Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The United States Is A Death Cult–As Eisenhower Noted, Humanity Is Hanging From An Iron Cross

“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some fifty miles of concrete pavement. We pay for a single fighter with a half-million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. . . . This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.”

The above link is to Eisenhower’s Chance for Peace speech soon after World War II.  In the speech, Eisenhower essentially noted that the military steals from the poor to murder the poor around the world.  Eisenhower made many warnings both publicly and privately about corporate power.  They all seem prescient today given corporate capitalism has devoured democracy in our nation.

At some point, I plan to put up a post highlighting the endless hundreds of trillions (in today’s dollars) of bailouts for corporate capitalism in the last century.  It’s staggering. Capitalism cannot sustain itself without endless bailouts and rigging of policy.  I’ll be laying out a data-driven analysis of that soon enough.  Something that you will literally not read anywhere else. Because society is so brainwashed that we accept what we are told and no complex systems analysis of corporate capitalism is ever done. I’ve already highlighted some of this, but I’ll be summarizing it in future posts that are concise and very easy to understand without the reader needing any knowledge of economics or finance; which are both abject failures and non-scientific criminal rackets of the state. 

For now, let me given you an example of what I am talking about as it pertains to rigging and bailouts.  Corporate capitalism collapsed in 1929. Actually, it collapsed in 1920 but I’ll leave that for another post. (Corporate capitalism as a control system was really only been the basis of our society since the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 or 14. I can’t remember which.  And, with the corrupt Supreme Court decision giving corporations the rights of people in the late 1800s. 

Anyway, visually, corporate capitalism collapsed in 1929. The stock market collapsed and the economy didn’t recover for the entirety of the 1930s. To a certain extent, agrarianism still existed in our nation during that time so millions were able to fend for themselves or barter to some degree. But, those who lived in cities under corporate rule, suffered astronomical poverty and homelessness. (Bad news for today as corporations have forced millions off of an agrarian existence into cities under the control of the corporate state.)  Corporate capitalism showed no ability to recover throughout the 1930s. This led to a jobs program by Roosevelt to bailout corporate capitalism.  Then World War II broke out.  The tooling of the US corporate economy for armaments created massive profits and led to recovered employment.  At the end of World War II, if the US had shut down the armaments industry, or the economic overproduction war required, capitalism would have collapsed again.

US policy makers worried about the return of the Great Depression.  So, in concert with corporate power, they passed the National Security Act of 1947 (discussed on here many times). that institutionalized war, the deep state, the CIA and the permanent armaments industry.  A political benefit of this for corporate capitalism was that it also maintained full employment achieved via making bombs.  This was a soft coup and a corporate bailout that continued the devouring of democracy. It created the National Security Council; in which the military, the CIA and deep state now advised our presidents on all global matters. It is arguable that with this act civilians are no longer in control of the military-industrial complex.  Or, if the corporate-capitalist-powered military-industrial complex has effectively overthrown citizen government.  For a president to deny National Security Council advice would be to deny this institutionalized corporate power. And, no president has ever done so with the possible exception of John F. Kennedy.  The NSAct corporatized and militarized our foreign policy to one that is driven by corporate capitalism’s profit motive. 

Additionally, at the end of WWII, the Marshall Plan was again another bailout for corporate capitalism. The United States didn’t give Europe massive amounts of corporate-produced goods out of the goodness of our hearts.  The US had massive corporate capitalist overproduction capacity after the war and employment, corporate profits and US social stability was reliant on it.  Yet, with the war over, there was no demand for this capacity and massive unemployment and the collapse of capitalism was again imminent. The Marshall Plan and the NSAct allowed corporate capitalism to be bailed out once again.

Both of these end-of-war dynamics rigged corporate profits and employment at completely unsustainable levels for the coming decades as the world’s production capacity was obliterated. That meant the US had no economic competition for decades.  By the 1960s, the world was often making superior products to the US. So, not only were their economies recovering, but they were selling those products to the United States. Endless war in the 1950s and 1960s with Korea, Vietnam and contrived global skirmishes continued to pump up the demand for military gear(corporate bailouts) in the US as we created boogeymen to keep military corporate employment and corporate profits from collapsing. By 1970, the US was essentially once again unable to pay its bills as the economy and employment faltered. Many were predicting a coming economic depression in the US.  The Nixon administration essentially contrived a half-baked political plan to default on the global gold standard and suspend payments of gold to countries who saw the US economy was incapable of paying its bills. This was again nothing more than a bailout for corporate capitalism.

Mind you, this short period of time was the only in American history where corporate capitalism was able to provide reasonably full employment. And, it was because the US had bombed the world into submission (corporate capitalism bailout) and had a monopoly on production and corporate profits(bailouts). And, because corporations had rigged our government’s policies to continue to receive subsidies, rigging, wars and maybe most importantly, the Cold War. (There is a mathematical gaming argument to be had that corporate capitalism as a control system in the US cannot continue to exist without a global enemy, which is why we created the war on terror and the national security state is attempting to transition to Russia and China as boogeymen.)

I’ll leave what happened next to a future post. But, it is the basis of my endless remarks over the years that US economic wealth peaked around 1980.  For now, if you look around you, much of the US today lives in abject poverty that has been exploding since Reagan deregulated (bailout) for-profit corporate capitalism. And, since the Federal Reserve adopted libertarian-inspired monetarism under Reagan’s tenure. Monetarism too is a criminal system that provides bailouts for corporate capitalism as it spits out massive sums of noneconomic money to endlessly bailout corporations.

As an side, I recently remarked to someone who was chanting about US greatness in a conversation about Japan. I noted the average Japanese citizen has a substantially higher standard of living than the average American. And, substantial social safety nets that kept citizens out of poverty and bankruptcy. This person, who hasn’t been out of his own backyard, is typical of the corporate brainwashing in the US.  I’ve been to Japan, and have close friendships with families in Japan. Their wealth and technical prowess is staggering in comparison to ours. Their economy is not based on competitive capitalism. It’s based on cooperation, even though the US has attempted to exert pressure on Japan to adopt a “free market” (cult) economy that has never, ever been the basis of any democratic society until adopted by ideological kooks in the US.

These riggings and massive bailouts for corporate capitalism intensify in size and frequency in order for the corporate state bureaucracy to continue its illusory propaganda. The economic events we witness as a society are shocks to the system that have lasting effects and reduce its resiliency and the ability of individuals to recover from the economic devastation left by corporations.  The scope and frequency of those shocks is quickening since 2000.  Some have coined this disaster capitalism.  This is a misnomer. The system is inherently unstable and without substantial corporate bailouts and policy rigging is unsustainable. We see this in endless subsidies by government, rules rigging by government and endless war needed to keep the system going.

Let me get to the spirit of this post after the above baseline remarks.  The pandemic has started revealing many truths.  One of which is that democracy is dead; something noted on here endlessly.  And, our government is operating exactly as it is intended to operate given it has been devoured by corporate capitalism.  There is no difference between Democrats and Republicans.  They are all economic and social criminals. 

The pandemic has acted as a truth serum.  It has shown our government has no problem allowing small businesses, community businesses, democratic social safety nets and American citizens die while they continue to fund outrageous military budgets and trillions in corporate bailouts from their donors.  Political parties are themselves corporations that rely in the comingling of dirty money to also rig our political system and subvert democracy.  Just as corporate capitalism does. When it comes to helping small businesses, communities or individuals, our nation is a death cult.  $300 a week for unemployment when even undeveloped and communist countries are providing more to their citizens. Most developed democracies are supporting individuals with $3,000-$7,500 a month and making all small businesses whole.  In the last 30-odd weeks, Americans have received little more than $1000 TOTAL from our government. Think about that.  During this time, Congress approved massive military expenditures amounting to $10,000 per family in our nation, trillions of bailouts to corporations and even more money to defense corporations in the form of bailouts. 

The US spends $1.2 trillion per annum on the military/the US police state in one form or another. Or, as Eisenhower noted, corporations steal from the poor to exploit and murder the poor.  Yet, when it comes to helping citizens who are suffering from no fault of their own, money is more important than human life. And, the Republican death cult is leading the charge in their worries about the budget. (Not that Democratic Party criminals like Pelosi, Schumer and the like are really any different.)  All worries of spending magically disappear when it involves defense spending or handouts for corporate donors.   

The US corporate state is a death cult that places money, profits, corporate power and war above the value of human life. Or, for that matter, any life or the health of the natural world. There’s endless money for corporate socialism, bailouts and rigging but those in power hate the poor. And hate anyone who is unable to consume to create the profits a system of Godless greed relies upon to perpetuate itself. This is nothing new. This is the very reason corporations were created by a feudal caste system in Europe. To rob workers and the poor and transfer that wealth to class, entitlement and privilege.

It’s good to be the king. But, karma is fast approaching and it’s a bitch. 

posted by TimingLogic at 3:22 PM

Monday, December 21, 2020

A Christmas Interview On Political Rot With Congresswoman Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez

I want to post a link to this recent interview because it highlights many of the dynamics I’ve been writing about for the last 15 years. 

I’ve noted on numerous occasions for at least a dozen years that-

  1. Both political parties will likely fail (I noted in those posts the Democratic Party would fail first. And, honestly, it has nothing to do with it being the most corrupt.)
  2. We could see a rise of third parties in the US. (Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are really third party candidates. Trump is actually from another planet but that’s not for this post.)
  3. The US corporate capitalist empire would be projected in my analysis to end in 2022
  4. The United States has been a fascist corporate plantation since the Supreme Court decision in the mid 1800s granting corporations the rights of personhood
  5. The US political system has been wildly corrupt since the inception of our nation. Those who live in a manufactured propaganda bubble believe our issues are recent and caused by current generation politicians.
  6. We have been experiencing dynamics very similar to the fall of the Soviet Union, the fall of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the US Revolutionary War. History rhymes, especially as it pertains to autocratic cultures like corporate capitalism, communism and economic empires.
  7. The United States could shatter into pieces.  Or, at a minimum, we needed an economic constitution and US citizens to take back their rights stolen from them by the corporate state and their lackey politicians.
  8. Institutional control, be it corporations, political parties, the health industrial complex, the military-industrial complex, Hollywood, academia, etc is only achieved and maintained by rigging and corrupting democracy.
  9. Large corporations, like political parties and the US, will likely fall like dominos as corporate capitalism continues its collapse. We would have already watched an insolvent Wall Street and countless hundreds of corporations collapse were it not for Republican and Democratic Party bailouts and the bailouts by the Federal Reserve. A recent analysis shows that as many as 25% of American corporations are systemically-insolvent. Thank you, free market. 
  10. The US could easily see 40-70% unemployment as corporate capitalism collapses.

I’ve written extensively about these topics more than a decade before today.  As well as many other outcomes that I will be revisiting to tie into today’s events. But, literally no one on earth has publicly written of these dynamics, and more, coming to pass. I don’t bring this up as a matter of intelligence. But, as a matter of literally how brainwashed and ignorant one has to be to be successful in our civilization. And, how little the adherents to corporate capitalism and US empire actually understand about the complex systems analysis and mathematics that are behind this analysis.  Literally it was nothing more than a small handful of dissidents who predicted the demise of the Soviet Union. And, the remarks of those dissidents were scoffed at by experts in the US.  In other words, you won’t find any truth about your fate or the world’s fate on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, etc.  They are corporate-controlled news sources that are there for social engineering on behalf the ruling economic, political and corporate elites. And, the people in those positions are very flawed individuals driven by money, careerism, entitlement and self-interest; you know, capitalism.

As it pertains to this post, I’m providing a link here to a very recent interview with Jeremy Scahill, a noncorporate journalist whom I admire immensely for his honesty and insight into politics and the violence the US corporate state perpetuates globally, and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.(AOC)  People who are very politically-active and self-identify as conservative are emotionally-triggered by AOC because of their long subconscious shadow and the unresolved emotional issues that create it. This is typical in politics that those who are triggered by people they view as the enemy are really acting out in response to their own unresolved shortcomings and fears. We see this with conservative men who are repulsed by gay men yet we soon find out they are having random sexual experiences with other men. The same dynamics happen with people who self-identify as Democrats. I’m not picking on one particular group.

My point is if you are triggered by a person you don’t even know because someone on Fox News told you what to think about them, drop your ego-driven hatred and intolerance and seek to understand.  And, be willing to consider what she is talking about in this interview.  She is the youngest woman to serve in Congress and one of the most self-aware, intelligent 31 year-olds I’ve ever seen in the U.S. spotlight.  That doesn’t mean I agree with everything she says. But she’s smart and brings serious conversations to the table.  That’s why the establishment really hates her; that includes both Democrats and Republicans.  Anything that threatens entitlement and careerism of those successful in this system is a threat. The typical response is to dehumanize the person and attempt to destroy them socially.  Leftist, snowflake, Marxist, etc.  You can spot these ad hominem attacks that attempt to dehumanize people. It’s the exact same dynamic psychopaths use ono their victims. Dehumanizing someone makes it easier to harm them in some way.  Even if it’s just emotional violence or social violence.  It’s still violence.  And, those esoteric forms of violence are how the corporate state maintains its control over us. Left and right are irrelevant.  There is no Democratic or Republican Party. There’s only the corporate party.  Again, the same dynamics exist when all Trump supporters are classified as racist or whatnot.  This type of psychological warfare is very, very common in the US and exists in a society with psychopathic tendencies whenever someone is attempting to control another person.

I really wanted to remark of the above to lay a little of a baseline because she is one of the most attacked people in politics.  The attacks are almost all based on ignorance, hypocrisy and red-baiting than substance.  

In her interview, she is very transparent about the state of politics. If you’d like, listen to the interview (link here) and see if you can identify any dynamics in that interview I’ve written about over the last fifteen years.  Snippets of all of them are all there.  She isn’t going to lay them out for you. She probably doesn’t understand them herself.  But many of the dynamics she discusses are precursors or actions that point to outcomes I’ve noted over the years. And, how the system is perpetually rigged so elites in our nation maintain their grip on our lives.

posted by TimingLogic at 7:50 PM

Thursday, December 17, 2020

What We Don’t Know About The CV19 Vaccines

Just a quick comment here with vaccines being rushed to market by Trump, politicians of both parties, pharma and no doubt corporate capitalism.  There’s a reason drug approvals in the U.S. take as long as they do. Getting a vaccine approved in a matter of months may seem like an incredible feat of science. But is it?

As I’ve noted in the past, I’m not going to be debating virologists, immunologists and the like.  I’m not an expert and unlike many people on the internet, I appreciate my limitations. But, I am quite confident in my abilities to design scientific experiments and, therefore, would consider myself able to have a deep conversation or provide a critic of the vaccine trials. And, I do have some substantial understanding of how and why our medical infrastructure for vaccines exists.

Peter Doshi, an editor for the British Medical Journal, penned an op-ed in the journal and the New York Times that these trials are lacking in substance as it pertains to the objective of any vaccine. Do they save lives? And, the answer he penned was they weren’t designed for that.  What he didn’t say, but seems obvious from the open questions.

We can clearly determine the trial data provided by the FDA is substantially lacking.  And, the trials themselves are a farce.  Infecting 20,000 people, arbitrarily picking a date to end the trials and relying on reporting of symptoms followed up by an infection test is a comedy of scientific errors and scientific ethics.

Some simple questions that are not answered with a vaccine ramrodded through this process could be-

  1. How many lives can we expect the vaccine to save based on trial data?
  2. Can vaccinated people infect others?
  3. How long will the vaccines last?
  4. Why weren’t challenge trials undertaken? ie Vaccinate volunteers and then expose them to the virus.
  5. How many high risk patients were included in the trials?
  6. How many people may have contracted the virus but were not measured because not every participant was tested?
  7. How many trial participants had high-risk co-morbidities? How many were sick?
  8. How many, based on probabilities, would have been hospitalized in what high-risk or age groups?
  9. What are the short and long term safety profiles of the vaccines?

From there, we can ask additional questions based on that data.  None of which was captured by the vaccine trials.  Not only that, but the drug companies essentially waited until there were some measurable infections and stopped the trials.  Then they claimed 95% efficacy.  Does that mean the vaccine is 95% effective?  This is a hilarious claim that isn’t grounded in any type of scientific reality. Statistically, again taking into account margins of error, this vaccine hasn’t been proven to do anything more than normal infection given the sample size is so small and the infection rate is arbitrary. 

There is a way to determine if the vaccine is 95% effective. It’s via challenge trials. Oxford-AstraZeneca stated they would do challenge trials or infect those who received the vaccine. Yet, the political and economic pressure is so great, we shall see if they actually follow through.

When I looked at the trial data, I believe there were five people in the vaccine group who contracted Bell’s Palsy.  Five people are within some margin of error who would die of CV19 in this size of control group.  The FDA language was to discount Bell’s Palsy as statistically insignificant.  Yet, there is a history of Bell’s Palsy and vaccines.  I don’t know about you, but having your life destroyed with frozen, contorted face muscles isn’t statistically insignificant.  

The only conclusion we can draw is that we have a shot to be given to everyone that doesn’t answer a tremendous amount of questions because the trials weren’t designed to capture these questions.  It was designed to ramrod a trial to completion.  While we don’t know the answer of why this is, I have a few perspectives of why this may have happened.

  1. This process has been highly politicized and governments want to open their economies back up. This rush is substantially because the corporate state has no desire to pay the unemployed, pay small businesses and pay the poor.  The U.S. shits all over small businesses, family-owned businesses and its citizens while many nations are paying upwards of $7,000 a month for people to consider the common good.  In the U.S., grandma dies for the Dow.  So, they want to get something done, thus the politicization of science and the destruction of the scientific method.  Emails have now been released that Trump’s team wanted Americans to get sick and were relying on herd immunity.  While this virus isn’t as lethal as originally believed as science learned more and more about it, herd immunity is a farce.  Those pushing it are literally scientific idiots.  It’s a death march for many in high risk groups and once again shows how the U.S. cares more about money and property than people. This is consistent with Trump wishing to reopen everything and pretend this is all a myth.  By the way, I am quite confident Trump was willing to sacrifice people because of his own businesses being damaged.
  2. The vaccine industry is not an accountable one and therefore has a history of gross incompetence and negligence.  The 20+ page waivers for these vaccines place all of the risks on the person being vaccinated. US law protects them from being sued via these government-sanctioned waivers.  The long history of the vaccine industry is steeped heavily in the military being able to quickly vaccinate Americans were there some biological attack.  So, safety is on the risk of the vaccinated and not the companies or the government.
  3. The US health industrial complex is one of the most incompetent, poorly run, unaccountable bureaucracies in the developed world.  I’ve noted this many times on here including before a single CV19 death in the US. This is generally not a data-driven industry. The science behind protocols and measured outcomes is often highly dubious to outright erroneous. Americans are fed a long line of propaganda of how our healthcare system is the best in the world when benchmarking shows it is near or at the bottom in countless measurements.  And, for that privilege of deaths, disease and lack of humanity, we pay double what most countries pay.  The healthcare industry is there to primarily extract rent.  It’s not there for preventative care or to even provide premium healthcare.  Sure, there are doctors and professionals within the system who do their best but that’s no different than the Soviet Union.  There were good people trying to do their best but the system kept them from being successful at doing it.  In other words, point number 3 can be summarized into the trial lacks data-driven rigor and ethics because the healthcare system isn’t accountable to either.

In these times it is up to individuals to become as aware as possible about their own fate; there is no common good in the corporate state. And, we suffer from the tyranny of cult of experts for purposes of self-interest, careerism, profit and the like.  I will not be getting this vaccine anytime in the indefinite future. And, I appreciate the risks to getting CV19 are unknown, vary widely and may put me at substantial risk.  In other words, I respect what I don’t understand, respect science and as a result, respect risk; something a large number in our dumbed-down society don’t appreciate.  But those receiving it are being used as guinea pigs to collect answers that should have been collected before the vaccines were approved. 

posted by TimingLogic at 1:35 PM