Friday, July 30, 2021

Update On A Long-Time Thesis: US Wealth Creation Peaked More Than 40 Years Ago

Above is a Chart of US total Debt owed by corporations, citizens and government minus GDP. In other words, you can see that GDP outran debt until around 1980 when debt started rising exponentially. Then, debt clearly started outrunning GDP by about 1985 till they point today where our economy is essentially a Ponzi scheme where corporations loot our public treasure indiscriminately. The US economy is the greatest wealth transfer from the poor and working class to the wealthy, plundering investor class of corporate capitalism in world history.
What is the true sustainable GDP under corporate capitalism if debt has now grown to 3-4x GDP? It's certainly not what GDP is today. But, rather a fraction of that. 
It's quite obvious that the collapse of US society didn't begin because of Obama or Trump. It happened because of you. And me. No one is immune from the propagandized ignorance that pervades US mainstream society.
While people are now awakening, as has been one of the major themes on here for the last fifteen years, we are far from woke to use a now popular pejorative. Too many are involved in the political back and forth that is created by the ruling class and entrances a large swath of the population. This is a portent and a sign of impending crisis on so many levels.  

I have uniquely written on here for the last dozen years that US wealth peaked around 1980.(And, that the system collapsed in 2008. Easily validated with data. Some of which I have discussed.)  That's an amazing reality if true because our population has almost doubled since.  It's also not something anyone else ever in the establishment understands. I like being the only person with a particular quantitative and qualitative perspective because society, especially the modern corporate societies, are deeply steeped in mass propaganda and beliefs rather than science, truth or objective reality.
I'll share some perspective from that above statement below. But, I'll hold off on a more detailed nuts and bolts data analysis of what happened until another post in 2021.  I have to post it in 2021 because of my long term projections of what I have uniquely predicted for 2022. 

First, let me start by stating that this debt graphic above is due to the massive looting of US democracy and the world (US corporate empire) by corporate capitalism. (The parasitic elite investor/property ownership class who owns the vast majority of corporations and profits by destroying wages, dehumanizing work and enslaving humanity to debt.)  They have burdened the US democracy and citizens (and the world) with unsustainable debts while looting the global and the US public treasury. This ultimately was the same dynamic that led to the downfall of Rome. Essentially a mafia society where families or Dons (The patrician class in Rome. The parallel in the US today are the investor class of parasites, corporations and corporate elites.) were highly competitive with each other. And exploited the masses and the force of the state to plunder the world.  This should be no surprise because capitalism is based on the Roman economic system.  And, the US adopted its form of rule just as the British had. Polybius infatuation of Roman society was popular with our founding fathers. You'll appreciate this more as you continue reading.

 Paul Volcker, who is a legend in much of the US, and whom I believe is a criminal, told the Congress upon his approval as Federal Reserve Chairman that the US needed to lower its standard of living. His exact quote before Congress was, "The standard of living of the average American has to decline. I don't think you can escape that."

Why should anyone be surprised that the next forty years were massive austerity for the vast majority of the country? The system from both Reagan and Volcker told us what they were going to do. And, we did nothing but conform to the ruling class elites who backed both of these useful idiot's actions.

Volcker then went on to start the greatest austerity program in the history of the United States coupled with Ronald Reagan's gutting to democratic social safety nets.  Even today, we have the general mass of useful idiots who self-identify as Republicans or Libertarians(A political movement funded by and started by corporations.) who follow the brainwashing that democratic government is bad and corporate rule aka free markets are good.
People don't understand why inflation was so high around the time Reagan took office or what he and Volcker were truly trying to accomplish. Inflation was so high because the US was more interested in playing Rome, engaging the world in corporate-inspired wars and spending massive sums of money on the corporate military and endless profit-driven wars to expand corporate domination. Inflation wasn't high because the US paid its workers too much.  But Volcker was first and foremost part of the corporate state. So, the US wasn't going to end its corporate empire to stop raging inflation. So, instead, that meant the corporate state was going to punish US citizens and communities by ushering in austerity on democracy along with destroying small businesses, entrepreneurs, unions and wages.  Reagan's policies cemented this by making massive cuts to democratic programs while ramping up unprecedented spending for profit-driven weapons corporations and unleashing a Wall Street-driven form of financial terrorism on US citizens by deregulating private capital, corporations and the banking industry.  These policies made the ruling plutocracy rich so we continue them to this day. It's certainly not because these policies are backed by science or democracy. And, a huge amount of society is now brainwashed by this madness. And, untold numbers would literally die to defend their enslavement to the corporate state.
How do I know this? Because they sign up to for military and law enforcement service that is there to enforce it. And, they keep voting for it.  Think about this-the Republican Party is now substantially comprised of working class people whose lives have been devastated by corporations sending their livelihood to global backwater shitholes with no democracy to protect labor. And, the Congressional Republican Party in NAFTA, CAFTA and Normalized Trade Relations with China(PNTR) voted by 3-5 to 1 margins over Democrats to send their constituent's livelihood to slave labor camps for corporate capitalism and leave them struggling to survive while corporations rake in record profits. Certainly the Democratic Party is a shithole too but this contradiction exposes the massive ignorance of our voluntary enslavement. And how brainwashed we are.
Additionally, at this time the government gave the Federal Reserve responsibility for employment. This is no small change. That meant the Federal Reserve should print money under Republican ideology of Friedman's monetarism and give all of the money the "free market" or Wall Street and corporations would accept. And, they would then create jobs and prosperity. Forty years of this. 50% of Americans living on less than $20,000 a year.  The US economy a disaster zone.  US social programs to provide democratic resilience are devastated.  Science dead.  People really don't understand to this level of detail what policies actually meant. But, it was the final phase of the corporate takeover of democracy that is in full view today.  

Before employment policy was given to capitalism and the mythical free markets(a term that originates from barons and lords in feudal capitalist England who wanted to produce profit-driven goods using slaves and serfdom without the king's intervention. Or, at that time, some governing force working on behalf of the poor and serfs.) the US government was responsible for employment. In the 1945 Employment Act, the Congress essentially stated that the government would use all powers available to ensure every American had good paying jobs.  What happened in support of the chart above is that corporations and banks would decide what jobs we had and how much people would be paid.  And, they misallocated capital for four decades to the tune of hundreds of trillions of dollars in today's terms.  Truly fascism and extreme repression of the human spirit at an extreme level never seen anywhere in a democracy.  

And, as I have noted, since Reagan's election, US business creation with employees has collapsed 95% on a per capita basis.  The number of banks collapsed by almost 90%. Because what happened is that corporate capitalism killed the American worker and competition from American entrepreneurs, communities, individuals and democratically-owned initiatives.  And, corporate capitalism literally started gutting democratic government programs and then transferring government spending into corporate welfare programs. 

Let me give you an example of that transfer of wealth. By the way, this transfer is massive. Government has privatized trillions of dollars of public assets and policy to corporations since Reagan.  I have a friend who is a physics professor at a major university.  He's been a professor for about 25 years. He said when he was in graduate school, 95% of all university science research requests were approved by government science agencies. Today, it's 5%. Those are, according to him, who I trust completely, directly from grant data. 

The remaining money has been transferred to corporations. This is a major reason why the US is science-illiterate and makes nothing. Basic research has no profit motive. Corporations don't invest in ground-breaking discoveries afforded by basic research. And, thus, we no longer lead in basic research. US universities and government labs used to pump out massive, and I mean massive, research and now it's nearly dead. Corporations have NEVER, and I repeat NEVER produced breakthrough inventions on any scale. They mooch off of democracy and government funded public research that's now dead. So, now science is dead.

Literally, nothing can happen in this nation without the say-so of corporate capitalism. NOTHING. Profit-driven corporations fund our government with profit-driven debt money that enslaves democratic government and citizens. Profit-driven corporations fund our military and wars.  Profit-driven corporations fund our pathetic healthcare or more appropriately sickcare system. Profit-driven corporations create our toxic food industrial complex that has made this pandemic even possible with so many obesity-related comorbidities. Profit-driven corporations lobby our government with unbridled spending to ensure they devour taxpayer dollars. I could spend the next hour continuing with this profit-driven corporate capitalism narrative.

If you think the greatest threat to humanity is some left-wing extreme view of Critical Race Theory that literally has no more membership than right-wing KKK members, you're an idiot being pulled around by your nose by psychopaths and evildoers on both sides of this narrative. 

Enough for now. More in 2021 on why this system is collapsing.  But, you will not read any of this elsewhere in this level of detail because literally no one in finance, politics or economics understands it. And, the people on Fox News, MSNBC, CNN and journalists in general are literally scientific idiots. They simply frame narratives in such a way to drive viewership and turn us into useful idiots for corporate capitalism.

You can easily from the above chart that with corporate enforced austerity on US citizens and US government, we've been forced to live on debt since Reagan's initiatives kicked in.  That's government debt, citizen debt and most recently, through a newer form of elites looting, corporations are loading up on debt since Reagan.  People must live on debt because corporations now run the government and force people into profitable debt serfdom.  In fact, consider this.  Most of the corporations that exist today could never exist before Reagan took office. So, most corporations that exist today would instead be filled by small businesses, entrepreneurs and local community initiatives. What am I talking about that those corporations wouldn't exist except for financial fraud that happened under Reagan? Junk bonds.  But, with the Reagan debt mania fueling the corporate takeover, finance came up with a new form of what is now normalized fraud. That is junk bonds renamed to fit a propagandized narrative as not investment grade. 
Let me take this moment to reiterate why I hammer about why it's incredibly important that humanity understand what is happening in this moment.  If one doesn't understand the root cause, one is likely to be manipulated into false solutions and narratives that drag society further down the rathole of corporate rule.  Every mainstream narrative is funded by corporations and rich elites.  Even grass roots movements are eventually captured by corporate capitalism and morphed into a narrative that allows the system to maintain itself.  
This has happened numerous times in history. And, the US looks a lot like Germany when the Nazis rose to power. Especially with US conservatives. Maybe more on that in another post but a few comments- 
The petit bourgeoisie (establishment conservatives who supported the existing system) in Germany were abandoned by the bourgeoisie or capitalist corporate class. They lost their businesses due to mismanagement of the economy and were stuck paying reparations that were no different than austerity (Started with Reagan and Volcker and continued to this day.) and more recently lockdowns we see in the US today. They developed a bitter hatred for the left and the entitled corporate class.  They hated the left. They even called the left as leftists as conservatives in America do today.  Hitler tapped into this hatred and disenfranchisement.  Remember, his backers were a small minority of around 30% of voters.  They were easily manipulated by someone stating they were going to make Germany great again. And, they found a common enemy in Jews to blame for their issues. Just like happens with China, immigrants and leftists in the US today.  What the petit bourgeoisie did though is turn their heads to the contradictions that Hitler was backed by the corporate class. And, who benefited the most under Trump? Who received trillions in tax cuts? Who espouses incredible hate and participated in the Keystone Cop beer hall putsch in Washington?

The US is under a severe threat of voting in even greater totalitarianism than we have witnessed since the corporate takeover of our society in the second half of the late 1800s. And, if that happens, it will come from the right as it did in Nazi Germany. It's not just the Trump supporters. The Biden supporters are wildly conservative (establishment) authoritarians too and continue the policies that eventually led to the rise of disenfranchisement Hitler tapped into. 

Amazingly, I see conservatives trying to pick their new master in the likes of DeSantis from Florida and Abbott from Texas. These are two incredibly horrible men who do not care about anything but power. And being demagogues to a brainwashed base.  The answer is to find a candidate who will restore a basic social contract to the US and then allow for individuation and individual freedoms both politically and economically. No one within the system will ever allow this. As noted countless times, the US political and economic system cannot recover until we return to a system where power lies within individuals and communities. But, with the understanding of a common good and social contract; both enlightenment principles. 

In many other ways, the US looks like the final days of Rome. The political squabbling and those who participate are part of an entitled society.  I don't care if someone makes $30,000 a year or $30,000,000 a year.  Those who participate in the left versus right false narrative have the time and luxury of doing so because someone else is growing their food, making their clothes, producing their raw materials, making their electronics, etc.  In the US, we rely on slaves to do this.  It's part of capitalism and always has been.  If one had to "do their own laundry and clean their own toilets", they wouldn't have the time nor the egomaniacal impetus to waste so much effort on such hypocritical entitlement of blaming each other for their petty grievances. This is what elites have done all throughout history as they war to control civilizations.  It is what happened in the final days of Rome as ruling elite patricians warred against each other outwardly. And, because the average Roman pleb citizen was reliant on payment from patricians, they were sucked into the mindlessness of it all.
The world is far underestimating the scope of crisis that is coming. And, it will be global because the US has made the world in its image. And, it has done so for purposes of capitalism's plunder of the world's resources and the world's labor. 
One can conclude from my analysis that most every economic change within the US from around 1980 pushed us further from sustainability and a functioning society and economy. Thus, we will see a return to trend or some level of sustainability that will involve massive destruction of forty years of private capital misallocating democracy's resources via the capitalist takeover of democratic government. Nothing in the US is resilient or sustainable. It doesn't matter if it's the massive poverty that creates incredible lack of resilience, the destruction of the middle class, corporate careerism(which I noted ages ago could very well disappear), the long supply chains to avoid paying living wages and line the pockets of investors, most forms of work(that are useless to society and exist to simply allow the owner class to pillage labor), the truly evil Wall Street financial system, the price of assets, our form of all-powerful central government or just about anything else. All discussed on here for ages.  
As consequential as that sounds, it's nothing compared to the misallocations and unsustainability of the world outside of our borders. Globalization is in some regards a zero sum game.  Countries in the world today, sans a very few, didn't develop their own economies with their own laws, resources, inventions and intrinsic internal demand. They benefited from US capital(And Europe and Japan).  This is not only sustainable, but this dynamic of deregulated capital flows capitalism needs to survive created the Great Depression.  This is substantially misunderstood by every "expert" I have come across. More on that later. 
This post is just a reminder, the crisis we are witnessing isn't because a very, very narrow of Democratic Party elites believe in Critical Race Theory or white privilege. Both are bullshit. Although brothers and sisters in this nation of all race and creed are exploited and we should appreciate that in how we treat each other. 
The hate in this nation is palpable. And, a free mind doesn't hate.  It's placed there by the ruling class that maintains itself by dividing the masses. The free mind and free will are dead.
posted by TimingLogic at 12:37 PM

Thursday, July 29, 2021

The Future Of SARS And Vaccines Is Yet To Be Writ

Update. I want to provide a link to an article that everyone should consider in the event they become infected with SARS. It’s free and published today on the Wall Street Journal. The title (link here) is Why is the FDA Attacking a Safe, Effective Drug. It highlights the possibility of corporate interests capturing and controlling our government. Who, then, rather than acting in the public good, does the bidding of capitalism.

Original post-

We live in a world of nearly pure ignorance. And most people who participate by participating in social media, politics and the polarizing left versus right meme revel in it. On nearly every topic politicized in our society, the participants know almost nothing but cannot wait to wag our finger at everyone else. I’ve noted many times on here that to be human is to be a hypocrite. But, the question is are we even a miniscule of aware enough to recognize it in ourselves? In the cult of self world, that is generally not the case. In the propaganda-riddled US, hypocrisy is taken to an art form. 

I doubt there was another person who publicly penned a few major articles or statements before a single death caused by SARS that the US response would be a disaster across a whole modicum of issues.  The US response has been far, far worse that I ever could have imagined.  I don’t think most people appreciate the level of horror in our response because they don’t want to know.  Or, because they listen to their favorite propagandists in the media or politics.

The fate of SARS and the vaccine has not been writ.  Yet, countless talking heads decree our fate. The pandemic is over.  The pandemic never was.  The list of decrees is endless.  It doesn’t matter if they think this is no worse than the flu, if it’s a conspiracy theory of a hive mind political elite whose strings are pulled by the World Economic Forum or if they think it’s going to kill all of our children. The madness and true idiocy is exhausting. And, it’s likely to get worse across a whole multitude of factors.  Primarily is the collapse of capitalism I’ve been writing for the last decade will likely hit a major crisis in 2022 with the potential failure of US empire.  That is heating up substantially as global capital flows(US empire driven plunder) have recently collapsed and the Federal Reserve’s weekly credit report shows industrial and commercial loans have collapsed possibly the most since the Great Depression at –30%. (I’d need to do a historical data analysis to confirm this and I’m too lazy.) And, the just released personal income component of GDP collapsed at a –30% annualized rate.

Let me pause here for a minute.  I believe I made this statement one other time on here in the last fifteen years but the risks to supply chain shocks, shortages and the like is growing. It’s not getting better. Capitalism has created a disaster by spreading supply chains globally so they don’t need to pay US living wages.  This is no different than the supply chain shocks felt by the Nazis invading the USSR. Shocks that caused their campaign failure.  And, as noted many times, one of my anticipated outcomes to this cycle is that many corporations will shrink substantially and some will likely outright collapse as capitalism enters systemic failure into 2022 and beyond. If you can’t get supply of anything to sell, how can you stay in business.  US corporations, by many metrics, are the most mismanaged in the world. More on this later.

I am not an extremist nor do I subscribe to any conspiracy theories. Everything that is happening is explainable because humanity lives in an incredibly propagandized world where free will and free thought are almost never practiced due to incredible corporate control. 

I would recommend you keep your gas tanks full. Have enough gas to get to a safe place in the event of a crisis.  Have enough food on hand to ensure you can survive for a couple of months or if you can afford it, even a little longer. Simple things like a five gallon bucket of rice for $20 and similarly some form of dried bean placed in long term food storage foiled bags will last essentially forever.  And, if you can afford it, acquire some form of self protection. Even a container of pepper spray.  People of all color and creed are unhinged or one moment away from becoming unhinged. For the first time in my adult life, I have a gun in my home. And, as noted on here, I’m as close to a pacifist as possible without actually being one.  Violence solves nothing.  It will never be taken out of my home as I have no concealed carry permit. I have no reason to believe I will ever need it. But, it is a risk that I choose to take seriously. We see that you are the first responder to any situation and there is literally no protection offered by any law enforcement officials when spontaneous events occur.

Yesterday, this video was posted from Robert Malone, one of the original inventors of RNA vaccine technology. From what we are possibly starting to see concerns him about the development of ADE within vaccinated populations.(You can investigate this yourself but it’s essentially that the vaccinated upon re-exposure to SARS can actually experience a worse infection due to the vaccine.) Malone is not a conspiracy theorist and is actually vaccinated.  He provides a measured and steady comment.  Right now, the data doesn’t exist to confirm or deny this. But the risks appear rising now with the Israeli government stating the Pfizer vaccine is down to 38% efficacy. This is being blamed on a new variant but the data doesn’t exist to validate that.  It’s just as likely the vaccines either never worked as described due to faulty trials and short trial lengths.  What is also disconcerting is a growing number of people being hospitalized are vaccinated. Countries with the highest vaccination rates are now often seeing the highest infection rates.

If this weren’t enough, there are major researchers including from places like MIT that are now concerned about both SARS and the vaccine proteins as being associated with prion diseases. In other words, like Mad Cow disease.  Except in humans, which goes by the name of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Right now, these are concerns but the level of transparency and research being done to stay ahead of any aspect of policy or the health and resilience of our society is essentially nonexistent.  If this is true, so much for the half wits who couldn’t wait to tell everyone this is no worse than the flu.  The fate of this pandemic, of vaccines and this moment in time has yet to be writ. And, those who continually attempt to write it in real time are jerking society back and forth for their own financial gains and selfish purposes.  In other words, power, control and the corporate state are failing in their attempts to maintain their entitlement and positioning themselves as experts, that they obviously are not.

If, and I repeat, if, these dynamics start to unfold as more than hypotheses, I can imagine a form of social unrest and civil disobedience that could easily create incredible global chaos where governments and corporations fall like dominoes. And, I’ve noted exactly that for a future outcome over the term of this blog. One most appreciate, this has almost nothing to do with any virus. It has to do with the exposure and transparency of that which has existed since the Industrial Revolution. That is, how political, military and production has combined to create a massively propagandized existence ruled by pathology and gross incompetence.  The dynamics we are witnessing are a truth serum for the dark ages of institutionalized rot, incompetence and control of humanity to which people are now awakening. We can never go back because what the world is now awakening to isn’t a left or right or pandemic issue.  It’s that corporate capitalism and its private forces have devoured our freedoms and cleverly manipulate us to maintain a dehumanizing existence to provide the ruling military, economic and political class with their entitlement.

One final remark regarding this situation. Are you sure your government isn’t fanning the flames of your emotions by stating this has come from a Chinese lab? If Americans had some degree of self-awareness, they might appreciate how much the CIA manipulates the press.  And, the lead prognosticator in the Wuhan lab hypothesis, Mike Pompeo, is the former head of the CIA. After the 1970s, Church Commission uncovered how the CIA was essentially running our government and creating chaos around the world, Watergate journalist Carl Bernstein penned in Rolling Stones how the CIA essentially controlled large aspects of the press. That was fifty years ago. Does anyone think this magically turned in the other direction? Links here and another report here.  We don’t know where this virus came from and being hostile to China and demanding their accountability will solve nothing. Australian researchers working at Wuhan said none of the researchers ever got sick. Which is far different that the propaganda delivered without facts by the US media.  Maybe it came from a lab. Maybe it didn’t. Regardless, either way, science and the failures of science as a religion are involved in the narrative.

The scientists who state there is a 90% certainty this comes from a lab are applying statistics to a problem they don’t understand.  In other words, they are bullshitting themselves and you.  And, there is likely some subconscious ego-driven dynamics of becoming important, positioning themselves as experts, or becoming wealthy or entitled that drives our capitalist society are likely involved.  In other words, it’s driven by worship of power and money just as much or even more than discovery and truth.  To state it could have come from a lab and this is what I am seeing that needs investigated is far different than drawing conclusions they don’t understand.  The lack of scientific rigor in this world is palpable.  As noted numerous times on here, science is headed for a massive crisis and in many regards is already in systemic failure. How ironic those statements were given the science of SARS policy responses have often been brutally unscientific yet portrayed as science.

Our government continues to fail in its policies in handling our economy, protecting our citizens and SARS policy.  Our government is captured and has been devoured by corporate capitalism.  Nothing, regardless of party affiliation, can be trusted as truthful.  And, the regulatory agencies such as the CDC, Federal Reserve and FDA were created to benefit corporate capitalism and allow judge, legislator and executive to be rolled into these agencies to do the bidding of corporations without transparency.  We don’t have a functioning democracy and, to be honest, probably seldom had one in our past except when the masses arose with threats to eat their corporate masters. 

posted by TimingLogic at 11:44 AM