Capitalism As A Control System Is In Its Final Stages Of Death Because It Can’t Pay Its Own Bills
I’ve written countless times over the last fifteen years that corporate capitalism is in its final stages of collapse. And, that corporate capitalism itself has been in systemic failure since 2008. I’ll continue to talk about the endless contradictions of capitalism as I have in the past but for now, I just want to give you one simple contradiction based on my analysis of corporate capitalism as a complex system.
The price of goods created by corporate capitalism is GREATER than wages paid.
I’ve literally never seen that written anywhere. I’m not stating in hundreds of years I am the first person to figure this out. But, if others have, it’s not taught in economics or finance. And, neither of those are sciences or driven by complex systems analysis. They are religions of ideology.
I’ll let you think about that mathematical contradiction means and its many profound implications. But, let me share a few to jump start your mind into considering its many implications. One, the welfare state exists because of corporate capitalism. Two, the very first day a corporation opens its business, it is unprofitable to society. Three, corporate capitalism is cyclical and those cycles always ends in its own self destruction by debt enslavement, a debt bubble and other collapse aberrations. (Public debt is part of the capitalism debt bubble.) Four, corporate capitalism must have a central bank to create the debt bubble it needs to survive. I could keep going and could even write an entire book on the implications of that one contradiction. There are endless major implications for this mathematical contradiction. And, there are dozens of major mathematical contradictions. In other words, these outcomes and implications are multiplicative in the destructive aberrations they create for our society.
What makes this even more timely is that we see productivity has been negative for years in most of the world. That includes in the U.S. That means the world is doing LESS with MORE. That is what drove employment down in the last handful of years even though the system was in collapse. And, that is why China, Europe, U.S. and elsewhere have seen an explosion of debt since the 2008 collapse. 2008 was the end. Have you read this anywhere else? I don’t highlight this for any other reason than the entire world is under a spell of lies and no one in the establishment has any idea of what they are doing or where we are going. That some schmo is blogging in his basement about topics the establishment economic and corporate geniuses don’t understand shows what a dumbed-down society corporate capitalism creates. And, how institutionalization of the economy, politics, education and the like eventually leads to a world of ignorance and collapse.
We are in systemic capitalist collapse. With negative productivity for years around the world, we are now at a point that for every dollar of debt into corporate capitalism, there will be multiple dollars of debt out. You see this in the skyrocketing debt in Europe, US, China and elsewhere. We have now reached a skyrocketing debt environment with no way out. Other than mechanisms I have mentioned in past posts that will expose corporate capitalism and debt as nothing more than control mechanisms to loot the poor (And to actually manufacture artificial poverty, one of corporate capitalism’s greatest achievements.) and control the masses. The capitalist system is now in the phase of its complete destruction. And, this is why I noted many times over the years that eventually the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet would explode and eventually the Federal Reserve (and other central banks) would need a bailout.
Now, the Federal Reserve must create more debt than ever to keep the system from collapse. It’s an impossibility that any central bank can save this system. Central banks don’t control economics and can’t make a silk purse from a sow’s ear. The fact the economists, capitalists, central bankers and politicians don’t understand this is telling that we live in a world of ignorance controlled by the very few at the top of corporate capitalism’s hierarchical power structure. All while society expects them to save us from our own ignorance and support of a system that created our own karmic fate.
How much of what I just typed is inconsistent with the beliefs perpetuated by economists, financial experts, corporate capitalist conservatives, politicians, libertarians and others spouting ideological drivel? All of it. Everything in society is a lie. Everything the successful in our society believe is a lie. And, those lies are leading us off of a cliff as we ignorantly follow their ignorant authority. It’s a party of complete ignorance. People aren’t stupid. They are ignorant. And, they are made ignorant by hierarchical systems that tell them what to think.
In the United States, we prefer fictional capitalist lullabies such as Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, the fictional lullabies of rugged individualism that built our nation, the fictional lullabies that corporate capitalism is synonymous with democracy, that fictional lullabies of media (mostly conservative that perpetuates anti-science capitalist ignorance), the fictional lullabies of profit and property over people’s lives, the fictional lullabies that billionaires are to be glorified as examples of democracy at work, the fictional lullabies of endless bullshit and propaganda in the most brainwashed nation in history.
Let’s be honest. The United States is a culture that rejects science. And, it’s also a culture that distorts and creates frauds that are often called science. That too is oftentimes a result of corporate capitalism and its primary intent of profit and self-interest that drives people to be recognized and drives capitalism’s intent of control.
In fact, the unintended consequences of free market corporate capitalism are endless and touch every aspect of our society. Every. More analysis of corporate capitalism as a complex system leads to more discovery of data you won’t read anywhere else. Examples of this include the deregulation of capital across borders, which I have talked about endlessly, allows corporations pillage the world in the name of U.S. wealth and freedom. Ahem. But a side consequence of deregulating capital flows is that it legitimizes dark businesses that use that deregulation to its advantage to be able to launder and legitimize money and businesses. This has led to the explosion of global human trafficking and the legitimization and globalization of drug cartels and illegal activities that are impossible to track when capital is deregulated. You know, getting rid of public policy and government regulation that Reagan started and every president since has continued. So, governments must pass even more legislation and spend more resources to overcome the unintended consequences and contradictions corporate capitalism creates. All of these end up destroying our freedoms and our communities. The same can be said for the radical women’s rights movement in the U.S. whose most looney adherents advocate a world where men aren’t needed. This is foundationally in its roots of the free capital movement of free market capitalism that sent what is historically been men’s jobs out of our country by the tens of millions. Making things. Engineering. Manufacturing. And replaced them with office paper-pushing jobs that for the first time place men and women in the same work environment. And, has offended many radical feminists that men talk their own language and have their own behaviors that have existed since the beginning of humankind. So, for the most part, men who are left working in office environments are neutered men appealing to radical feminists, or men who have abandoned their manliness to conform to this culture of control where we are now worried about our feelings more than worried about execution, excellence and accountability. Corporations did this.
This doesn’t mean sexual harassment isn’t real. It doesn’t mean people can exploit workers or women. And, mind you, that dynamic is rampant again because of institutionalized hierarchy of corporate capitalism. Where someone has power over another person’s success. It’s no different than the culture of the Catholic Church whose institutionalized hierarchy produces the same pedophilia and sexual assaults. Or, the hierarchical control systems of political parties, academia, Hollywood and the like. By, the way, all funded by and substantially controlled by corporations and corporate capitalist money. Academia is a farm system for corporate capitalism.
Any hierarchical system results in exploitation. But, the one that most impacts our society by a drastic margin is corporate capitalism.
I could go on for hours about how corporate capitalism has literally destroyed society and democracy but I’ve already done that in countless posts. And, that is not the intent of this post. The intent is to expose the lies and brainwashing we are all part and parcel to in this nation about who we are as a society, who we are individually and our ignorant complicity in our own destruction.
I’ll talk more about all of this and other relevant topics regarding capitalism in the future. But, this is why dotards like Joe Biden and Don Trump blather on about the what they are going to do to fix the U.S. economy. They have no fukcing idea what’s going on and no idea how to fix anything. Nor do their corporate masters. Politicians will bend to the will of power. And, power is shifting from corporations to the people. This cycle is one that will be written of for eternity. For, as I’ve written, from an astrological perspective, it is possibly the most profound in over two thousand years.