ignorance is replaced by the resurgent rise (and need) for men.

-And, will the U.S. survive? I’m dubious. But, it can happen if the system today is transformed. Not rigged or marginal changes. Not by Trump treating Americans as thugs and hooligans.  Not by either party.  Radical transformation under natural rights and a social contract that hyper-ignorant U.S. corporate capitalism and its associated brainwashed society has always rejected.

-More details on why I have written for the last dozen years that both political parties will likely collapse and specifically why the Democratic Party will likely collapse first.  (It’s not why most people may believe. The Republican Party is even more vile.)

-A follow up on a post earlier this year on the level of disaster that was the U.S. and global economy before the pandemic.

2016 Partial Reposts Below

As P.T. Barnum, our new cartoon, carnival-barking, shyster U.S. president gets ready to take office, (The true Trump is already starting to reveal himself.) I wanted to talk about some of what is coming; more and more of what I have written of more than a decade in thousands of posts that is now starting to reveal itself.  Let me first say one more thing about the election. I’m going to be putting up some more posts on Trump and the election because his election is a sign of our ignorance and a sign of the times.  Don’t get me wrong, I’ve written extensively over the years about Bill and Hillary being criminals. I know many want to label Obama as our worst president in history but don’t kid yourself. It was clearly Clinton, economically, spiritually and socially. He is as purely of a morally bankrupt public official as I have ever seen.  That he was able to deceive the American people for eight years, and in the process dismantle so much of our rule of law is a stain on who we have become. Ditto with Donald Trump. And, frankly, Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama and George Bush.  Bargaining with evil, as the American people, and really all people around the world, have become so good at, will eventually pay off in spades. And that payoff will be exactly the opposite of what was ever intended.  Trump, in my estimation, because of the astrological cycle we are currently experiencing, is likely to be that guy. The person who grants the American people their due payoff for endlessly bargaining with evil. (A pre-ordained cycle giving rise to pathological, fear-based, nationalistic fervor around the world. Remember, enlightenment is a very violent process as it involves the repudiation, often foisted upon the ego/self violently, of its delusional belief systems that keep us from ever seeing reality.  Today, humanity is still bargaining with those belief systems. But, that too will change as our belief systems eventually shatter before our very eyes.)

In this cycle of despair, it’s telling of how ego-centric (absence of good) and Godless the world is that people will give a complete stranger power over their own lives. The same power they won’t grant themselves. That’s what we have done in electing Barack Obama and Donald Trump in this cycle. Both were and are viewed by our society as saviors. First, was Obama whose self-centered pathology actually seems to be that he himself believes he is a savior. And, Donald Trump, whose self-centered ruler archetype is the exact same pathology that Hitler suffered from. Both are examples of humanity worshipping the Golden Calf as opposed to granting themselves their own worthiness through connection to their own divinity. Obama outright lied endlessly to the American people during his election.  Trump used something equally sinister which is a form of truthiness in the face of ever saying anything that was outright truth.  The only truth you will ever find in this world is found within.

Our fate has been assured. As I have typed on here time and again, no one is coming to save you or me.  No one. Jesus isn’t going to ride in an a magic carpet as is the ego-centric view of a savior that organized religion (class and hierarchy) has painted his teachings. Nor is Obama or Trump going to save you.  The only savior in this world is you. You have to save yourself. And, the only way you will do that is through following your own divine inner guidance system. Don’t let the forever pernicious ego or self convince you that means voting for Donald Trump either. That’s purely based on your own ego’s inner voice of fear and pathology.
There is a reason I have spoke often of the likes of  Gustave Le Bon, Hannah Arendt and Eric Hoffer (Hoffer’s book, The True Believer, has always been listed as one of my favorites in my blogging profile. How appropriate his book is with those who voted for Donald Trump.). They all intuitively understood the pathological madness of social movements.  Those who voted for Trump succumb to the same madness as those they hypocritically excoriate. People they label socialists, globalists,  anthropogenic global warmists and even the National Socialist German Worker’s Party aka the Nazis.  We have all succumbed to pathological madness of social movements created by the intent of control and oftentimes outright evil.


Full transparency – I did not vote for either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump even though I just posted that Trump would win based on a corollary to ancient Athens and their war against the aristocracy. Nor would I ever change my mind about voting for either candidate and you’ll see why at some point. Both are Godless and both have stolen their wealth from humanity through pathological means. Don’t let your own endless self-rationalizations convince you of a truth that simply does not exist. Donald Trump is not a self-actualized, self-realized or self-aware person. An example of the extent of his ignorance is if Donald Trump does everything he states, he will not only collapse this system, he will collapse his own standing and wealth.  Do you actually think this person would selflessly do that for the benefit of humanity? Hahaha. His populism is either based on being a liar or ignorant or both.

Quickly, I talked about three astrological turn dates on here leading up to 2013.  Those were 2013, 2016 and 2022. 2013 being the beginning of the battle between good and evil. 2016 being economically-driven and likely the peak of corporate capitalism (and subsequent collapse) and 2022 being the washout bottom of this global control system driven by American Empire.  Let’s see how the next two dates unfold but I am very conscious of the fact that humanity is at war with the state. And, that is what we are witnessing today. In other words, Donald Trump was not elected for any other reason to do the will of the people in its war with the state. The question is, will he? Will he restore your rights as free people? Hahaha. Let’s just watch and see.

posted by TimingLogic at 1:05 PM