US Employment Recovery Collapses With Today’s Employment Data Release
Employment numbers were 75% less than expected. Last month’s employment was adjusted down 20% as well. All this while new US unemployment claims remain nearly three times higher than 2019.
For those who buy this garbage that the problem is the poor and unemployed who are getting rich off of unemployment, I’d like to see you live on less than $15 an hour, often for part time work. This is part of the endless propaganda of corporations that Americans are lazy and without daily beatings by their corporate masters, they would rather lay in bed all day. This type of thinking comes from people with long, dark, subconscious shadows who have an insidious self-hatred that drives such views of humanity. It’s the type of hated that produced the like of Adolph Hitler, Donald Trump and countless others in between. Those who complain about the poor when it is corporate capitalism and their lackey political stooges that do their bidding that have destroyed the US.
Arbeit Macht Frei (work will set you free) as the Nazis pummeled into labor camp workers. (Many of which were run by corporate capitalism.) Remember, when we were declaring war on corporate capitalism in 1776, British economic elites and their government were putting people in prison for being poor, sending prisoners and forcing the poor to America as a form of social expungement so they didn’t have to share their wealth with the useless eaters, were putting the poor in debtor’s prisons, forcing the poor to pay for their own imprisonment or be released under forced work contracts, were put in poor houses, work houses and the like to be forced to work off their poverty for corporations and the elites and on and on and on. Eugenics is a creation of corporate capitalism. It came from England for centuries, and later to a lesser extent, capitalists in the US. They wanted to rid themselves of those they couldn’t exploit for profit. They were a drain on their wealth. Hitler and the Nazis were simply following the ideals of corporate capitalism as practiced in England and the US. Poverty is a crime under corporate capitalism. But it’s created by corporate capitalism. Nary an advocate for corporate capitalism I’ve ever met has been able to explain how it creates more poverty than wealth. They don’t even understand that is a FACT.
These are the reasons we spend more on domestic law enforcement than the rest of the world spends on their military and house the largest prison population by far. For most of US history, and definitely since Reagan was elected, US citizens are more and more on the receiving end of the same violence the US uses to run empire. The world’s police state inside our borders, running concentration camps for Muslims and prison labor to make our corporate capitalist goods around the world, and waging endless war on the world that dissents. All propagandized under democracy that was devoured by private capital long ago.
One of the long time theses on here is that 2008 was the end. And, depression level government spending by Obama and Trump (Trump really blew the doors off of government spending.) and continuous Federal Reserve bailouts of our insolvent, criminal corporate capitalist banking system have propped up the illusion of recovery. Endless economic measures collapsed post 2008 and have never recovered. Small business creation collapsed by 50% and continued its collapse started under Reagan. Manufacturing continued its collapse since Reagan was elected. Nearly 8 million Americans have been kicked out of their houses since 2008 while our criminal banking and financial system has then bought upwards of 25% of all houses to then rent back to citizens as a parasitic example of renter capitalism.
Humanity is and has been devolving in the US. We continue down the path towards revolution, economic crisis, humanity’s war against the state or the other outcomes discussed on here for the last sixteen years.