Thursday, January 28, 2021

Robinhood Traders And A Quick Reality Check That Is The Disastrous, Unsustainable, Fragile US Financial System And Humpty Dumpty Economy

I noted on here in at the beginning of the year how horrible the economy was before the pandemic.  In fact, since 2008, real GDP has broken its regression uptrend for the first time since the Great Depression.  In other words, growth of real, not nominal, GDP has stalled.

If we take away Trump’s deficit spending, the real economy contracted in each of his years of service.  That’s a little bit different than the hooey fed to you by Fox News.  In fact, if I take away Obama’s deficit spending, take away the balance sheet of debts the Federal Reserve had to purchase from Wall Street banks during and after the 2008 collapse (that the Federal Reserve still has on their books), and Trump’s deficit spending, the US economy had collapsed before the pandemic. In fact, it has never recovered post 2008.  And in 2008, I wrote that globalization was dead.  It is.  China’s debt to GDP rocketed from nearly nothing in 2008 to now 400% of GDP.  This same dynamic is playing out in Europe and around the world.  2008 was the end.  Employment participation in the US collapsed and never recovered.  Small business creation collapsed and never recovered.  If I add in negative multifactor productivity which simply means it takes more than a dollar of money to produce a dollar of goods, and I add in the massive corporate debt explosion since 2008, its even worse.  If you subtract the $29 trillion (link here) bailout of Wall Street criminals in 2008 while five million Americans were kicked out of their homes……… We are in humpty dumpty land.

Why doesn’t MSNBC, Wall Street, politicians or Fox News tell you any of this? Well, first of all, no politicians or news outlet would actually would have any idea what they are talking about.  With this week’s shenanigans with Reddit and Wall Street hedge funds blowing up, I think its safe to assume you know why Wall Street would never utter anything.  Free markets, free speech, free elections, free press and your freedom have always been a myth.  Always. People can’t believe the rot in today’s world because they are just waking up from a stupor of brainwashing.  It’s always been here.  And I can prove it scientifically.  And, will soon enough. But, right now, I’m just sitting down at my computer for a few minutes.  I’m not ready to type up any details behind these statements.

Curiously, in addition to the sample of efforts above to prop up corporate capitalism since 2008, how much lower would GDP have been if we took away tens and tens of trillions of dollars in mergers and acquisitions over the last few decades?  If we hadn’t seen retail space per capita increase by 600% since Reagan to be now 1200% TIMES THE PER CAPITA rate of Germany as an example?  That’s not a misprint. 1200%.  If we backed out forty years of building corporate commercial real estate for this unsustainable retail, and take away all of the corporate employment it and retail, logistics, distribution and the like have created, how many trillions would this slice off of GDP?  What about without the seven trillion dollars of wars since 2001 that kept US corporate factories going?  Or the more than ten trillion dollars in defense spending, which goes into corporate pockets and is now well over $1 trillion dollars when including defense, veterans expenses and costs into other agencies such as the NRC? US GDP is a farcical number based purely on lies.  The United States is not the richest nation on earth.  It isn’t even close.  Without the world’s reserve currency that enslaves most of the world and steals their wealth, we’d be living in caves and eating dog food.  Poverty in many states has left the life expectancy in many states, not neighborhoods, is equivalent to that of Ethiopia. (Published rates). Half of all Americans are forced to live like animals or close to it. And, that is why many outwardly act like animals in scenes we see on TV.

This is corporate capitalism.  It’s not corporatism. That’s not even a real thing and I’ll expose that myth too. Corporate capitalism, socialism for the rich, (easily provable) requires endless policy riggings and taxpayer bailouts and that is mathematically provable.  If you don’t understand that, I would suggest you brush off your investigative skills and start to learn about the reasons corporations were created and what their intent is and why our founders fought the Revolutionary War against them.   And, how they destroyed small businesses, municipality-owned businesses, employee owned businesses, cooperatives, family owned businesses and how corporations create our money, fund our wars, control our media, have destroyed our healthcare and devoured our government just to name a few examples. That didn’t happen under Obama or Trump. It has been happening since World War II. And, it caused the Great Depression and had a hand in the Civil War.  And, business creation with employees has collapsed by 90% since Reagan’s policies allowed for the completion of the corporate takeover that devoured whatever was left of democracy. The world didn’t just end up here because Sean Hannity or Joy Reid told you it did.

The Robinhood traders, Taco Bell workers forced to make $7.25 an hour, taught the masters of the universe a lesson in the last few days.  Blowing up their monopoly on credit and money.  Now, I don’t condone this act because it’s no different than stock pools, boiler rooms and other criminal rackets used to attack specific stocks for inflation that then contributed to massive collapse in the Great Depression. But, let’s be clear.  Wall Street does this every day and a government devoured by corporate capitalism and the mythical free market does nothing about it.  Wall Street is a criminal racket of corporations that loot democracy for the investor class and rich elites.

Many groups of Americans are partying like its 1999.  The stock market is up and their “investments” ahem are making them rich.  I noted many years ago I pulled out of financial markets and would never return because of the gross level of fraud that exists.  In 2021, its being exposed. And, like everything else in American society, it’s normalized.  So, we accept the grift that’s everywhere.  Or, at least those who believe some version of propaganda put out by corporations, the media, the military and either of the two political parties. Is the actions of others that are outraging us or that we aren’t part of the grift?  American society created by corporations is morally-challenged.

So, here’s something to ponder that again, you won’t read anywhere else.  GDP was traditionally calculated by value add.  In other words, you had to make or provide something where value was added.  Turning coal to electricity.  Making the turbine to capture the steam created by burning the coal.  Creating a machine tool to manufacture the turbine components.  In that calculation, finance provides no value add.  Nor do its profits.  It adds nothing to GDP.  Trading stocks, mergers & acquisitions, providing millions of corporate Wall Street jobs to enslave society to monetary debt, etc, etc, etc.  But in some dystopian nightmare, finance is added to US GDP.  So, what’s the real GDP of the United States when excluding non value add?  And, how does the government rig this statistic to capture economic value add by corporate finance?  It’s normalized fraud.

So, let’s look at the stock market.  Everyone thinks the economy must be great because stocks are doing great.  What would the stock market be if trillions of dollars weren’t spent in stock buybacks since 2008? And, if the Federal Reserve wasn’t continuously buying Wall Street’s debts and fanning the bailout flames of asset prices by giving them even more money to spend on frivolous financial scams and schemes?  What is the value added price to earnings, price to book, free cash flow, price to GDP, etc of the stock market?  Well, a quick blush calculation tells us its 400% higher than the stock market was in 1929 before corporate capitalism collapsed and stocks fell 90%.  If I take a swag at normalizing those earnings for the dollar reserve currency or globalization, it may possibly be upwards of 800% higher than 1929.  Just using GDP, which has become a magical number, the US stock market went from 30% of GDP before Reagan was elected to office to 200% of GDP today.  That’s stock market expansion against a static baseline.  It’s much higher than that if one actually understands economic sustainability and how unstable our society and our economy is thanks to corporations.  I’m curious, what would your pension or our society look like if that fraud never occurred?  I’ll tell you.  Like everything else I noted above, we’d have already had a revolution.  The world is in the biggest bubble in history and its creator is the US and the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. 

I’ve written endlessly on here that US wealth peaked around 1980.  And, my goal in 2021 is to piece together sixteen years of postings into a mathematical understanding of why that is so. And, how corporate capitalism and its propagandized manipulation of our citizens destroyed the United States.

The economy, republicanism and the financial system are confidence games in both sense of the words.  They are both con games and they rely on confidence.  I noted on here years ago that when both political parties eventually fail the American people, the confidence game will be exposed.  And, here we are. The masses are now “woke”.  And, regardless of the manipulation to divide us, the grievances of every American are exactly the same.  And, it’s just a matter of time until they coalesce around that truth.

posted by TimingLogic at 2:57 PM

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Live From Davos–“Capitalism As We Know It Is Dead” Just As I Predicted Capitalist Elites Would Attempt To Do.

Just a place marker for future comment. But this is very, very important.  I’ve uniquely noted for more than a decade on here that corporate capitalism is dead. And, just a few weeks ago I noted that I expected corporate capitalism to try to usher in a virulent form of socialism.  Well, as of today we had two incredibly wealthy capitalists at the Davos summit of elite criminals note that capitalism is dead.  The former Rothschild banking criminal, and right-wing, corporate neoliberal President Macron of France and the CEO of both made this pronouncement. And, what comes next in the world won’t be pretty.

This is directly tied into my recent place marker post that corporate capitalists will try to usher in a virulent form of socialism. Needless to say my powers of prediction haven’t diminished over the last sixteen years.  If you understand what is happening in the world, it’s very easy to anticipate outcomes.  The people of the world are in serious trouble.  And, thanks to conservatives (libertarians, Republicans and Democrats) in the US who have mindlessly followed the yammering idiocy of Reagan, Rand, free market dunces and corporate captured politicians from both parties, they have brought us to the door of a very, very dangerous time for our democracy.  Fascism won World War II.  And, the US is clearly a fascist state and has been ever since World War II.  And, to be honest, even before.

I’ll be expanding on my place marker comments soon enough as I continue my posts on the insidious nature of corporate capitalism. And, you’ll soon see exactly where this is headed without a revolution of understanding and knowledge by the people.  The good news is that all of the dynamics are in place for a new Age of Enlightenment and that has been a strongly pushed narrative on here for more than a dozen years.  That in fact, we are in the midst of a new Age of Enlightenment. 

As noted, enlightenment is not a switch that goes off in one’s head.  It is a process. And, in that process, there are trials and failures in understandings and truth. Ignorance can be replaced by ignorance until humanity awakens to a level of understanding that unites us.  It is a chaotic process and the world’s people are in the midst of that process.  In the end, corporate capitalism and whatever virulent form of socialism that corporate capitalists will try to usher in will fail.  And, I’ll be writing exactly while a palpable evil in this world attempts to maintain its grip on humanity. 

posted by TimingLogic at 7:00 PM

Monday, January 25, 2021

Timely Remarks Regarding Systemic US Corporate State Social, Economic & Democratic Fragility Exposed By Pandemic

Another unplanned post before I continue with the prior thread of professional class magical thinking.

I really view this pandemic as a truth serum.  It exposes the fragility of whatever is left of US society.  It exposes how leaving our society up to corporations to make decisions on our behalf is literally a fukcing disaster. Just as I noted it would early this year before a single death in the US.  The list below of examples of fragility goes deep and wide and includes literally hundreds, if not thousands of major shortcomings created by bludgeoning democracy and public policy and allowing the mythical corporate capitalist free market to dominate society; this dynamic has been discussed on here over the years. Those who believe Trump or Biden or anyone is going to fix anything are sadly mistaken. The system is so incredibly fragile that any changes such as paying all citizens a living wage or taxing those who have stolen from the poor are likely to cause it to substantially destabilize. Because my analysis concludes that 2008 was the “end” of globalization (I’ll talk more about my past comments on this and why the economic dynamics we have seen since 2008 looks more like continuation effects similar to the change in direction of a large ship, for lack of a better description, than a continuation of globalization. But, today it looks like 2020s attempted global reflation has been a failure and if so, serious crises like ahead.) and US economic wealth peaked forty-odd years ago, I expect 2021 to be a continuation in the expansion of the cycle of volatility that is the overarching theme on here; I expect a more volatile 2021 than 2020 across economic, financial, social and political dynamics. Globally.

Examples of US fragility-

  1. Paying people slave wages creates a fragile economy and society that lives on the edge of endless systemic crises. Period.
  2. Allowing corporate fascists to offshore ANY US jobs in industry that is still used and even crucial to US economic and democratic success is criminal and an act of treason by corporate capitalists.
  3. Denying people healthcare or forcing them into fascist corporate Obamacare that literally extorts massive sums from citizens with huge deductibles and copays creates massive economic and social fragility that only benefits investors and corporate capitalist bureaucrats.
  4. Creating global supply chains so US corporations can extort foreign slaves for profits greater than they can extort from US citizens creates massive social shocks beyond economic devastation within the US working class. It also creates shocks and fragilities where US citizens are reliant on dictatorships to provide necessary goods and services.
  5. Allowing corporations to destroy small business, municipality-owned business and localism creates a society lacking in local resilience, democratic determinism and diversity. Localities are unable to be self-sufficient in any meaningful way.
  6. Allowing corporations to close community hospitals or reduce beds needed to ensure resiliency with any natural, economic or social shocks because it serves investors and profits creates a fragile society unable to care of those in need of healthcare.
  7. Allowing corporate agriculture to consolidate its power and food production into dehumanizing, gargantuan factories destroys local community’s ability to provide resilience and deal with potential food shocks for its citizens. Not only that, but the corporate takeover of agriculture has made the US a food insecure nation.  We now import as much as we consume because taxpayer subsidized corporate agriculture produces what grants it the greatest profit. That profit is often served better overseas where it can then employ the same model it uses in the US to decimate small farmers and print monopolistic profits.
  8. Our educational system leaves citizens lacking in skills and resilience to defend democracy and themselves from the corporate state.  Corporate capitalism, a system of forced competition for resources by citizen slaves, relies on a society to be uneducated.  The uneducated or propagandized, useless education delivered to the masses via media, academia and corporations is fundamental to its success. Because the masses have to be controlled to accept their lot in life determined by a ruling economic class.  Education for the masses is an anathema for corporations. Because then you will question corporations determining your lot in life and your economic worthiness.  The lack of true education in the US is horrific and leads to conspiracies and magical thinking by those who otherwise follow authority and abandon their free will without a concern.  Compare this to the ancient Athenians who created the liberal arts to ensure citizens were educated to defend democracy.  Corporate capitalism hates liberal arts because it teaches people how to think rather than what to think. Corporate stooges mock liberal arts as useless and mock how it provides no skills needed to get a corporate job.
  9. In a nutshell, what I am stating above is corporate profits and resultant lacking democratic government and public policy come at the expense of social, economic and democratic resilience and have created a massively fragile society. The free market and corporate capitalism being synonymous with democracy is pure bullshit. What’s synonymous with democracy and resilience is localism, family businesses, community-owned businesses, democracy-owned businesses, local entrepreneurialism, employee owned businesses and cooperatives and on and on. A topic beaten like a rented mule on here over the last sixteen years and now being exposed as very lacking and creating massive fragility in the process.
  10. Citizen government is dead. Dead. And, this creates a fragile society in multiple ways. One is democracy doesn’t policy plan to build resilient society, individuals and communities. We don’t have public servants. We don’t have participatory democracy. The corporate state wants as much participation from you as the CCP does in China. Or, the Politburo in the USSR. You get to pretend to vote for corporate-approved stooges in a two-party duopoly and then you are told to go away. No fomenting democracy in the streets. No active participation in making laws or running government. The Athenians, who brought us liberal arts, philosophy, science, assembly government and the golden age of the average man noted 3000 years ago that if you don’t rule yourself (participatory, direct democracy), you’ll soon be ruled by idiots. That is the corporate state of the US of A in spades. Ruled by corporate, political, academic, religious state, military and corporate media idiots.  The way out is for the mass of citizens to exert their individual and community power and strip it from the corporate state. There’s no need for violence. It’s easy.  We simply need to stop carping at each (what the system is designed to force us to do) other long enough to realize the root cause of our ills are the economic plutocracy that steal our wealth, our jobs, our free will, our creativity, our democratic determinism and our communities.

I could go on and on and so could you.  But, just a few highlights to get your creative juices flowing in what you see. 

I think most by now are willing to stop pretending that the outbreak is fake. Especially because it ravaged rural communities in the US that were caught up in Trump’s power of suggestion and magical thinking. This virus isn’t the flu.  Most recover but many also deal with consequences of unknown longer term effects.  And, while we have responded with some treatments that improve recovery, our economic, social and political responses are an unmitigated disaster for citizens and citizen-owned businesses while the political elites and corporations continue their plunder of US citizens. 

I noted before the election that it would be hard for Trump to win the election if it hit rural areas, which were his strong base.  Trump would have won re-election if he would have taken his responsibilities more seriously.  Even the appearance of doing so.  I saw a poll soon after the election that only 25% of Americans who voted against Trump actually supported Biden.  Anecdotally, that sounds about right. We’ll see where Biden ends up in four years. But I’m quite confident the world will not unfold in any way that allows him or the Democratic Party establishment to dictate policy.  It’ll likely be chaotic and reactive given the disastrous state of US society and an economy that peaked decades ago.  Fundamentally, the US economy is and has been a growing disaster for decades.  Half of our citizens make less than $20,000 per year and the participation rate has collapsed since the 1970s.  The shocks it is taking are exposing our lack of social and economic resilience that cannot be measured in corporate profits.  In other words, the free market is an abject failure. Of course, never in human history has any type of self-government or democracy(republicanism is a form of democracy) thrown its citizens to private, wealthy economic interests and told them to sink or swim. Then, deal with the consequences of poverty, crime, addiction and insecurity.  The US is officially a failed state created by Ayn Rand, Alan Greenspan, Ronald Reagan and the founding neoliberals.

I noted in a couple of posts before any pandemic deaths in the US in substantial detail that the US would likely be a disaster zone if the pandemic was a serious one. Everything has been an abject failure since. The US is less of a country than it is a corporate plantation. (continued discussion in upcoming posts)  And, that corporate devouring of our democracy that has been ongoing for at least 150 years is substantially behind the US puppet government. 

We’ve been made promise after promise by corporations, politicians(that have been exposed as unaccountable lies) and in 2020 by experts at the FDA and CDC for a year.  They have all been abject failures.  It doesn’t help that we have an anti-science society that embraces magical thinking and conspiracies but in reality, the state created that too. 

We now are officially being told the RNA vaccines don’t provide immunity on new virus strains.  Per my post after the release of my vaccine, we still have no safety and efficacy data or science behind the ramrodded vaccine.  I can say with nearly complete accuracy that everything experts and government have told us about policy has been nearly 100% wrong.  They may not be wrong on the science but that has yet to be proven; which is why we do detailed data-driven trials to confirm the theory.  While I noted I won’t be taking the vaccine anytime soon, it’s not because I side with conspiracy theorists and the anti-science crowd.  The vaccine science itself is theoretically elegant.  But I want to see greater transparent data and it’s not forthcoming.  And, now side effects and outcomes that aren’t easily determined with 20,000 trial participants because they may happen only once every 25,000 times or once every 12,000 times or whatnot, seem to be popping up.  (These could lead to tens or hundreds of thousands of unanticipated vaccine outcomes.)

On that note, my family just suffered a death of someone who was in good health until receiving the first dose of the vaccine.  Coincidence? Possible. But, if this were a death that happened within a certain time frame of contracting the virus, it would be classified as virus-caused.  Yet, we aren’t doing the same with post vaccine deaths.  In fact, in this case, no one is investigating anything.  I’m sure that’s not an isolated situation.  Unfortunately, the government has no formal data collection process post vaccine so we don’t know the extent of side effects or deaths.  But, we do see a few hundred deaths and many times that in serious side effects in the CDC’s VAERS data reporting system.  Unfortunately, just like everything else, this data collection effort is a comedy of errors so we really don’t know what we don’t know.  In other words, unknown unknowns and unknown knowns.

The trifling with this virus by society is most disturbing because the longer it burns as a slow fuse, the more chance it has to mutate into something else.  Delaying second booster shots beyond the trial science as a few nations have started to do also leaves a weakened virus with more time to mutate against the vaccine.  The viral load data on new strains is disturbing.  Overloading the immune system in volume becomes another form of concern as relevant as mutation against a vaccine.

In closing, the debate about medical masks is more political than anything else. Medical masks aren’t to protect you from a single virus particle entering your nose or mouth. We don’t know how many viruses it takes to make someone sick.  But it isn’t one or two.  They are to protect you from the mass of sputum when someone coughs or is substantially virally shedding from the mouth or nose. Sputum that often floats in indoor air for an extended length of time.  If you don’t think masks work, let’s do a trial.  You can ask the most fragile, elderly amongst those you love to let someone who is infected to cough or spit in their mouth.  Let’s see if they get sick or die.  Because this is what masks are meant to protect. 

posted by TimingLogic at 2:15 PM

Thursday, January 14, 2021

Will Trump Be Impeached By The Senate? Congress Is Who Should Really Be Impeached.

One more post before my stated next post.  Quick comment here on the political wrangling over Trump’s involvement in the march on Washington.  First, I see many Democrats labeling the Trump supporter March as terrorists.  That’s baloney.  And, so was the label when applied to the BLM marches.  There were bad actors and possibly agent provocateurs in both as I noted back during the BLM marches. The FBI, which certainly spies on Americans has stated the largest terrorist threat are right wing radical groups. That’s probably true. But, even their numbers label this group at comprised of around 50,000 people.  We live in a nation of 330 million people. I’m surprised the number is that low.  Ditto with Antifa on the left. Both have legitimate grievances. But, their actions of violence harm innocent people.

I’ve noted many times on here that I’m as close to a pacifist as one can be without actually being one.  The American people can end this system in a week. It’s simple.  A coordinated walkout of all workers and non-corporate business owners would bring the system to its knees.  Or, simply stop buying or using anything other than essentials and the corporate power structure will collapse. Nonviolence works. Violence doesn’t. It plays into the hands of the establishment and gives them legitimate reasons to increase the laws and infrastructure to perpetuate its control over others.  But, people’s anger runs so deep and has been festering for so long, continued violence is likely. 

Should Donald Trump be impeached? Trump manipulates some of his followers into behavior that threatens society.  Does it rise to the level of impeachment?  It comes back to personal responsibility.  Did he actually make those people do anything?  No. Does he yell fire in a theater?  In some form, possibly. Do countless other politicians do this? Yes.  Here’s my perspective.  Which isn’t something that’ll be printed in the mainstream corporate media or uttered by politicians. 

Donald Trump should be impeached if everyone in Congress should be prosecuted for treason, expelled or recalled. And, I do mean literally everyone. Every single member of Congress has played some role in terrorizing Americans and people of the world. I can think of a few who tried to resist but in the end, they support the system for their own self-entitlement.  Trump used speech to manipulate the masses. Congress uses speech to manipulate the masses.  Here’s what Congress also has done.  Just a sample-

  1. Congress has committed treason by sending tens of millions of jobs overseas that has resulted in upwards of 100 million job losses. Those citizens are asked to re-train into some generally useless consumption position that serves corporate hyper-consumerism or corporations.
  2. Congress is terrorizing free speech and privatizing the execution of speech police by fascist Silicon Valley corporations, corporate media and the like. (Btw, Silicon Valley was created by the government and the military industrial complex. It’s not an irony that I’ve noted numerous times on here over the last dozen years that Apple, Google and Facebook were headed for extinction.)
  3. Congress’s inaction on social safety nets, an Enlightenment Principle, results in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans every year. And, even more deal with sickness and despondency.  Lack of access to healthcare, the opioid epidemic of despair, food addictions created by economic instability and poverty, corporate government-created poverty that leads to heart attacks, cancer and the like, etc, etc,
  4. Congress in concert with corporations has bludgeoned small business and killed the hopes and dreams of families and American citizens. And, as a result, has created massive despondency and emotional instability.
  5. Congress funds endless unconstitutional wars that terrorize innocent people around the world.  This, as well as CIA and US government plots to destroy democratic movements and support pliant dictators, has resulted in the deaths of millions of people outside of our nation.  And, has left hundreds of thousands of US families with loss of loved ones, mental illness and disabled veterans.
  6. Congress forces endless numbers of people into corporate state induced poverty by not providing them economic opportunity, guaranteed work or a democratic economic environment where they can serve their communities by opening their own businesses.
  7. Congress commits treason by selling out the American people to corporate lobbyists, foreign agent lobbyists and other scumbags that line the pockets of US politicians while they are in office or after they leave office.

I could go on and on by collecting the grievances of the American people against the corporate state’s ruling class.  Like all systems of class and hierarchy, Congress takes no responsibility for the outcomes of their actions. 

Trump will almost certainly be impeached by both houses of Congress for two reasons.  1) Because fascist Republicans (Democrats are right-wing fascists too) fear his return in 2024 and want to place a permanent label on him. (That will likely backfire)  2) Because everyone in the wildly corrupt political machines views him as a threat to their entitlement. And someone who incites the little people with no voice.   To not accept their fate as dictated to them by corporations, bankers and politicians.  It’s wildly bizarre because Trump has been corporate America’s best friend on taxes but their enemy on globalization.  In his own way, I can only imagine he believes lowering taxes will repatriate overseas jobs.  That didn’t and won’t work.  The US will have to strip corporations, banks and government policy that enables both of their power and return to a tariff-based economy as it existed until Wall Street, corporations and the political stooges literally overthrew our democracy. It certainly wasn’t perfect before that but our nation’s tyranny grew in magnitudes with the adoption of corporate capitalism as a control system.

What the completely-out-of-touch politicians don’t seem to realize is there actions are going to incite future unrest and volatility. Large swaths of the American people have had literally most everything taken from them. And, we know when people have nothing to lose, they lose their fear that this system of conformity requires to perpetuate itself.  The US is a soft form of totalitarianism that requires Americans to willfully accept our slavery.  As long as the masses had a pot to piss in, that form of brainwashing and propaganda generally worked. Of course, with the fear of poverty, homelessness or prison behind it; the social safety nets of corporate capitalism.

posted by TimingLogic at 9:30 AM

Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Update: Evil, The Corporate State And Totalitarian Cults

I want to remark one more time about my second to last post and the events in Washington DC before moving onto the next post. 

I’ve noted on here that to be human is to be a hypocrite. But, we are truly a nation of hypocrites.  I have enough internet feeds on what is happening in our nation to understand the tone and self-righteous indignation of nearly every slice of society. That hypocrisy is rooted in pure ignorance.  We heard all summer about the hypocrisy of Democrats, which is very true. But, now we see the hypocrisy of the Republicans, which is equally true. The blind spots of the ego are endless.

In a hierarchical society so grossly controlled by corporate capitalism and political parties, no one is responsible for their beliefs or their behavior except those who are exploited or suffer the consequences.  That is never the corporate executive or CEO, the corporate media or politicians.  And, that is a major reason why the system is collapsing. Mind you, this will not be found anywhere else on the state of modern corporate capitalist society. It’s either not well-understood or it’s subverted if anyone who did understand, tried to make it a mainstream conversation.

When the vast majority of Republicans and some number of Democrats voted to send millions of jobs to Mexico, who suffered the consequences? Ditto with China? Vietnam? India? Europe? Democracy suffered the consequences.  The American working class suffered the consequences.  Both lost good-paying jobs, retirement plans and some ability to live above the need for government assistance. Our society lost its resilience and ability to deal with any type of shock or disaster.  When Donald Trump incites citizens with lies or distortions about voter fraud, and some of them bring Confederate flags, guns and molotov cocktails to Washington DC, who suffers the consequences?  When Fox News or MSNBC perpetuates half facts or purposefully deceives in order to create false narratives and belief systems or perpetuate ignorance, who suffers the consequences?  When a CEO making millions of dollars slashes wages or sends factories to China and destroys people’s lives, who suffers the consequences?  When Wall Street commits massive fraud that results in millions of Americans being economically-damaged, who suffers the consequences?  When Americans believe what corporations, politicians and their favorite media tells them, who suffers the consequences? You do. I do. Democracy does. Those at the bottom of the hierarchical social pyramid do. 

Who in this world is personally responsible for any of their actions?  Republicans and corporations tell you that they are personally responsible because they work for their living.  This is utter horseshit.  Who?  No one.  And, I’ll tell you why.

Millions upon millions of Americans believe bat-shit nonsense because they were told to believe this by someone seeking dominion or power, be it economic, money or political power.  Let me cite a few examples below. 

Fox News spins up that there was election fraud.  They have zero incontrovertible facts. If they did, they would present them through investigative journalism. But, instead they rely on Trump and his Nazi-esque Big Lies.  Courts are presented legal challenges yet literally none of these challenges provide enough evidence to pursue legal recourse.  So, now, it has turned into a big conspiracy. 40% of Republicans “believe” there is election fraud.  Yet, none of them have any hard evidence worthy of a court room.  A huge percentage of them have no fukcign idea what they are talking about. Does that mean there was absolutely no fraud? Of course not. There has been election fraud in the US since the beginnings of our nation.  Usually local and petty to feed the machine.  Republicans and Democrats commit fraud by gerrymandering.  Republicans and Democrats commit fraud by conspiring to keep other parties from participating in elections.  But, as it pertains to the 2020 presidential election, what it does mean is you are being told what to believe.  And, no one is holding you (meaning anyone perpetuating this)accountable for perpetuating conspiratorial beliefs. Why? Because you lead an insular life of narcissistic tribalism where the only feedback you receive is from people who think like you and thus confirm your beliefs.  Even Google tailors your searches to your beliefs., this reinforcing ignorance.  This happens every day in the politicization of our nation by the military, academia, corporations, corporate media and politicians on both sides.

Here’s an even more insidious example that happened with many of the protesters who went to Washington DC.  Many of Trump rally supporters are the most rabid adherents of his cult of personality. Those most manipulated by his power of suggestion, conspiracies and paranoia.  QAnon kooks and “stop the steal” conspiracy believers have put forth this notion of a national uprising where Trump is their savior anointed by God.  And, that we are in some Biblical apocalyptic moment.  This is magical thinking and the result of the power of evil to manipulate the minds of those most vulnerable.  In a hierarchical control system such as corporate capitalism and political parties, it is required to keep the mass of population ignorant so that they will accept their lot in life.  To be told by those at the top what their fate is. (I’m sending your job to China. I’m taxing your earnings or home to transfer it to corporations, I’m forcing you to re-skill yourself because I’ve decided your jobs and family don’t matter, etc.)  Those on the receiving end of this are generally good and decent people who have been exploited by class. But, they often rely on conspiracy and paranoia in lieu of data, objective reality or science because the system wishes to keep them ignorant about how society and our economy operates.  Then we have the flip side where many near the top or entitled in hierarchical society are sanctimonious in their finger wagging at the actions of Trump supporters or Black Americans, both of whom are suffering the same fate.  Mostly good people that have been given the shaft by a system of forced economic competition and violence such as corporate capitalism.  These are the mudsill people or useless eaters as the capitalist elites have historically labeled them.  And, they are the class of people that corporate capitalism and political elites have often sacrificed through various methods such as economic imprisonment, poor houses, debtor’s prisons, indentured servitude, prison and penal colonies, eugenics, mass genocidal wars, etc.  They often have no careers, no retirements, no entitlement of hierarchy but grow the food (pick the cotton), clean the toilets and provide the services(servants) for those of corporate, military, academic, corporate media and political entitlement.  They exist for one reason and one reason only in the mind of the entitled; to provide entitlement to those who worship careerism and who rise to the top of a system that defeats individual emotional and spiritual growth. That relies on the masses for their wealth, careers and titles. 

This is all because there is no common good or no social contract, an enlightenment principle, underpinning American society.  And, there never has been.  Our society has always been controlled by hierarchical power rather than direct or even republican democracy.  And, it’s a major reason why I have consistently agitated for direct democracy, an economic constitution, power restored to communities and citizens from corporations (and the federal and state governments corporations have devoured), etc.  It’s a major reason I’ve been writing of its coming collapse for so long. With a crisis date of 2022. (We shall see.)

We have an entire nation who is willing to die for lies and bullshit people tell themselves. How many rabid Fox News viewers watch MSNBC or CNN with an open mind to validate their beliefs?  Or vice versa?  Or objectively reject those beliefs as propaganda and lies they are willing to believe? How many people even recognize how to take a belief and deconstruct it into a rational statement that can then be objectively evaluated for completeness or accuracy?  From what I see in the mainstream, almost no one.  That includes the political half wits in Washington, the media, the war machine and those that are manipulated by the system. These types of crazy beliefs are perpetuated because someone in a position of entitlement wants them to be perpetuated.  And, that is true for all politicized belief systems in our nation. And, the world.

Karl Popper is one of the most brilliant thinkers of the last one hundred years.  He’s also one of two people who I can state have properly defined what science is and isn’t.  He applied this same form of philosophical reasoning to identify objective reality versus belief systems or the endless bullshit our egos tell us.  Are Americans taught this ability?  Wouldn’t a free society that wishes to remain free anticipate that education is about preparing citizens to be productive defenders of democracy?  Wouldn’t reasoning and science be part of that?  Like the ancient Greeks who viewed liberal arts education as a requirement for citizens to be defenders of a free and democratic society that embraced the common good.  Instead, the corporate state defines education as being able to read a seventh grade instruction manual to serve your corporate masters.

But, a real education, one that prepares you to defend your freedom and the common good with science, reason, rhetoric, mathematics, the arts, etc.  isn’t how hierarchical systems work. Hierarchical systems and institutionalization, which most specifically in our case is corporate capitalism, is how evil controls and manipulates the masses.  It’s how tyranny is foisted upon humanity. And, as noted on here endlessly over the years, it’s a precursor to social and economic crisis as people continue to awaken to reality.

The new Age of Enlightenment continues. Bad news for the corporate state and its obedient adherents.

Next up, the magical thinking of America’s professional class.

posted by TimingLogic at 2:32 PM

Friday, January 08, 2021

U.S. Corporate Capitalism Will Almost Certainly Attempt To Usher In A Virulent Form Of Socialism

In my next post, I’m going to follow up on the last post. Specifically, magical thinking and the professional class in corporate capitalism.  It’s a follow-up to a post from many years ago with more detail on the insidiousness we see unfolding in our world over the last half century or so.  But, before I do so, I want to put a place marker on here that I will return to within the next handful of posts. I’m doing so because I want any readers to be watching for dynamics surrounding the title of this post as I will be.

From my analysis over the years, I expect corporate capitalism to attempt to usher in the next step in what I view as America’s growing soft totalitarianism.  What do I mean by that? I expect corporation capitalism in concert with both political parties to attempt to usher in a very insidious and virulent form of socialism to save itself.  I can see the libertarians and conservatives who view corporate capitalism and the free markets as synonymous with democracy.  But, this too is magical thinking that I will continue to smash in future posts.  That includes very clear mathematical and social dynamics that refute this without question.  This type of thinking has absolutely no basis in any kind of reality.  It’s purely based on propaganda-created beliefs.

The United States as any form of constitutional republic, democracy or nation of laws based on natural or inalienable rights is as close to death as it can get without actually being dead. And, we are here not because of Marxism or communism or Black Lives Matter or other nonsensical bullshit.  We are here because the United States is a corporate plantation that has devoured democracy and our government. That includes our government and both political parties. I’ve noted this day was coming for a long time on here and we are now in very, very dangerous times.  The greatest danger on our nation is not the far left or the far right but the political middle.  Those who have been stupefied by the media, corporations and political parties. Those who lack the courage to dissent.  Or, have become domesticated by corporations. 

Our nation is going to become more and more divided not by left or right divisive manipulation of the elite establishment. But, rather think in terms of the Soviet Union or our pre-Revolutionary times.  It will become more divided by the mass of people who have become dehumanized zombies, supporting the system out of fear or self-interest without any critical thought and dissidents who recognize the outright evil of the corporate state as a control system.

Without going into detail in this post, what I am stating is far from radical as I’ll note in the following handful of paragraphs. 

Who makes most of the corporate items you consume in the United States and has for a long time? Authoritarian nations.  This includes communist China, communist Vietnam, Authoritarian Saudi Arabia, the failed authoritarian state of Mexico (created and propped up by the United States) and on and on and on.  There’s a reason for that as noted on here in prior posts. In fact, it’s the reason why our founders chucked the Articles of Confederation and adopted the Constitution with a powerful federalist government. Because financiers, corporations and the like need an all-powerful federal authority to enforce their tyranny on the people. Otherwise, who would agree to live in economic chains? 

I’ve noted on here repeatedly that corporate capitalism is authoritarian and has an illustrious history of supporting said policies.  The United States had the most brutal and bloodiest corporate labor wars, with tens of thousands of walkouts, strikes and outright armed battles resulting in murders and mayhem with corporate stooges aligned with the U.S. law enforcement.  That lasted eighty years leading into World War II where in 1937 citizens came as close to outright revolution as they had since 1776.  U.S. corporations most specifically played a very large role in the rise of Adolph Hitler and building out the Nazi war state. Winston Churchill and the British royal family heaped praises on corporate fascism and Adolph Hitler as late as 1938.  Smedley Butler testified before the Congress that U.S. corporations approached him to overthrow the U.S. government to replace it with a fascist corporate leader.  American capitalists should have been prosecuted after World War II for playing a major role in murdering fifty million people. Yet, the world was silent.  There is also ample evidence that Wall Street funded the second Russian revolt in 1917 to overturn what would have possibly been a fledgling democracy and inserted Lenin and his communist stooges.  Lenin lived in New York and there is ample evidence he raised funds from American capitalists. And, there is ample evidence that American corporations helped the communists restart the Russian economy and provided them ample technology.  Just like they are doing in China today. I could go on and on but today the U.S. government wages war on second and third world countries where citizens attempt to vote in democratic governments. The intent is to ensure authoritarian governments propped up by the U.S. and who are pliant to U.S. corporate interests are installed.

There ain’t jack shit that’s democratic about corporate capitalism.

I’ll soon be posting how I expect this will unfold based in future posts. But, we should watch what Republican and Democrats agree upon as the basis for this to unfold.  Never forget, the establishment hated Trump not because he tried to drain the swamp. They hated him because he exposed how ugly the U.S. corporate state actually is.  Nancy Pelosi and Democrats voted to support all of Trump’s policies. There’s no discernable difference in economic ideology. The only differences, however minute, exist in the levels of  corporate capture extremism between individual Republicans and Democrats.

posted by TimingLogic at 9:08 PM

Thursday, January 07, 2021

Evil, America’s Totalitarian Cults And Yesterday’s Washington Events

Anyone who has been reading this blog for the last sixteen calendar years should not be surprised at either the US protests this past summer or what happened in Washington yesterday. The Fox News, OAN, Newsmax propaganda machines had a field day with the politicization and lies of this summer’s protests; labeling the most poor and exploited as Marxists and socialists. Likewise, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC propaganda machines had a field day with the lies of yesterday; calling American citizens terrorists and comparing their actions to the British invasion of our capital in the War of 1812.  The histrionics of the corporate media are palpable. I’ve noted on here many times I haven’t watched television news for twenty five years or most of my adult life. More recently, I pulled the plug on cable TV and the endless amusement and propaganda of the corporate state.

Once again, if you follow any of these news sources, you likely have no idea what is really happening in the world. Literally everything is turned into attempts to manipulate you.

At one point in our nation, we had some amount of non-corporate media. These were generally guild members who hated the establishment’s power and provided very beneficial source of news and investigative journalism. No more. Although some of that is returning online.  The last nails in the coffin were when Clinton deregulated media and allowed a handful of major corporations to consolidate into a bastion of pure corporate ideology.  You know, the free market; corporate capitalism good, government bad.

Corporate media in capitalism is driven by the motive of profit. What exactly does that mean to the viewer? It means that the “journalists” who are really capitalist celebrity figures develop a following based on a profitable ideology. Sane people call this a cult. Insane people call it news. Any deviation from this cult of politicized beliefs results in a loss of viewership as we see with Fox News and their war with Donald Trump.  People like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity are the founding cult leaders of identity politics.  This has now spilled over to Republican, Libertarian and Democratic Party television, print media and social media stars who also develop cult followings.  We also see this on Twitter, Instagram, etc where the goal is to become a social influencer to develop a cult following to tell people what to think and how to think. So, as an example, there may be social justice warriors who develop followings. It even extends to social influencers who are paid by corporations to convince their followers to buy their products. Or, whatnot.  The list of cult leaders is broad and encompasses factions within the establishment.  It’s very insidious and a form of soft totalitarianism in rote, brainwashed thinking.

So, for-profit media both online and in traditional venues has an intent to develop a cult following for the purposes of building a position of financial entitlement and careerism by profiting off their followers. In other words, corporate parasites.  This is an extension of corporate capitalism’s primary intent of profit and this media would not exist without it.  In fact, as I’ve noted on here in the past, corporations are cults. Literally. There is no free will and conformity is enforced in corporations.  Corporations are an even more virulent form of soft totalitarianism.  People like Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and others have made hundreds of millions of dollars off of developing a cult ideology that feeds their entranced followers. People who literally don’t have much of a pot to piss in follow these massively wealthy people and lap up their ideology that often leads to their own personal destruction.  Yet, because they are brainwashed, they accept their cult leader’s explanation that it is the fault of others.

There are two dynamics behind this form of brainwashing and control. One is the hierarchical nature of our economic system where free will is literally impossible. And, magical thinking amongst two major categories of cult followers. One is the generally professional class and the other are generally white conservatives. Both are large blocks of corporate-homogenized (for exploitation and profit) conformists who offer massive profit potential. (Also why corporate media is targets these two groups as highly profitable.) Because of this conformity and sameness of identity both are very prone to magical thinking and the power of suggestion.  I’ll be talking more about the former in a later post but in the latter, I’ve discussed how conservatism as a political ideology is grounded in support for the monarchy. And, that conservative-thinking people are more than happy to grant their power to someone else. In other words, conservatism is steeped in the brainwashing of following a leader.  That may be a religious leader or a military leaders or corporate leader or a political leader.  Or, accept being told what to do.  Mind you, a vast majority of Americans are very conservative.  I’m not talking party affiliation. Just as many Democrats are conservative or support the establishment media, military, corporate and political narrative as Libertarians or Republicans. I’m talking about people who allow others to drive their thinking for them rather than following their own internal guidance system.  More on this later or I’ll be typing all day.

Donald Trump is a horribly flawed human being. But, far from our worst president. Did Trump murder as many people as Bush or Obama? Or sell out the American people like Reagan, Clinton, Bush or Obama by destroying public policy, slashing social safety nets or sending massive sums of middle class jobs out of the US on behalf of their corporate masters?  Not. Even. Close. But, Trump does understand the power of suggestion. There’s ample research that simply saying something, or the power of suggestion, has to ability to manipulate people. The Nazis called it the Big Lie. Trump calls is The Art of the Deal. (By the way, Reagan, Clinton and Obama were also cult of personality leaders with the gift of manipulating people with endless lies while fukcing them over behind closed doors.)

Immediately upon any substantial event, cult leaders from media, corporations, military, academia, politics and the like front run the news or events to ensure they place the appropriate interpretation in the minds of their followers.  On that note, I’m curious. How many poor Black people did Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity have on their shows to explain why they were marching in the streets earlier this year? Or how many did Trump talk to?  Or, even Nancy Pelosi and her pack of ghouls?  But Fox News followers lapped up what their cult leaders told them those protestors were doing.  And, it certainly wasn’t the truth but rather a narrative that would gin up cult followers and drive viewership and profit that landed them their next big payday. If authority is able to front run the news or events of the day, they are able to potentially diffuse it and incorporate the narrative into their agenda to maintain control and power.  This is exactly what the corporate media does every single day.  It’s also what the Democratic Party has done to Black America for the last sixty years.  They diffused the Black movement in the 1960s and diverted its energy into an outcome that allowed the same power base to maintain its tyrannical grip on the poor and downtrodden exploited by corporations and politicians.  Black people wanted freedom and their own economic determinism.  That is not what they got.  What they got was sixty more years of economic totalitarianism that denied them any rights that didn’t conform with the corporate state.

Trump, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck in unison really took this type of propaganda to the next level over the last few decades.  Labeling anyone who didn’t fit their agenda as socialist, snowflake, leftist, Marxist, etc.  These are literally terms used by evil to dehumanize anyone that threatens their power and control. And, what comes after dehumanization? Violence against those people.  In order for evil to get people to perpetuate violence against another person, they first have to dehumanize them in the eyes of their followers.  Not only that, but psychopaths dehumanize their victims in order to rationalize their violence against them.  This dynamic is normalized in US culture.  It’s fundamentally why our society so substantially hates poor people.  I mean really hates poor people. Like society looks away while poor Americans are literally suffering incomprehensibly. The poor aren’t a source of profits for corporations or elites. This dehumanizing dynamic was used against native Americans, Muslims, Jews, poor people, Black Americans, immigrants, gays, enemies of the US empire in other countries and on and on.  It’s the same dehumanization that was used against the Jews in Nazi Germany or the undesirables in the earlier twentieth century eugenics movement. The dehumanizing graphics, labels and rhetoric of the Nazis is eerily similar to that in the US. By the way, the US was the world leader in that eugenics movement and the Nazis used the US as a basis for their eugenics programs.

So, with all of this said, what happened in Washington yesterday?  The same thing that happened with Black Americans and those sympathetic to their demands of human dignity and democracy.  The cult leaders want you to think yesterday is about Trump and terrorism just like they wanted you to think the protests this summer were about Marxism and looting.

As yourself a few questions.

  1. What is happening in the lives of millions of Americans that lead them to these actions? To protests? To be left open to the power of suggestion by pathology?
  2. Why do 70,000 Americans die each year of opioid addictions?
  3. Why do we have a suicide epidemic?
  4. Why do we have massive alcoholism?
  5. Why do shopping and work addictions fill millions of storage units with shit we buy to ameliorate our own empty desperateness?
  6. Why do we have massive homelessness and shelter insecurity? 
  7. Why do we have massive food insecurity amongst children? 
  8. Why do we have a prison population that dwarfs any other nations? 
  9. Why do we spend more on domestic law enforcement and the police state than any other nation sans China spends on their entire nation’s military? Think about that!
  10. Why are 25-30% of women on prescribed mind altering medication to deal with anxiety and depression?
  11. Why have we had a drug addition epidemic for the last one hundred years? That includes pumping Americans with amphetamines during war to keep them going? And drugging housewives and society into a stupor in the 50s and 60s to cope with their internal death? 
  12. Why do 50% of Americans make less than $20,000/year?
  13. Why have 100 million middle class jobs disappeared in the last sixty years? 
  14. Why do we tax the poor to spend more on the military than the rest of the world combined?
  15. Why do we have a mental health crisis in this nation?
  16. Why do 100,000 people die a year from lack of medical insurance? 
  17. Why is the number one reason for bankruptcy health care debt?
  18. Why do we have ghettos from coast to coast that look like bombed-out third world countries? And, why do the wealthy live in gated communities?
  19. Why do citizens live in credit cards that charge 25% rather than a living wage? 
  20. Why do we not have any social safety nets to create a resilient society free from homelessness, poverty and lack of healthcare?
  21. Why is the US murdering untold numbers of people around the world in unconstitutional wars?
  22. Why is the U.S. saddled with incredible debts yet has no common-good social safety nets?
  23. Why do ten Americans have more wealth than the bottom 80%? 
  24. Why have wages for most Americans peaked 50 years ago? 
  25. Why is much of your food and almost everything you consumer made in authoritarian, dictatorial and communist nations?

Need I continue? I can do this all day long.

What happened in Washington yesterday?  Don’t take your eye off the ball.  These are all manifestations of corporate capitalism.  Why are we in the early stages of a revolution as witnessed by all of these protests? Because corporate capitalism has stolen everything and there’s nothing left to steal.  Corporate capitalism is in systemic failure.

The same pathological evil I’ve highlighted in this post wants to tell you that we’ll have a civil war.  Ha!  We’ve been fighting their wars for the last two hundred years.  Nancy Pelosi, Bill Clinton, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, Donald Trump, Wall Street, corporations, corporate media and the like have us fighting wars against each other every single day of every single year. But, regardless of their efforts, the American people continue to wake up.  And, so do people all around the world where similar chaos has been unfolding for years. 

The cycle of volatility is the overarching theme on here for the last sixteen years.  It continues. 2021 will offer no reprieve.  Anyone who understands the state of the global economy realizes even if the world gets the pandemic under control, the world was an unmitigated disaster before 2020.  World governments, including the US, have been spending like we are in the midst of a depression since 2008.  Corporate debt has exploded since 2008.  Global debt has exploded since 2008.  The chaos is because nations under globalization can no longer take care of their citizens nor provide opportunity. 

It’s good to be the king. Though not much longer.

posted by TimingLogic at 1:06 PM